• RE > Re: Not Complete Crap (YMMV)

    From john@1:229/2 to giallovera@ULTRAMEGAgmail.com on Monday, January 06, 2020 03:51:21
    From: nanasreport@gwalter.demon.co.uk

    Giallo_Vera <giallovera@ULTRAMEGAgmail.com> wrote in message news:ca4b33af$1$32a9$b68c6490@dont-email.me..
    On 21/11/2019 5:46 pm, The White Lady wrote:
    ReVulse <ReVulse@psychaoticREMOVETHIS.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in news:qr4ha1$3pk$1@dont-email.me:

    A few more films I've seen recently that I thought deserved a mention

    I'm sure you'll be really glad you bothered.

    Jesus... you really are kind of a monster aren't you?
    I appreciate the heads-ups ReVulse, i was very curious about ANTRUM it
    looked like it had potential.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)