• Re: REVEALED: Twitter, Facebook and Netflix moguls have donated $7.5M t

    From Joe's Basement@1:229/2 to All on Monday, April 26, 2021 01:10:46
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    From: fbi-knocking@joebiden.com

    On 25 Apr 2021, Ed Stasiak <edstasiak1067@gmail.com> posted some news:7b40399a-26ac-46d3-93fc-32b61451c893n@googlegroups.com:

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9508427/Big-Tech-moguls-donate d-millions-groups-tied-BLM-founder-Patrisse-Cullors.html 24 April 2021

    REVEALED: Twitter, Facebook and Netflix moguls have donated $7.5M to 'Marxist' BLM co-founder who is pushing their 'net neutrality' policy
    as their tech firms block users sharing critical stories about her

    Report reveals $7.5 million in donations from moguls to groups tied to Cullors Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Facebook co-founder, and wife of
    Netflix CEO gave Cullors in turn spoke out out in favor of content
    giants' pet policy goals Facebook and Twitter are also quick to censor perceived criticism of Cullors

    Tech moguls who made their fortunes from Facebook, Twitter and Netflix
    have donated at least $7.5 million to groups tied to BLM co-founder
    Patrisse Cullors, who has in turn publicly backed their policy goals, according to a new report.

    Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, and
    Patricia Ann Quillin, the wife of Netflix's billionaire CEO, all gave generously to Cullors' PAC and associated charities, according to the
    New York Post.

    Cullors for her part has strongly advocated for 'net neutrality', a
    policy that financially benefits online content providers such as
    Netflix and social media sites.

    And the cozy relationship has even seen Facebook and Twitter censor
    perceived criticism of Cullors, with Facebook going so far as to block
    users from sharing a DailyMail.com article detailing a controversy
    over her expensive real estate holdings

    Of the donors named by the Post, Moskovitz his wife Cari Tuna have
    given the most generously, donating more than $5.5 million from 2017
    to 2020, according to public records cited by the Post.

    Moskovitz, 36, was one of the co-founders of Facebook. He left the
    company in 2008, but retained a 2 percent stake that puts his net
    worth at nearly $20 billion.

    His donations went to Dignity and Power Now, a non-profit started by
    Cullors, and Reform LA Jails, a California PAC she co-founded to lobby
    for civilian oversight of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

    Dorsey, who has an estimated net worth of $14 billion, chipped in $1.5 million last year through his #startsmall philanthropy initiative.

    That money went to Black Lives Matter and The Movement for Black
    Lives, a coalition of activist groups founded by Cullors.

    Quillin, the wife of Netflix billionaire Reed Hastings, donated
    $250,000 to Reform LA Jails in 2020.

    Cullors' own finances are entwined to a degree with Reform LA Jails,
    which in 2019 paid $110,000 in consulting fees to a company controlled
    by her and her wife, Janaya Khan, according to the Post.

    There are no rules prohibiting officers of a California PAC from
    paying themselves or family members for consulting services.

    Cullors in 2015 described herself as a 'trained Marxist', and last
    December elaborated on her views, saying 'I do believe in Marxism.'

    'I'm working on making sure that people don't suffer, I'm working to
    make sure people don't go hungry,' she explained in a YouTube video.

    Over the years, Cullors has been vocal in her support of net
    neutrality, a policy that is strongly favored by content giants and
    decried by internet service providers.

    Net neutrality prohibits service providers from charging companies
    such as Netflix for the vast amounts of data they send through the

    The policy does not put 'neutrality' requirements on content providers
    such as Twitter and Facebook, who are given broad immunity in deciding
    what posts are allowed on their platforms.

    In 2014, Cullors penned an op-ed for The Hill, writing that 'Black
    online voices are threatened' by proposals to repeal net neutrality.

    'It is because of net neutrality rules that the Internet is the only communication channel left where Black voices can speak and be heard,
    produce and consume, on our own terms,' she wrote.

    Cullors' finances have come under scrutiny in recent weeks, after
    fellow activists questioned her purchases of homes worth a total of $3 million, including a $1.4 million mansion in LA's exclusive Topanga

    Facebook respond to the controversy by blocking articles about
    Cullors' real estate holdings from DailyMail.com and the New York

    A Facebook spokesperson told DailyMail.com at the time: 'This content
    was removed for violating our privacy and personal information

    However, articles covering the controversy from other outlets, such as
    Black Enterprise, a media company that covers black-owned businesses,
    were still allowed to be shared by Facebook users.

    Twitter also got in on the act, suspending Jason Whitlock, an
    outspoken conservative sports commentator, after he criticized

    Whitlock, who is black, was barred from the platform after tweeting:
    'Black Lives Matter founder buys $1.4 million home in Topanga, which
    has a black population of 1.4%. She's with her people!'

    Twitter needs to feel some pain.

    'BLM is one of Big Tech's sacred cows,' Whitlock told DailyMail.com at
    the time. 'I’ve been harping on the fraudulence and the financial
    grift of BLM for years.'

    Last month AP reported that Black Live Matter Global Network brought
    in $90 million in donations last year, but the group says that it had
    paid Cullors only $120,000 since the organization’s inception in
    2013, and that she did not receive any compensation after 2019.

    Cullors, who married Janaya Khan, a gender non-conforming leader of

    "gender non-conforming..." "Khan identifies as black, queer,..."

    BLM in Toronto, in 2016, has been in high demand since her 2018 memoir
    became a best-seller. In October she published her follow-up,

    She also works as a professor of Social and Environmental Arts at
    Arizona's Prescott College, and in October 2020 signed a sweeping deal
    with Warner Bros.

    Arizona let something like this into the state?

    The arrangement is described as a multi-year and wide-ranging
    agreement to develop and produce original programming across all
    platforms, including broadcast, cable and streaming.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)