• Dr Shantanu Panigrahi - Complete Dosier for New Scotland Yard (1/7)

    From Anonymous Remailer (austria)@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, March 10, 2019 18:03:22
    XPost: misc.industry.utilities.electric, soc.college.admissions
    From: mixmaster@remailer.privacy.at

    Dr Shantanu Panigrahi, Scientist & Philosopher Extraordinaire, is the
    Victim of an Enormous Supra-National Conspiracy involving Governments,
    Courts, Police, Lawyers, Judges, Prosecutors, Forum Admins, Chicken
    Industry Executives, Educators, Politicians, Complaints-Handlers,
    Ombudsmen, Motorcyclists, Paedophiles, Secret Services & Mental Health Providers of UK, India, France, Pakistan, Botswana, Zimbabwe & other
    countries not as yet identified but could include Cameroon, Belgium,
    Zimbabwe, Holland & Kenya, but is bravely fighting back for Justice as documented at the websites:
    https://shantanup.wordpress.com https://groups.google.co.uk/forum/#!search/%22Shantanu%2BPanigrahi%22

    The following details are all available at the Website and are
    reproduced here for convenience:
    Addresses: 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SL, UK, also
    Plot 2457/1 Gourinagar, Bhubaneswar 751002, Odisha, India also A13/3
    Kalindi Housing Estate, North 24 Parganas, South Dum Dum, Kolkata
    700089, W.Bengal, India
    Emails: shanpanigrahi[at]yahoo.co.uk, panigrahi[at]gmail.com, catlovers[at]hotmail.co.uk, shan.panigrahi[at]nri.org
    Phones: (+44) 01634 379604, (+44) 07967 789619
    Dates of Birth: January 15 & August 8 1957, as/when required (selection
    on type of Disability Benefit, Legal Fees Waiver etc. being claimed),
    alt surname 'Praharaj'
    Net Wealth: About US$ 9,000,000 (Rs. 50 crore) including properties in
    Lawyers: Miss Courtney Olding c.olding[at]pohwer.net & her partner Prof
    Gurpal (Paul) Singh Tiwana tiwana9rf[at]btinternet.com, both of 12
    Nares Road, Parkwood, Rainham, ME8 9RF, UK
    UK Social Security (National Insurance) No. YZ330724D NHS No.
    6284771487 Hospital No. R570808AD


    DETAILS of the crimes suffered at http://shantanup.wordpress.com (you
    can show your support there)
    SUMMARIES of these crimes at https://twitter.com/shanpanigrahi & https://shantanup.wordpress.com/diary-2
    KEY to abbreviations at the end of this list; most places are in Kent
    or UK

    Theresa May as PM in my case no. E35YM660 for £5,000,000 to £15,000,000
    Room E503 RCJ (all occupants 2013-)
    North & Central Kent Magistrates Court (all judicial & administrative
    staff in 2014-5)
    H.M. Queen (dethronement & suing, Crown Immunity having been ruled
    bogus by Griffith-Jones at Medway County Court, but no beheading,
    because of Pardon issued)
    COBRA Committee under the PM
    Narendra Modi, P.M. of Republic of India, who I will take into custody
    at the earliest opportunity
    Shaiqa Shaffi, Solicitor, may be related to Shaquille
    Stephane Dujaric, Spokesman for the Secretary General of the UN
    The British State & all its agents at home & abroad - see https://shantanup.wordpress.com/2016/01/07
    Nicola Hazeldene, Digital Support Officer, Medway County Court
    Union of Petrol Station Pump Attendants, set up by myself despite TUC
    Jenny Lynn, who launched an intimidatory car attack on me on 12
    November 1997 so I would lose my Disciplinary Hearing that day at UoG
    Iain Flash Gordon Enterprises Ltd, in liquidation
    Shah & Co. Certified Accountants
    Christine Worsley, HMCTS Customer Investigations Team Directorate
    Linda Miller, Blue Yonder Labour
    Dave Moore, Admin Supervisor at CCMCC & relative of Patricia Moore
    Independent Police Complaints Commission, also renamed after my
    complaint (IOPC/IPCC)
    Rural African Network for Poultry, who trafficked contaminated drugs
    hidden in chickens & blamed me
    Catriona Morrison, tool of the Legal Ombudsman
    Sanchia Wheeler, Solicitor (Birmingham)
    Cabinet Office esp "Louise" who refused to give his surname
    Gherson Solicitors
    Janet Chipperfield, Prosecution Liaison Officer Kent Police
    Medway County Court
    Donna Edmunds, member of oldest profession
    Yashvardhan Kumar Sinha, London High Commissioner for India
    Paul R. Reddy, Practice Manager, S&G Solicitors
    Secretary General (ex) Ban Ki-moon of the UN
    Fahmida Yasmin, Master's Support Unit, Queen's Bench
    Dr Adoko Emezie, MD (psychiatry) locum to Canada House
    Central London Criminal Court (The Old Bailey)
    Vince Maple, Labour
    Lee Gledhill, Clerk at Alexander Barristers
    J.Shukla & Co. Chartered Surveyors
    International Criminal Court (ICC) (all Judges & senior management)
    Olympia Publishers
    Jane Mcneil, HMCTS Kent
    Dave Johnson, Legal Ombudsman in Wolverhampton
    Courtney Olding, Independent Advocate & useless moron
    Unknown hackers who stole the password to Satyam website & used it to
    resell risperidone
    Ian Drew, IOPC liar
    Deputy District Judge P.Hukwit Morling who should be arrested
    D Edwards, Dixon & Templeton Solicitors
    James O'Neill, Snr Admin Officer, CCMCC
    PC 1593 Christopher Parnell, North Yorkshire Police
    Anna Turnbull-Walker, Mental Health Solicitor supposedly representing
    but really betraying me
    Michael Gove, Justice Minister (2015)
    Andrew A. Adejoro, co-ordinator of secure detention facilities
    James Hadley Chase, Jr.
    David Jenkins at Queen's Bench Enquiries, RCJ
    Court Manager, Medway Civil & Family Court (2013-16, all occupants of
    Tassells Solicitors, Faversham
    The Original devi8, not a devi but a deviate, webtroll, transsexual &
    Medway Councillors as a group
    Joan Wilson, Complaints Analysis Team Mgr, Disability Living Allowance Assessment Office, Newcastle upon Tyne
    Peter Edwards Law Ltd
    Zionah Jaldo, Employment Tribunals stooge
    Dr Opanuga an Evil One, Long Catlis Rd Surgery, Rainham
    "Pipl", PMC (machine tools)
    S R Savage, Medway County Court for evading my Voluntary Bill of
    Police Inspector 8834 David Venus-Coppard, Midway Task Force
    Solicitors Regulation Authority
    Detective Chief Superintendent John Molloy, Kent Police
    Professor Sir Adrian Smith, the Vice Chancellor of University of London
    Furley Page LLP Solicitors-at-law, Canterbury
    Liverpool Victoria Motor Insurers
    District Judge Parnell, Medway County Court
    Beth Coulton, Advisor for IOPC
    Professor D. Fussey, Vice-Chancellor of UoG
    Dr Isaac Sundeep, professional sadist, supplier of false diagnoses,
    Medway Maritime Hospital's Consultant Psychiatrist
    Radcliffe School, esp. Board of Governors
    Rod Bowen, Forestry Specialist at UoG (basically, overpaid gardener)
    American Express Inc.
    Supreme Court of the UK (entire bench serving at July 2016)
    Gordon Seekings, Liberal Democrats who shielded mailinator Nick Clegg
    Eleanor Watts, Civil Appeals Registry (Room E307), RCJ
    District Judge Green, Medway Court, linked to Green Acre academy, who
    must be arrested immediately
    Chris Latimer, Director
    Dorian Mattar, former Legal Adviser at UN
    H.M. Passport Office & familiars
    Sue Pickersgill, Collared Officer 6920 at North Yorkshire
    Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education
    Debbie Walton, NHS England Chief Customer Contact Officer
    Rev. Thomas Jones, Pontypridd & Washington, a TR stalker
    Professor Guddam (deceased), "The Liar" who accused me of plagiarism
    Nancy Gene, Russian Agent
    Manager, The Citizens Advice Bureau, Balmoral Road, Gillingam
    Brian Walker, a legal fiction of Jyoti Gill MP
    Rebecca Ann Carter, a swindler from Authorhouse
    Linda Worsley, a witch from the wicked HMCTS
    County Solicitors, Chatham
    Rajan Mathai, Former London High Commissioner for India, who must be
    expelled from UK
    Arthur, Canada House criminal who refused to give surname
    Nadia Hussain (spelling may vary), QB Issue & Enquiries
    David English, IPCC Contact Advisor
    Dr B Irala, Kingsley House, author of defamatory report on my mental
    Commissioner of Police for Bhubaneswar & Cuttack
    Professor Mathew, Indian Doctor at Little Brook Hospital
    Tenzila Araein, Case Progression Officer, Queen's Bench, RCJ
    Victoria Ribbons, undercover agent of the British State at Shah Medical Practice
    Petr Olcan ("petrolcan"), PMC
    Room C314 RCJ (all occupants 2018-)
    Jennifer Brennan, Harrogate Director, Pye Tait fraudsters
    Lord Chancellor's Office, Gillingham, all staff 1997-2002
    Dave Richards, proprietor, Greenberry Publishing
    Nikesh M Sharma, Solicitor for Wigmore Torturers
    His Excellency Sir Jeremy Greenstock at Permanent Mission of the UK to
    the UN
    J. Sherwood, Duty Judge's assistant
    Jennifer M of NHS England in Redditch, possibly working for Pye Tait too
    Megan Morris, IPCC
    M A. Bishop, CCMCC Peon
    Sergio Gomez Moreira, an online troll
    NHS Walk-In Centre, Balmoral Court, Gillingham
    Parakh Hirani, Room E307 or failing that E308 at RCJ
    Kent Live News, collaborator in crimes against me
    Colin Irvine, PMC
    His Honour Judge David Griffith-Jones QC who must be arrested
    Dr Mary Stiasny, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) & Chief Executive, University of London
    Stephanie Linden, Service Manager at the PohWER morons
    Angela McNab, Medway Mental Health Trust, relative of Jim McNab
    Inspector David Matson, Kent Police, accomplice, phands & TR criminals
    Thames Avenue Surgery, malpractitioners in Medway
    Ronen Ghose, a secret agent
    Elizabeth Smith, Paralegal at the Legal Ombudsman
    Anna Harrison, HMCTS Customer Service Team, a failed Insulator
    Fareeha Ayyaz, RCJ Stooge
    Stephen Joyce, CCMCC Admin Peon
    Debra Kemp, Legal Executive, Kent Police
    Guido Fawkes, stalker
    Alan Lawson, Service Mgr, Gillingham Citizen's Advice Bureau
    Judge Kurrein at the High Court of Chancery who must be arrested
    A Davies, Pye Tait, an accomplice, Brennan
    Ali Memon, Court of Appeal Civil Division
    Henry Allinson, Wye College
    Dimitrio Caramitsos-Tsiras on expiration of his diplomatic immunity
    Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) South East Area HQ
    Rosie Gray, Policy Unit, Liberal Democrat HQ
    Ladbrokes, for cheating & claiming my chit was forged
    Thomas Turby, PMC
    Christine Okali, Overseas Development Administration
    Gillian Huston, Judicial Conduct Investigations Office
    Banks Kelly Solicitors
    Criminal & Civil Law Policy Unit, Justice Dep't (all 2014 staff)
    Andy Major, Natural Resources Management Dep't, UoG
    Eddie De Guello, PMC
    Daniel Jackson, Trainee Solicitor
    Samuel Bergmanski, a Jew
    Freethought & Rationalism Discussion Board admins
    Peter Tatchell, achoot of the most low class
    Wilson, British Aid Management Office, New Delhi, one of 8 "Wilson"
    Kentucky Fried Chicken staff in Norbiton in 1977 who accused me of
    mistreating chickens even though they were dead
    Andrew Deas, Admin Officer, Civil Appeals Office, RCJ
    Jonathan Arnott, TSMH Solicitor
    Temple Farm Ltd (Directors, but not the company)
    Jacqui Goold, Administrator at OISC
    Acting Police Sgt 812 Burdess, West Yorkshire Police
    Tuckers Solicitors, Kent branch
    ufor_it[at]hotmail.com posting from
    Professor D Wills, Director, Natural Resources Institute, UoG
    Nic Gould, suspected to be the Nic[at]Medway County Court who refuses
    to give surname
    Momotaj Begum of the Case Progression Team at the Admin Court Office,
    Ivy Mendola at Authorhouse Pornographers
    Catherine Skelton, Executive Officer, University of London
    Richard the Lion-heart poster who Kent Police refused to arrest
    Geddes-Paul Grant, Back Office Section, Central London Court
    Emman, Public Correspondence section, Cabinet Office
    Gurpal Singh Tiwana aka Paul, a snake in wolf's clothing
    Kelly-Anne Johnson, Case Manager, Supreme Court & Judicial Committee of
    the Privy Council
    "Landon Caeli", RF liar
    Green Party
    Penny X, Archeress
    "Bury" aka "caldicott", a HC Judge who must be identified & arrested immediately
    PC Wilkins, Bury St. Edmunds Police
    Malcolm Dodds, Clerk to the Justices, Maidstone County Court & his
    crooked accessories
    Taz, who refused to supply surname, a creature of crooked Master Keith
    Eastman at RCJ
    "Tarheeler", RF Admin
    Jennie Wren, Maidsone County Court Officer
    Treasurer, Moulsford Cricket Club, Culham
    Charles Houster, Solicitor with two surnames
    Keith Fletcher, spy for Kent Police
    Lindsay Donohoe c/o The Legal Ombudsman
    Sabrina Adeyemo, stooge of the Secretary of Employment Tribunals
    Talk Rational forum (TR) (all mods & admins)
    Jan Inghelram, Luxemburg crook claiming to be COJ Director Europe Legal
    Adviser on Admin
    Jeremy Corbyn, in his capacity as Leader, Labour
    Raymond T Finch MEP for harassment
    Spectator magazine & Editor Boris
    Heather Woodgate, stalker
    Robert Napier School, Gillingham
    PSE 56761 anon, Kent Police
    "Amanaki", RF liar
    Lord Peter Hunt, Investigations (Internal) Dep't, IPCC
    Monneka Tahir, Trainee Solicitor of Leeds
    Dr Barry Blake, Head, Dep't for International Development, Natural
    Resources Institute, UoG, a plagiarist
    Jonathan Melia, Solicitor
    Nigel Richardson, Solicitor
    Judge Druce, Employment Court, who must be arrested immediately
    Michael Parker, Solicitor
    Dr A. Mwanche, Minster Medical Practice, a mawanche
    Toni Ronayne, Information Governance Co-ordinator, NHS Kent
    Khilji, a blackmailer & forger working for RAW inside Indian High
    Commission London
    Gary Burnore, paedophile stalker
    Sexual Health Advisory Board, Bury St. Edmunds
    Disability Living Allowance Assessment Team, Medway
    Absolute Barrister
    Barbara Nabufu, barbarous Care Co-ordinator, KMPT
    Paul Maynard, White Patient at Willow Secure Suite, Littlebrook
    Hospital, who maltreated me by being discharged first
    Wayne Hemingway, a dirty dog in the Medway Council
    "Trailblazer", RF liar
    Paul Hands, phands[at]aol.com, domiciled in Minnesota, a vile internet
    RLegal Solicitors in Regent St
    Peter Edwards, a likely plant by Kalsi Bhardwaj
    Lisa Duffy 6, Ukip Director
    Sue Brady, Maidstone Crown Court
    May Parsons, a criminal conspirator
    Dr Sivaji Panesar of New Delhi Ministry of Home Affairs and/or fake
    created by Kashif Irfan
    Primary Care Team, NHS Medway Clinical Commissioning Group
    Kim Brooks at Fosters Law
    Medway Towns Council
    Dr Jaswait Singh, Vice Chancellor of Manipur University & Bhardwaj
    "columbus" aka "Tom", RF liar
    Natural Resources Dep't, UoG at Chatham Maritime
    Debbie, who refused to supply surname, at Masters Support Unit of the
    Queens Bench Div'n, RCJ
    Councillor Dan McDonald
    PC 126 Ken Callaghan, West Yorkshire Police
    Nadeem, Scamming not Scanning wing of Medway Maritime Hospital
    "robocop (actually)", RF liar
    Scott T Cross, Solicitor
    Neal Champ(ion), PMC
    Labour Party
    "sayak83", RF liar
    Kent Police in all its shapes & forms
    Joanna Hamer, Issue Section, Medway County Court
    Nick Clegg, impostor or may be the real thing
    P Montserrat, Judge in Chambers Dep't, RCJ
    Archon Solicitors, Medway, as deceitful as their clients, the Citizen's
    Advice Bureau
    Markus Booth, a double agent of the Europe State in Strasburg
    Maidstone Road Rainham Surgery
    Caroline J Wilson, FOI/DPA Casework & Customer Services Directorate,
    Cherie (B), barrister with Matrix connection
    P&O Ferries

    [continued in next message]

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