From Dr Walpurgis@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, January 02, 2018 16:53:38
    From: burke.dennings@cunting.hun

    You alright, son?


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  • From Simon T@1:229/2 to Dr Walpurgis on Tuesday, January 02, 2018 21:46:38
    From: darkangel5@REMOVETHISBITlineone.net

    On 02/01/2018 16:53, Dr Walpurgis wrote:
    You alright, son?


    Actually I'm kinda shocked as I wasn't aware anyone read my news page????

    But to answer your question, in short, keeping the website regularly
    updated has become a bit of a millstone around the neck.

    If you want a more detailed explanation, which I'll try and keep as
    breif as possible. Basically, when I first started my site some 18 years
    ago I just used to update the news once a month and add the odd review
    every couple of weeks, when I felt like it.

    Now I seem to be getting inundated with review requests and people
    asking me to publicise this film and that. Which is nice, but rather
    than being able to do things in my own time, its like I'm having to add
    stuff on a near daily basis just to keep on top of things and has almost
    become like having a second full-time job.

    This has been made more complicated by the fact that most people seem to
    get their news from social media these days, so everytime I post
    something new to the site I'm having to repost it on FB and Twitter. So
    that's essentially tripled my workload.

    Also, I now work funny shift hours, meaning I now work longer days, but
    shorter weeks, so have little time in the evenings to do much of
    anything. So I'm spending my days off basically catching up on jobs I
    would have normally done after work, then spending the rest of the time
    doing website updates, social media posts etc.

    Also, I don't seem to attract anywhere near as many site visitors as
    once I used to (won't bore you with the reasons, but essentially because
    of how the web and search engines have changed amongst other things).
    Although I've tried to promote the site through social media, the
    problem with Twitter is whenever you make a post, blink and you'll miss
    it. And with FB, despite having many subscribers to my page, they
    deliberately restrict how many people see your posts in their feed,
    unless you pay them to increase your post reach. And as my site is
    basically a labour of love project, I'm not inclined to do that.

    There is a lot of things I'd like to do differently with the site, but
    don't seem to have the time as I'm basically peddling as fast as I can
    just to stand still, which combined with the apparent lack of interest
    in the site and being unable to promote it properly has left me
    wondering if its worth carrying on, especially given how much web
    hosting costs.

    So I've decided to take a breather whilst I figure out how, or even if,
    I want to carry on with things.

    I intend keeping my YouTube channel as I am actually earning a couple of
    quid off that (not much, but a little) and I recently paid for another
    years web hosting, so the site isn't going anywhere for now (note, the
    "for now"). But I'm going to have to have a long hard think about things.

    In the meantime, I have a number of jobs on the back burner I intend
    cracking on with and there are other hobbies I'm going to take the time
    out to pursue, but then I'll be having a major re-evaluation.

    Best Wishes
    Simon (Dark Angel)

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