• Re: My Chat with the NWO!!! #2

    From Ray Pruit@1:229/2 to HitchKing on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 17:10:19
    From: raypruitdamnation@gmail.com

    On Saturday, October 31, 1998 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-6, HitchKing wrote:
    Here's the second chat with Damnam. It's much shorter but it shows just how much Brian Parent can bother these guys. If you have not read the first one, I encourage you to do so. Once again my comments will be enclosed with *'s.

    HitchKing1: Did you read my post about the NWO today?

    *I am referring to the one with the subject "A Question for the NWO" where I politely ask them to leave. Note that I am under my regular screen name. Can you believe that HitchKing was already taken?*

    Damnam2: Buddy, I am so fucking mad, that I could care less
    about the NWO, right now.

    *Might I congratulate Mr. Parent*

    HitchKing1: What's got you so mad?
    Damnam2: Did you read what poser boy Brian wrote?

    *Although no explanation is necessary, we are speaking of the one in which Brian reposts Damnam's alt.homosexual/broomstick post. I, at the time of the chat, had not read it*

    HitchKing1: No. What did he say?
    Damnam2: Just read it. I don't understand, on how he
    exposed my name and email address,

    *To my recollection, he didn't.*

    but my server is looking
    in on it.

    *Your server wouldn't look in on a school full of burning nuns*

    HitchKing1: Oh, he posted your name! My goodness, is that

    *NOTE: I am not serious*

    Damnam2: You know, we were gonna stay away, but Brian
    is being very dumb and the same for Childtempl. He exposed
    my email address to fags and some how used my name.

    *Again, might I congratulate Mr. Parent. Kudos to Marco!*

    HitchKing1: Haven't you been exposing people's home
    Damnam2: No, I never posted shit about them being in a fag
    news group.

    *Damnam not-so-cleverly avoids the question*

    HitchKing1: Oh. Well, have you gotten emails from people?
    I thought you blocked your email when a bunch of people
    started forwarding you your posts? Isn't your email
    "damnam2@aol.com"? Sorry, I've been off alt.horror for a
    little while, I'm not caught up in the loop.

    *Not true but I had to play innocent*

    Damnam2: Yeah it's blocked, too bad Brian didn't no that.

    *-If- his email is blocked, it kinda makes you wonder what he was getting so upset about (plus the fact that anyone could have found out the address by clicking "Reply to Author")

    Damnam2: know

    *My goodness! He realized his own spelling mistake. Has hell frozen over?*

    HitchKing1: Then what are you so mad about? Relax, getting
    angry will just give that wimp Brian what he wants.

    *NOTE: I had to play innocent. Brian is not a wimp*

    Damnam2: Someone posted my name and email address and
    now I'm the fag of the group, how would you feel about it?

    *My dear boy, you've always been the fag of the group*

    Damnam2: Angry, I supposed.
    HitchKing1: What do you mean you're the fag of the group?
    HitchKing1: And yes, I would be angry.

    *I actually wouldn't care*

    Damnam2: Brian and that fuck Childtempl are going to
    spread this fag issue about a post that they claim that I posted,
    but I didn't. I'm not a fag and it's Brian who is trying to burn

    *It seems someone struck a nerve, no?*

    HitchKing1: Brian's a wimp and Childtempl's a moron.
    Screw em! Screw em both I say!!!

    *Relax, just playing innocent again*

    HitchKing1: Woopsydaisies, gotta go! Talk to ya later!

    *I really did have to go but Damnam wanted to talk to me SO much that he wrote this:*

    Damnam2: Everyone is erased from our hitlist and Brian and
    Childtempl are the ones who we are going to get back at.

    *UH OH! You better watch out guys! Damnam is gonna whoop your ass! (end sarcasm because Damnam couldn't whoop a burning nun*

    HitchKing1: How are you going to do that? Wait, gotta go!
    See ya later!

    *I really did have to go. Read part three; my conversation with "Smiley".

    In case you haven't been paying attention, Damnam is stupid (and he shoves broomsticks up his rectum)*

    "And aren't we glad that her parents decided to
    have her made a woman!"
    Jeffrey Rudd on Jamie Lee Curtis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
    This message has been brought to you by HitchKing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

    Damnam will get you for this.

    "Hey Donna."----- Ray Pruit.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)