• November 2018 MBR The Library CD Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, February 26, 2019 01:23:38
    From: mwbookrevw@aol.com

    The Library CD Shelf

    Small Treasures
    Kerani Music Production
    $TBA CD / $9.49 MP3 amazon.com

    Small Treasures is a neo-classical album featuring keyboardist and composer Kerani on piano (and some synthesizer), with support from a live string quartet
    (members of Andre Rieu's Johan Strauss Orchestra) and a handful of special guest musicians and
    vocalists. Soul-stirring and extraordinarily beautiful, Small Treasures makes an excellent gift for connoisseurs of fine music. Highly recommended. The tracks are "Temple of Roses", "Fields of Hungary", "Sakura", "Fantasy in White", "Celtic Mystery", "
    Garden of Dreams", "Where the Heart Belongs", "Echo of our Souls", "To the Heavens", and "Reflections of the Heart".

    Quiet Spaces: Flute Meditations for Mindfulness and Relaxation
    Ann Licater
    Cul de Sac Mystic Productions
    $15.95 amazon.com

    Quiet Spaces: Flute Meditations for Mindfulness and Relaxation lives up to its title with soothing music played on Native American, Native American-style, folk, and alto flutes in solo and duet compositions from Ann Licater. Ideal for
    stress reduction,
    or for playing during yoga, meditation, or rest, Quiet Spaces is a gentle, mind-expanding soundscape, highly recommended for both personal and public library collections. The tracks are "Quiet Spaces", "Ancestral Gathering", "Aspen Awakening", "Ancient
    Shores", "Canyon Solace", "Return to Peace", "Divine Harmony", "Morning Rain Reflections", "Celestial Traveler", "Woven Hearts", "Dreaming at Daybreak", "Candlelight Journey", "Wings of Sleep", "Tranquil Dreams", and "Celtic Sun Salutation". 46 min. 35

    In The Distance
    Michael Bohne
    Privately Published
    $TBA CD / $9.49 MP3 amazon.com

    In The Distance is a new age music album of solo piano compositions, expertly crafted and performed by Michael Bohne. The songs are inspired by the thought of a terrible, global extinction event and its aftermath... would the few remaining survivors fade
    to nothing, or find a way to press on? Emotional and thought-provoking, In The Distance is highly recommended. The tracks are "When the Time Comes", "Regarding Stonehenge", "Solar Flare", "Never Looking Back", "Descent", "Phantoms Along the Shore", "The
    Wolves' Den", "Disconnected", "Taking the Scenic Route", "Fading Memories", and
    "When the Stars Disappeared".

    Even For A Moment
    Gary Schmidt
    Heart Dance Records
    $13.98 CD / $11.49 MP3 amazon.com

    Award-winning neo-classical music artist Gary Schmidt presents Even For A Moment: Piano for the Soul, an album featuring primarily original compositions with piano solos, as well as two classical selections; some tracks have a single complimentary
    instrument. Sublime in its expression, Even For A Moment is a font of inspiration, and makes an excellent gift for connoisseurs of the genre. Highly recommended. The tracks are "If This Is The Time", "Inside This River", "Face That Lights My Face", "A
    Train Leaves The City", "The Breath At Dawn", "Even For A Moment", "Menuet In Gm", "Sub Tide", "Simply By Looking", "Crescent Light", "The Light Seems To Move", "No Better Gift", "Adagio For Strings", and "Postlude To A Moment".

    Can't Be Denied
    Mark Wayne Glasmire
    Traceway Records
    $13.82 CD / $9.49 MP3 amazon.com

    Can't Be Denied is an album of original country/Americana songs by singer and guitarist Mark Wayne Glasmire. The emotional lyrics draw upon the ups and downs
    of everyday life, and speak to the heart even as Glasmire's resonant guitar chords stir the
    spirit. Can't Be Denied is a "must" for listeners with a passion for soulful country music, highly recommended. The tracks are "I've Got A Feeling", "Those Nights", "Can't Be Denied", "Without You", "Alysia", "Borderline", "Feel Your Love", "Gone Too
    Soon", "This Too Shall Pass", "Deep Inside My Heart", "Out of the Frying Pan", and "Thru My Eyes".

    Calm Waters, Rolling Swells & Roiling Seas
    Various Whaling City Artists
    Whaling City Sound
    c/o Naxos (dist.)
    $12.82 amazon.com

    Calm Waters, Rolling Swells & Roiling Seas: A Whaling City Sampler is an eclectic music CD showcasing some of the best jazz recordings from a wide variety of music artists. A treasury for connoisseurs of the genre, Calm Waters, Rolling Swells & Roiling
    Seas is a vibrant, multifaceted delight, highly recommended. The tracks are "Jennifer" (Reggie Young), "Jano" (Rale Micic), "Sophisticated Lady" (Greg Murphy), "What's New" (Terry Gibbs), "Alfie" (Gerry Gibbs Thrasher Dream Trio),
    "Cast Your Fate to the
    Wind" (Gerry Gibbs Thrasher Dream Trio), "The Faction of Cool" (Jason Miles & Ingrid Jensen), "Whaling City Sound" (Greg Abate), "Kojak" (Gerry Gibbs Thrasher People), "Meatsauce" (AGNZ), "Liberian Hummingbird" (Dave Liebman Group), "Receipt, Please" (
    Marcus Monteiro), "Last Song" (Steven Kirby), and "Lovely Ernestina" (New Bedford Sea Chantey Chorus).

    Stranger Days
    David Wright
    AD Music
    $13.03 - $19.88 https://www.admusicshop.com/product/stranger-days

    Available both as a double CD and as a digital download in MP3, Flac, or Apple Lossless, Stranger Days is an album of "electronic space rock", drawing upon elements of new age, electronic, and chill genres to evoke visions of the future. Featuring both
    new material and reworked versions of a handful of artist David Wright's previous tracks, Stranger Days is a mind-expanding journey, and a "must" for connoisseurs of the genre. Highly recommended. The Disc 1 tracks are "A Moment's Contemplation", "Re-
    Connected", "Beyond Glass Mountains", "Walking With Ghosts Fantasy", "Krystal Halls", "Always Tomorrow", "Once Upon A Dream", "Stranger Days, Part 1", "Stranger Days, Part 2", "Stranger Days, Part 3", "Stranger Days, Part 4", "Stranger Days, Part 5", "
    Stranger Days, Part 6", and "Stranger Days, Part 7". The Disc 2 tracks are "Rysheara 2018 version", "Call To Me 2018 remix", "Walking With Ghosts 2018", "Melt Away", "Harmonic Heaven, Part 1", "Harmonic Heaven, Part 2", "Light Source, Part 1", "Light
    Source, Part 2", "Colours of the Night 2018 version", "The Forgotten Symphony First Movement", "Second Movement", "Third Movement", and "Fourth Movement".

    Malice, Mercy, Grief & Wrath
    Belle Plaine
    Privately Published
    $TBA CD / $8.91 MP3 amazon.com

    Malice, Mercy, Grief & Wrath is a music album that speaks to experiencing pain and loss, and the difficult search to find meaning after being parted from a loved one. Profound and thoughtful, Malice, Mercy, Grief & Wrath succintly expresses the human
    search to understand the inexplicable. Highly recommended. The tracks are "For All Those Who I Love", "Golden Ring", "Squared Up", "Taxes and Death and You", "Is It Cheating", "Are We Good", "Laila Sady Johnson Wasn't Beaten By No Train", "Radio Dreams",
    and "Rock Bottom".


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promoting
    literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no funds from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these reviews on
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    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "California
    Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwatch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available for free
    on the Midwest Book
    Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugalmuse
    (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publisher, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number, and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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