"When Disney acquired 20th Century Fox, and among its many assets the rights to The Simpsons, most people had one of two reactions. Either you said, "Cool, it will be even easier to stream The Simpsons now," or if you're the type of person
to use the word "cromulent" in everyday conversation, you said, "Dear god, what did they do to the aspect ratio? Rest assured that I was on the internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world."
Outside of the cultural blandness created by Disney's black hole swallowing up everything, the change in ownership probably doesn't mean much in the short term. Yes, The Simpsons used to mock Disney with clockwork regularity, and yes, it has a far bleaker view of American culture than Disney's soothing "Turn off your brain and enjoy these adorable animals" approach. But The Simpsons settled into unchallenging middle age long ago. Compared to shows like Rick And Morty, it looks downright quaint.
So you can still watch the old episodes, and you can still ignore the new ones. There will be minor changes, as Hank Azaria is no longer voicing Apu (it's unclear whether they're hiring a new actor or retiring the character), and anyone who dares to mention the Michael Jackson episode will likely be killed in
their sleep. But the weird question of the day is: What happens when the show ends?
Because its current incarnation will have to end eventually, thanks to the ceaseless march of time, if nothing else. The show's oldest star, Julie Kavner, will turn 70 this year, and they've already lost multiple secondary characters to the deaths of actors. The show was already a loss leader for Fox, and for Disney, the value isn't in "We'll have episode 17 of Season 36, 'Bart Gets Yet Another Suspension Because He's Trapped In The Fourth Grade For A Restless Eternity.'" It's in having the classic episodes to keep people subscribed to Disney+ over the long haul. It's their Friends, their Office, the show they want
to capture in amber to be watched forever. It's, ugh, "bingeable.""
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)