Sábado, 27 de Noviembre, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
(Happy thanksgiving to all our wonderful families in their homes throughout the Americas in the name of His Son Jesus Christ. Feliz día de Acción de gracias a todas nuestras familias maravillosas en sus hogares en toda América en el nombre de su Hijo
BAPTIZED in water all powers have been given unto you, living His life that has destroyed Satan’s witchcraft, enriching you forever always:
Decisively, our heavenly Father had taken ancient Israel along with Moises, leading them through the Sinai’s desert, because they needed to drink from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened only by the tree lying next to it, given that Eve failed to be
sweetened by it along with Adam and the children from generations to come to fill the earth with life. Furthermore, our heavenly Father had granted to ancient Israel and Moses a new life that you will begin to discover it by been baptized at the Red Sea,
abandoning the sinful with the spirit of error to receive the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, because every sin committed by humankind had finally abandoned the earth to start a new life without sin into everlasting.
For our heavenly Father had legitimately His children from Israel along with Moises baptized in water by invoking Him, as the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob thus becoming reborn from Canaan, because they needed rightfully to inherit its
richness, enriching them along with the families of the nations throughout eternity, starting in hell’s torment, as the Sinai’s desert is. Unfortunately, our heavenly Father had lost His children to Satan and to the angel of death, because Eve was
deceived to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, therefore, because she ate from it then Adam with the children through the coming generations was affected by it only to know poverty, infirmity, famine and death in
hell’s torment.
Indeed, our heavenly Father had lost His children from the families of the nations, because each of them lied dead in the Sinai’s desert, assimilating hell’s torment, thus He needed to descend into it, rescuing them to see life again with Him but
without sin, because now they were going to live forever loved with richness emanating only from Him towards them into everlasting. Besides that, for our heavenly Father to rescue His children from ancient and modern families of the nations then He
needed to have ancient Israel along with Moses invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to become legitimately reborn in His holy-seed, that is Isaac’s sacred-flesh to see life again with endless-richness soon.
Undeniably, our heavenly Father needed Moses to get to the tree lying next to the bitter waters of Marah to sweeten them to become drinkable for him and ancient Israel, because they were going to drink from every man, woman and child from ancient and
modern families of the nations to see life again with Him within the Holy of Holiest finally in Canaan. Understanding that, as our heavenly Father had Moses along with ancient Israel drinking from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree lying
next to it for centuries if not millenniums, then every man, woman and child from past and future generations will become one within His holy seed that was ancient Israel to eat from heaven’s glory manna to receive a new glorified-body.
Understanding that, after our heavenly Father had Moses with ancient Israel starting to eat from the manna descending from Him to dress every child of ancient and modern nations with His glorified-body, that is Isaac’s sacred-flesh, the unbreakable
bones and the atoning-blood thus to have the needed body to return to life, then, they were ready to drink from the rock of salvation. This is when, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel along with Moses becoming a new nation, as a new humankind,
dressing His own sacred-flesh filled with the atoning-blood that is His eternal life that can not only destroy sin but also Satan, fallen angels, death, witchcraft families and hell’s torment thus to convert the heart of the earth into His glorious
loving heart into everlasting.
Confidently, after drinking from bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree lying nearby, thrown into it thus sweetening every man, woman and child from ancient and modern families of the nations: finally, they conducted the oath sworn to Isaac’s
rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness to become one with Him instantly by accessing the Holy of Holiest at last forever enriched throughout the earth. In the Sinai’s desert, our heavenly Father was victorious already against sin, curses, problems,
conflicts, poverty and famine that Satan along with death and his fallen angels had attacked the entire human race thus to impoverish the earth forever, so His dream kingdom of eternal love for His children and His holy name fires will fail to become
manifested for the new coming eternity.
Definitely, our heavenly Father with Moses and ancient Israel had in taken humankind already entirely by drinking from bitters of Marah, sweetened by His tree lying next to it, then through the Sinai’s desert He freely conducted His perfect will, as He
would always throughout hell’s torment thus to save His children by dressing them with His glorified-body born as Isaac in Canaan. However, giving that Satan along with his fallen angels had managed to attack and destroy humankind already, then, our
heavenly Father had the oath sworn to Isaac’s legal powers to turn Israel, His dream nation, into a powerful nation of families not only from the Hebrew lineage but also from ancient and modern nations thus to defeat Satan with Isaac’s sacred-flesh
and the atoning-blood in Canaan.
Really, our heavenly Father with the Red Sea water baptism turned ancient Israel into legal citizens of Canaan, therefore, legal citizens from heaven’s glory, understanding that He was destroying Satan and his fallen angels with powers from the
angelical kingdom, paradise and other heavenly places by receiving His children perfect and holy within the Holy of Holiest throughout the Sinai’s desert—His perfect will forever. Truly, our heavenly Father needed not only Moses and ancient Israel to
know that He had turned them into a powerful nation dealing with Satan, sin, fallen angels, death and hell’s torment by taking them to Elim, where they stood next to twelve springs of water along with seventy palm trees, so they may stay there
momentarily showing power to humankind throughout eternity.
Divinely, our heavenly Father needed Moses and ancient Israel to understand that the twelve springs were the twelve tribes of Israel and the seventy palm trees were the family of Jacob that entered the land of Goshen to live in Egypt was Joseph,
enriching the earth, because Satan had begun to attack it with famine thus to destroy humankind for his kingdom of darkness. Nonetheless, our heavenly Father needed the twelve tribes of Israel through the desert to be the twelve springs of water giving
to drink to ancient and modern families of the nations that were lost forever in the Sinai’s desert, so they may eat the manna descending from Him in heaven’s glory, granting everyone the glorified-body to defeat the Sinai’s desert forever at last.
For our heavenly Father needed ancient and modern families of the nations understanding that ancient Israel was the twelve springs along with the seventy palm trees in the Sinai’s desert bringing life to them to see life again, but see it in Canaan and
without sin, so they may return to heaven’s glory forever enriched only knowing love, peace and endless-happiness with Him through eternity. Furthermore, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel with Moses staying next to twelve springs and the seventy
palms, because with the springs they water the Sinai’s desert, causing humankind to see life again but also to see ancient Israel as the seventy palms trees, as seventy in Jacob’s family enriching Egypt with Isaac’s sacred-flesh, thus enriching the
desert with life for the new earth.
Graciously, our heavenly Father needed Moses fasting for forty days and nights ascending Mount Sinai, because he was to study the tabernacle of reunion with the Holy of Holiest to descend with it to the Israelis’ camp, making a copy of it, since He
needed to expiate, judge and cover every sin with atoning-blood abandoned already at the Red Sea baptism by ancient Israel. For our heavenly Father needed not only removing every darkness that Satan’s lie had caused in Eve but also in Adam and the
children as she ate from the forbidden fruit, deceived by the serpent of Eden, so they may live again, because if darkness remained still in them while lying in the Sinai’s desert: then they will always fail to live again throughout eternity.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed Moses ascending into heaven’s glory over Jerusalem holy cross, resting at Mount Sinai, so he may become acquainted with the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest amazing details, because with it He was
removing sin along with darkness, curses, infirmities, poverty, famine, death and hell to see His children again living with Him eternal life forever enriched. In fact, this was the only way possible for our heavenly Father to begin to expiate, judge and
cover every sin with lambs’ atoning-blood shed at the entrance of the tabernacle of reunion later to be spilled within it, as spilling the atoning-blood over the Arc of the Covenant, for example, with sin destroyed then see His children again blessed
with His amazing everlasting-powers.
For our heavenly Father was using always the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers of perfect holiness that were conducted daily by the Levitical priests around the tabernacle of reunion and inside as well, so He may work within His hand with perfect holiness
thus to touch His children but without sin thus granting them life along with blessing, healing, peace and endless-richness forever. This was something important that our heavenly Father had to conduct with ancient Israel along with Moses, as the great
power that they had become in Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood along with the Holy Spirit, because He had them standing next to the twelve springs and seventy palm trees: showing power throughout the Sinai’s desert to conquer Canaan and the
world eventually forever.
Lovingly, our heavenly Father’s holy heart was in the tabernacle of reunion as its Holy of Holiest, because with His holy heart’s eyes searched for His children until he found them perfect and holy not only as ancient Israel along with Moses
abandoned their sins at the Red Sea baptism but also because finally: He expiated, judged and covered sins to find them guiltless forever. Truthfully, our heavenly Father really needed to search for His loved ones through the sandy Sinai’s desert by
turning grains of sand, finally removing sin along with darkness to see again their faces to give them life again, because once He had removed darkness from them then they were able to live again in Canaan, but without sin because He is eternally holy.
Really, our heavenly Father had to search for each of His children until He finally found the last one to grant them life but without the darkness of sin, curses, infirmities, poverty, famine, death and hell’s torment, because now they could become
again His legitimate children enjoying His perfection and holiness in heaven’s glory forever justified for His kingdom of love to manifest finally. For our heavenly Father’s kingdom upon earth will be a kingdom of love, where the love of the fathers
returns to the love of the children and the love of the children to the father, thus to enjoy love, richness and everlasting happiness with Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts forever into eternity.
Moreover, this is our heavenly Father’s life granted unto His children already, starting with Adam and Eve in paradise, where He will be loved by them only to conquer new richness, glories and powers unseen before by the angelical hosts, because to
conquer them then you must be perfect and holy as He is everlasting otherwise it will be impossible conquering them through eternity. Presently, this is richness only existing in our heavenly Father’s children born from His image and from His living-
soul, as Adam and Eve initially in paradise, because as each of them was born not only to be perfect and holy as He is everlastingly but also with endless-richness existing in Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the earth into
Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to descend from heaven’s glory within the tabernacle of reunion to meet always Moses and the Levitical high priest once a year, so He blessed not only Israel but also ancient and modern nations
thus to enrich them with richness born with them initially upon earth to establish His kingdom of love at last into everlasting. Definitely, this is our heavenly Father’s kingdom of love that has defeated Satan, fallen angels, death, witchcraft
families and hell’s torment, so you may live a glorious life upon earth always enriching it, because you will be a blessing each day as you may partake from the Lord’s Table: bread and wine that is richness descending upon you always thus expecting
only glorious days ahead.
Really, in this a glorious life that our heavenly Father has granted unto each of us already, then, He can know us as He is perfect and holy through eternity, because He can only know His Son and His Son knows Him entirely, otherwise, He will always fail
to know you as you are in life, because you have failed to become baptize in water. That is why, that our heavenly Father told Abraham that he needed to become perfect and holy as He is forever into eternity in heaven’s glory, so he may see life again
forever throughout His new coming earth, and this was a call to the water baptism for him and his children from Israel and ancient and modern families of the nations.
[continued in next message]
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* Origin: you cannot sedate... all the things you hate (1:229/2)