• : #MAGA-DEATH - Vaccine regrets multiply as Delta surges 'like a tsunam

    From " @1:229/2 to All on Sunday, January 09, 2022 17:49:50
    XPost: alt.guitar.amps
    From: BiteMe@Bitch.org

    Vaccine regrets multiply as Delta surges 'like a tsunami' among unvaccinated

    On Friday AP reported the story of Travis Campbell, who has been in a
    hospital in Virginia for two weeks battling Covid-19—which has caused
    him to develop pneumonia and left him with a partially collapsed
    lung—after putting off getting vaccinated not because of stubborn
    "vaccine hesitancy," but due to a move and knee surgery.

    "I messed up big time, you guys—I didn't get the vaccine," 43-year-old Campbell said in a video he posted to Facebook on Wednesday in




    Flor-a-Die #1

    Texas #2 !!!




    How To Heal From A Breakup with Dear Leader :


    Get a job

    Move to a mobile home park with running water

    Take daily showers

    Cut up your MAGA flags into toilet paper strips

    Purge all the nude photos of Melanoma from your phone


    Blame others


    Stop going to a rallies hosted by Proud Boys, KKK, and Pro-Nazi group

    Get a job


    Talk to someone you trust


    Do things you love to do without mentioning Dear Leader

    Feel the pain, let go when you’re ready and move on

    Get a job

    Feel your emotions, cry if you need to, don’t suppress your emotions

    Hang out with your friends, avoiding Dear Leader's name

    Treat yourself to dinner at Mc Donald's with a happy meal

    Read self empowering books

    Block Dear Leader ( IF HE STILL EXISTS ) on social media

    Get a job

    If you feel like you need to - then seek therapy

    Accept where you are in life. Losers can move on

    Focus on your limited best qualities.

    Rediscover yourself, make a list on what truly makes you happy

    Stop watching Diamond and Silk on NewsMax

    Get a job

    If all else fails - suicide really is painless. Just don't leave a mess
    for other's to clean up


    Did I miss anything ?


    #BunkerBitchDonnie lied about TrumpVirus and murdered more Americans
    than Hitler.



    falling condos

    dying TrumpBillies

    double wides with flat tires.

    Alex.. for 19.99..I'll take

    "what is a red-state shitteHole "

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: you cannot sedate... all the things you hate (1:229/2)