• The Dead Don't Die

    From Simon T@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, June 20, 2020 21:39:55
    From: darkangel5@DONTEMAILMEbtinternet.com

    Deadpan zombie comedy starring Bill Murray and Adam Driver as a couple
    of bumbling small town cops, who find themselves caught up in the middle
    of a zombie apocalypse.

    Good fun, but very slow. Got a surprisngly good supporting cast too,
    including Steve Buscemi, Danny Glover, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits and Tilda

    Whether you'll enjoy this will depend on your love of deadpan humour. I
    thought it passed 90mins quite well, but it's not exactly "Return of the
    Living Dead".

    I'd say it's worth 90mins of your time anyway.

    Best Wishes
    Simon (Dark Angel)

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