• Re: Windows 98 boot disk

    From Rob Mccart@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, August 20, 2020 00:26:00
    From: Rob.Mccart@f10.n1.z49.fidonet.org

    install of Win98, I have Win98.img and a Win98Boot.img... however, even following the article to a tee I can't get past instructions #08 (Well I'm stuck AT #08...). I can't get dosbox to boot into Win98. :/

    pretty sure dosbox wont run win98

    More for testing it and messing with it than for any real reason I have run DosBox in Win 98SE with fairly good results. There was an issue for a while getting it to access a modem to dial out but, well, after a lot of messing around it seemed to heal up on its own with no obvious cause...
    Settings were right that the dialing should have worked and the main Port settings were not changed when it did start working..
    * SLMR Rob * If all is not lost then... Where IS it?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)