• =?UTF-8?Q?The_potential_pitfalls_of_technologies_like_Elon_Musk?= =?UTF

    From FBInCIAnNSATerroristSlayer@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, January 29, 2022 22:57:39
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    From: FBInCIAnNSATerroristSlayer@yahoo.com

    Elon Musk doesn't know that CIA NSA MI6 MI5 CSIS ASIS ASIO Psychopaths COMPLETELY REVERSE ENGINEERED human brain and DEVELOPED Mind Control Technologies by the 1970s.

    It is a COMPLETE JOKE that Neuralink developed a COIN SIZED CHIP.

    CIA developed MIND CONTROL NANOBOTS 50 years ago and have been SECRETLY CHIPPING cocksucking confused gender white filth for the last 50 yrs.

    CIA n NSA also SHARED this technology with their COUNTERPARTS in MI6 MI5
    ASIS ASIO CSIS and other intelligence agencies around the world and
    Global Public by SPRAYING Mind Control Nanobots in the AIR we breathe.
    We INHALE those Nanobots and they travel through our noses into our
    BRAINS and attach themselves to SYNAPSES and NEURONS and STAY THERE FOREVER.

    Later CIA n NSA developed even more ADVANCED MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY by
    LINKING "Individual UNIQUE DNA Resonance Frequency" to NSA Quantum
    Computer HIVE AI and REMOTELY OPERATING millions of humans like PUPPETS.

    Elon Musk is a fucking OVER RATED JOKER.

    A couple of University Scientists at University of Buffalo DEVELOPED
    Mind Control Technology and REMOTELY OPERATED animals with MIND CONTROL NANOBOTS back in 2010, that is 12 fucking years back with JUST a couple

    With Magnetic Nanoparticles, Scientists Remotely Control Neurons and
    Animal Behavior



    Legal scholar warns of emerging issues for ethics and criminal law

    The potential pitfalls of technologies like Elon Musk’s Neuralink
    Legal scholar warns of emerging issues for ethics and criminal law

    Legal researchers consider the complex legal and ethical consequences of neurotechnologies, with a focus on Elon Musk's new device.

    8 September 2020

    Elon Musk announced that one of his companies, Neuralink, had had
    implanted an interface (a kind of computer chip) about the size of coin
    into the skull of a pig named Gertrude. Neuralink researchers wirelessly
    linked the brain to an external computer, to establish a connection
    between the two.

    Whilst the device is not yet approved for implantation into a human
    brain, the company also announced that it had obtained US Food and Drug Administration approval to expedite the regulatory process toward this goal.

    This brain-computer interfacing technology might be thought of as
    another step on the road to a merger between humans and artificial intelligence. It could enable a human to control a cursor, wheelchair or
    drone by mental act rather than a more conventional bodily action, like pressing a button or controlling a mouse by hand.

    But there are more complex potential consequences to consider.

    " For example, if a person were to commit a crime by way of
    brain-computer interface, what would the ‘criminal act’ be? "
    Authors, Dr Allan McCay, Sydney Law School and Dr Nicole Vincent, UTS

    If, at some point in the future, a person controls a drone by thought to
    kill someone, a court may have to respond to an unorthodox crime.

    Aside from Neuralink, other so-called ‘neurotechnologies’ are available from or under development by other companies. These include brain
    stimulations aimed at altering psychological states, which also raises hypothetical questions about criminal responsibility.

    Authors, Dr Allan McCay, Sydney Law School and Dr Nicole Vincent, UTS

    If, at some point in the future, a person controls a drone by thought to
    kill someone, a court may have to respond to an unorthodox crime.

    Aside from Neuralink, other so-called ‘neurotechnologies’ are available from or under development by other companies. These include brain
    stimulations aimed at altering psychological states, which also raises hypothetical questions about criminal responsibility.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: you cannot sedate... all the things you hate (1:229/2)