• SEX CRIMES BY CHRISTIAN PRIESTS: CVA lawsuit: Honeoye Falls priest boun

    From Dr. Jai Maharaj@1:229/2 to All on Friday, January 10, 2020 07:42:36
    XPost: soc.culture.indian, alt.fan.jai-maharaj, alt.religion.hindu
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    From: alt.fan.jai-maharaj@googlegroups.com

    CVA lawsuit: Honeoye Falls priest bounced from church to
    church in 5 counties

    WHAM ABC 13, 13wham.com
    January 8, 2020

    Honeoye Falls, N.Y. -- A priest in the Rochester Diocese
    was bounced from church to church in an alleged cover-up of
    sexual abuse, says a new lawsuit filed under the Child
    Victims Act.

    Continues at:


    Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
    Om Shanti

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