XPost: alt.guitar.amps
Number of criminal investigations involving Obama : 0
Number of criminal indictments involving Obama : 0
Number of impeachments involving Obama : 0
Kremlin Cruz.
U.S. To Owe More Than The Size Of Its Economy For The 1st Time In 75 Years
The federal government's accumulated debt burden is
projected to be larger than the overall economy next year for the first
time since 1946. Debt is expected to reach an all-time high of 107% of
gross domestic product in 2023.
Federal deficit in Trump’s final year: $3.3 trillion.
Individual #1 - Worse job record ever recorded in US history.
Individual #1 has become the first President on record — going back to President Harry Truman — to leave the White House with fewer jobs than
when he started.
Government records of monthly jobs numbers go back to 1939, the middle
of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration.
20.6 million continuing claims in the last week of November, according
to the most recent data. The Labor Department notes that the number of
claims may be larger than the total number of people receiving benefits.
Global shipping container shortage: the story so far
The global shortage of shipping containers, primarily caused by the
Covid-19 pandemic, has led to drastic inflation in shipping and
container prices and increased delay times for companies. We ask why
shipping is facing this container shortage and investigate the global
Why is the industry facing this shortage?
So where have the containers vanished to? A significant number of
containers have found themselves in inland depots while others have been stacking up at cargo ports.
As Asia slowly began to recover, other countries were still faced with
national lockdown restrictions meaning containers could not be sent back
to Asia (where they were really needed) to continue the trade
partnership. The pairing of lockdown regulations alongside other
factors, such as a staff deficit, meant a backlog of containers began to develop.
#TrumpTrash .. what are they ?
"If u can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best
colored man, he won't notice ur picking his pocket. Hell, give him
somebody 2 look down on, & he'll empty his pockets 4 u." - - LYNDON
BAINES JOHNSON (D-TX), U.S. President.
The only way #TrumpBillies are going to see trickle down from the 1% is
if they wipe the piss stains off their golden toilets.
If #TrumpBillies get divorced :
Are they still :
Cousins ,
Brother and sister ?
Daughter and step-father ?
Son and Mother ?
Lizzy took an ax
Gave the GQP 40 whacks
When she what she had done
She gave Moscow Mitch 41
U.S. economy grew at 6.4 percent annual rate in first quarter as
consumer spending drives robust recovery
It's the second-best quarterly reading since 2003.
Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in prison with
other people who did nothing wrong and were treated very unfairly too
Sad that Rudy will spend the rest of his rotten life in
prison with other people who did nothing wrong too
NOT ALL Republicans are racist, serial adulterers, or pedophiles.
ALL racist, serial adulterers, and pedophiles are REPUBLICANS.
Oreo ice-cream ?? .. I called it Uncle-Tim.
When #TrumpTrash hear "Trickle Down" .. it reminds them of their
step-daddies pissing on them in the outhouse
How to.debate #TrumpTrash asshole on any topic : "
You believed a porn fucking liar with a Euro Trash Tramp escort that
barely speaks Eglish .. who murdered 560,000 Americans ".
" You mean I could have just been a republican instead ? "
What were the first words Melania heard from Trump's mouth ?
"How much for the Russian wh0re ? "
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)