They're in a Netflix doc called "Meet the Hitlers".
His child custody battle was interesting as he turned up to court in a
tan coloured Nazi uniform, like the one Hitler wore, and sporting a
toothbrish moustache and was trying to argue with the judge why he
should be allowed access to his kids.
They're in a Netflix doc called "Meet the Hitlers".
His child custody battle was interesting as he turned up to court in a
tan coloured Nazi uniform, like the one Hitler wore, and sporting a >toothbrish moustache and was trying to argue with the judge why he
should be allowed access to his kids.
You couldn't make this up!!!!!
Yes...I know!
If there's a nuclear winter, at least it'll snow.
Not the bloke who dressed himself as a Nazi and his kid as Adolf and then >>> complained that people weren't very nice to him at the family party?
And that man's name was.........Donald Trump.
Not the bloke who dressed himself as a Nazi and his kid as Adolf and then >>>> complained that people weren't very nice to him at the family party?
And that man's name was.........Donald Trump.