• The Life of Gregory Peter Francis Daly

    From danielthomasandrewdaly@live.com.au@1:229/2 to All on Friday, September 15, 2017 19:33:34
    The Life of Gregory Peter Francis Daly

    A brief bio by his Big Brother Danny Daly

    Copyright 2015.

    Gregory Peter Francis Daly was born on the 14th of February 1976 in Cooma Hospital, New South Wales, Australia, the third son of Cyril Aloysius Daly and Mary Philomena Daly nee Baker. Greg had two older brothers, Matthew Joseph Anthony Daly (born 21st of
    October 1969 in Cooma Hospital) and Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly (born 20th of November 1972 in Hull Maternity Hospital, England), as well as two older sisters, Brigid (born 26th of October 1971) and Jacinta (born 8th of January 1974) both also born in
    Cooma hospital. All five children are the children of Cyril and Mary. Greg's first home was 7 Bent street in Berridale. He is a redhead, and I remember us holding him in the back yard when he was little. Greg was bright - straight away at school he was
    academic, and the brains in the family. Excellent at mathematics, technically minded like his father. Greg went on the family holidays like us all to Tathra and the East coast of NSW. He played with me and Peter Collins a lot of the time in Cooma, were
    we lived in the 1980s, at 6 Bradley Street. I remember Greg had a Transformers dinobot which I was always jealous of. Greg liked dinosaurs a lot as a kid, and
    he had a star chart globe later on which lit up the ceiling of a room with the constellations
    from a lamp inside it. He played armymen with me constantly as a kid, and we played cricket in the back yard for years. Greg was reasonably popular at school, and had friends, and had a crush on a 'Chelsea Mensch' he once told me.
    Greg would go to the
    river Murrumbidgee with us and swim. He would also go with me and Matt and Gerard Bryant to a river just beyond Numerella a lot as a kid, which had a whirlpool sort of mini rock falls, and it was great fun. Greg read the same sorts of fantasy books I
    read in his teens, and he read all of Alan Dean Fosters 'Spellsinger' series (6
    volumes) which I owned but never got around to reading, and he also read Mike Jeffries 'Loremasters of Elundium' series which I also owned but never got around to reading. Of
    course, he read the Belgariad books, and loved them like me and Matt, and he probably read 'The Twilight Realm' by Christoper Carpenter but I can't remember
    for sure. He's a big Star Wars fan like me, and owns the original trilogy on video Cassette. He
    is musical, like me, at the keyboard primarily, and has advanced to level 4, but says its too much time and practice to bother with going anymore. Greg married Christie Gonzaga a number of years back, and they have one son James Adelino Cyril Daly.
    Recently Greg was in England with mum (who is still there on a 7 week holiday) with James, and he had a good time. Mum reported James came out of his shell a lot, and took a shining to Josie, Madelenes friend. Greg has degrees in commerce/economics sort
    of field and philosophy I think and a grad dip in accounting from memory, and has recently studied aged care to work in that field. He worked in the Public Service here in Canberra for a number of years, as well as in Perth were he currently lives, but
    didn't like it much. He has worked at Woolworths a fair bit, and worked for YCW
    (Young Christian Workers) for quite a while before his other main jobs. He met Kylie Letham (I think that is her surname) in YCW and dated her for a while, but that didn't
    last, and he met Christie in YCW also I thin, and ended up marrying her. Greg has remained Catholic his whole life, and went to St Pats in Cooma from kindie to year 8 I think, but then Marist brothers in Canberra when we moved to Canberra in 1990. He
    might have done year 8 in Marist - I can't remember for sure. Greg composes, and has written several piano melodies in his time, as well as working on a concerto/symphony sort of work. He also has recorded a song called 'Holiday' with Christie on vocals,
    and its an ok pop song. Greg listens to a moderate amount of modern music, but is not huge on CDs. He likes TV a fair bit, and supports Carlton in the AFL, Australia in the Cricket, and the Bulldogs in the Rugby League like me and Alan
    Bradley, our
    sister Jacinta's husband. Greg has seen them play live a number of times, and we've both seen them play live the Canberra Raiders here in Canberra. Greg had a go at writing a few years back a Sci Fi work called the 'Sentopol Wars'. His grammar needed
    work, but he had good ideas for Sci Fi. I think he can write ok, but needs to wait till later on in life when he has more knowledge and experience. He has capabilities in this area. Greg has a good friend who worked with him in Tax here in Canberra
    called Terrence, and I am a friend of Terrence as well. We went to Terrences place in North Canberra a number of years ago with mum, and had a good time. Terrence lives with his mum and dad. Greg drinks beer, and is known to occasionally get intoxicated,
    but he's no drunkard. He's a good brother, and I think life will ultimately work out ok for Greg. He has family, a home they are paying off, and things are
    ok for him. I am sure he himself would want things to be perfect, but that's just the way of life
    for some of us, isn't it. Greg's a good bloke, and a good brother.

    Written Monday 14th of November 6179 SC / 2016 CE. Gregory is now working aged care, doing work going to peoples homes to help them with their activities. He studied aged care earlier this year, and left his public service job because it
    wasn't working
    out for him. They had rented a place in Perth where they were living, and were renting out their home, but now he is again living in his Forrestfield address with his family. Greg occasionally goes fishing in Mandurah near Perth with his
    Adelino, and sometimes with his wife. Greg has mentioned to me that Christie, his wife, is a bit of a feminist, and from personal observations she is concerned on women's issues somewhat. Greg is continuing to work on his story 'The Sentopol Wars', and
    he emailed me a recent update which had shown a lot more story development and growth. He intends to finish it eventually. He has a website on youtube which has a couple of videos on it, and uses Facebook. Greg will be coming to Canberra for Christmas
    time this year, and staying for about 3 weeks. Other anecdotes from Greg's life, my mother has shared with me, include he played the Glockenspiel at St Pats school. He did a major project with Ben Peacock on currencies at school. Ben was a good friend of
    Greg's and he visited him once (perhaps more) in Goulburn where the Peacocks moved to. (as an aside the Peacocks used to send us a yearly letter they mailed
    out to family and friends on what had been happening in their lives). Christopher Peacock, Ben's
    father, was Greg's sponsor for his Catholic Confirmation, and they celebrated the confirmation night dinner at the Chinese Restaurant at the 4 mile outside of Cooma. Greg took the confirmation name of 'Paul' when he was confirmed that day. When Greg was
    in England as a kid with mum on holiday they once visited the Hull Little Theatre to see the King and I. Uncle Gerald also took Greg down south and they visited a monastery as well as Oxford and London.

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    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)