Ex-philosopher Al Baker works at the UK-based Logically, a company that fights
He joins your hosts Mark Linsenmayer, Erica Spyres, and Brian Hirt to try to answer such questions as: What's the appeal of conspiracy theories? How similar
is being consumed them to being a die-hard fan of some pop culture property? What's the relation
between pernicious conspiracy theories and fun speculation (like, maybe Elvis is alive)? Is there a harmless way to engage in conspiracy theorizing as a hobby? Is something still a conspiracy theory in the pejorative sense if it turns out to be true?
We touch on echo chambers, the role of irony and humor in spreading these theories, how both opponents and proponents claim to be skeptics, Dan Brown Novels, Tom Hanks, the Mel Gibson film Conspiracy Theory, and documentaries like Behind the Curve (about
Flat Earthers) and The Family.
For expert opinions on the psychology of conspiracy theories, try The Conversation's Antill Podcast, which had a whole series on this topic. For even
more podcast action, try FiveThirtyEight, BBC's The Why Factor podcast, Skeptoid, and The Infinite
Monkey Cage.
Here are some more articles:
"Why We Should Not Treat All Conspiracy Theories the Same" by Jaron Harambam "We're Keeping A Running List Of Hoaxes And Misleading Posts About The Nationwide Police Brutality Protests" by Jane Lytvyneko and Craig Silverman "The Greatest Celebrity Conspiracy Theories of All Time" by Matt Miller
"My Father, the QAnon Conspiracy Theorist" by Reed Ryley Grable
"COVID-19 and the Turn to Magical Thinking" by Hugh Gusterson
A new podcast called Wind of Change claims that the CIA wrote the Scorpions song by that name.
If you enjoy this, try Pretty Much Pop #14 on UFOs. The Partially Examined Life
episodes referred to in this discussion are #96 on Oppenheimer and the Rhetoric
of Science Advisers and #82 on Karl Popper.
Learn more at This episode includes bonus discussion that you can only hear by supporting the podcast at This podcast is part of the Partially Examined Life podcast network.
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