Not a terrible episode, though a little all-over-the-place. Skinner's story was
somewhat interesting, even if the make-up with Agnes was completely unearned, and Grampa's story, small as it is for titling the episode, was fine. VERY SHORT, running just
under 21 minutes even with the first full opening sequence in a long time (with
extra long couch gag) and a direct reference to one of the original episode lengtheners. Also, why not make the moon weight gag realistic (divide a reasonable weight by 6)?
...that Szechuan Sauce everyone's going crazy about from Rick and Morty in the opening sequence (in the checkout scene)?
...Sideshow Mel's Uranus shirt doesn't help indicate the "non-naughty" pronunciation very well, saying it's "UR-AH-NUS"?
...Agnes calls Seymour's dream school just "Ohio State University" and isn't corrected (people from the area tend to be pretty insistent that it's "THE Ohio
State University")?
Previous episode stuff
1F13: Homer gets an astronaut discount
KABF18: Bart's gum earplugs somewhat like in that episode, without the disgusting bone gag
DABF05: Script in final scene reminiscent of the "play" "I'm Gonna Kill You" 9F16: Nobody Knows Hans Moleman (filler between execs and credits) is modeled quite clearly on Everyone Loves Ned Flanders
At the end of act 3, we see that the scripted lines the family is working from describes an episode tag (accurately), after saying the scene fades out (which episodes don't do these days)
Alf Clausen, demoted/dismissed composer emeritus, still gets songwriting credit
in this episode for "Nobody Knows Hans Moleman", so that's nice.
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: (1:229/2)