• [Cuomo / de Blasio show...] Coronavirus lockdown has emboldened car thi

    From Leroy N. Soetoro@1:229/2 to All on Monday, April 27, 2020 17:39:21
    XPost: nyc.politics, alt.politics.elections, sac.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.democrats, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns
    From: leroysoetoro@kaga.com

    https://nypost.com/2020/04/25/car-theft-up-63-percent-in-nyc-amid- coronavirus-lockdown/

    City car thieves are riding high amid the coronavirus crisis.

    As of April 19, auto theft is up 63 percent in 2020, with 1,913 stolen
    vehicles compared to the 1,176 during the same period in 2019. For the
    week, it spiked 51 percent compared to the same time last year.

    Thieves in Brooklyn put the pedal to the metal, boosting 599 vehicles over
    the past year, followed by Queens (575), The Bronx (464), Manhattan (218)
    and Staten Island (57).

    The NYPD blamed the state’s bail reform overhaul in part, for the surge.
    The new law, which kicked in Jan. 1, prohibits pretrial detention in most misdemeanors and some nonviolent felonies.

    “Letting someone walk out of a precinct stationhouse after they just got arrested for stealing possibly a $30,000 vehicle is outrageous,” NYPD
    Chief of Crime Control Strategies Michael LiPetri said of motor vehicle
    thefts. “Are we thinking about the victims here or not?”

    One suspect who grinds cops gears is Jasheen Osbourne, 19, of Queens, who police sources say has been arrested six times for auto theft in his
    borough since January and was collared Friday for a February heist of a
    2018 Honda Accord and a burglary in October.

    “Under the new (bail reform) law, a GLA is a desk appearance ticket,” the police source said.

    LiPetri said thefts often occur when keys or key fobs are left in vehicles
    or drivers leave their cars unattended with the motor running.

    He said the NYPD is also seeing a “younger demographic” — more thieves
    under 18.

    Late-model Hondas are “by far” the apple of a car thief’s eye, followed by Toyotas, LiPetri said.

    COVID-19 is indirectly spreading a car theft virus.

    “With shelter-in-place and less people driving, there are going to be more opportunities for cars to be parked. … People are not moving their
    vehicles and it may be days,” LiPetri said.

    During the pandemic, 7,000 officers have been sick, but the chief said the
    NYPD employs technology like license-plate readers in every precinct and
    have stepped up patrols in hotspots, such as South Brooklyn and Southeast Queens.

    “We live in real time and do relentless followup,” LiPetri said.

    The most stolen cars in New York:
    Enlarge ImageHonda Accord
    Honda AccordShutterstock
    Honda Accord
    Toyota Camry
    Honda Civic
    Nissan Altima
    Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee
    Honda CR-V
    Ford pick-up (full size)
    Toyota Corolla
    Dodge Caravan
    Nissan Rogue
    Source: National Insurance Crime Bureau (2019)

    No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.

    Donald J. Trump, 304 electoral votes to 227, defeated compulsive liar in
    denial Hillary Rodham Clinton on December 19th, 2016. The clown car
    parade of the democrat party ran out of gas and got run over by a Trump

    Congratulations President Trump. Thank you for cleaning up the disaster
    of the Obama presidency.

    Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
    The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
    queer liberal democrat donors.

    President Trump has boosted the economy, reduced illegal immigration,
    appointed dozens of judges and created jobs.

    Senile loser and NAMBLA supporter Nancy Pelosi got "Trumped" on February
    5, 2020. "President Trump, Not Guilty."

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