• (another) annual ufo migration

    From MrPostingRobot@kymhorsell.com@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, February 06, 2021 13:45:24
    XPost: alt.ufo.reports

    - We've seen planetary parameters like geocentric distance and
    "elongation" (visual angle between a planet and the sun) correlate
    strongly with UFO sighting data. Normally the strongest
    correlations show up when the planetary data is time shifted 10s of days.
    - It turns out parts of each year show a -ve correlation between
    geocentric distance and UFO sightings -- i.e. the closer the planet
    is the more UFO sightings there are in following days. We might
    interpret that as UFO's arriving after a trip of several days from
    that planet result in more sightings that usual.
    - But at other times of the year there is a +ve corr between the
    geocentric distance and sightings. I.e. the further the planet gets
    from the earth the larger the number of sightings. We might
    interpret that as UFO's buzzing around, waiting to make the trip to
    the relevant planet(s).
    - Over a long enough range of time lags we can see the cycle of +ve corr,
    0 corr, -ve corr, and 0 corr seems to repeat, possibly with stronger
    correlations at the peaks as years go by.

    I read somewhere a comment from a couple of the guys that were at the
    2004 Nimitz/Tictac incident.

    Over a period of several days a group of UFO's that were difficult to
    see on fleet radars suddenly appeared off Catalina Island and
    proceeded at "a leisurely pace" and relatively low altitude due S where
    they would eventually disappear.

    The radar guys didn't know what to make of it. They checked their
    equipment but it seemed OK. The various bigwigs in the fleet exercise
    ignored the reports. At first.

    On the 4th or 5th day there were a couple of spare planes hanging
    around and they were ordered to go an check out what the hell those
    things were.

    Big surprise when they got to the area. Reports are a bit confused but
    at least one unusual object was seen that avoided interception with
    40g turns and super-cruising at low altitude over the ocean. Reports
    are again confused but it seems the object or objects in question not
    only were invisible to aircraft radar but had the ability to become
    invisible to sight as well.

    Reports are again confused but there may also have been a large
    underwater object moving around in the area at the same time. If so it
    was invisible and inaudible to a sub that was also in the fleet
    exercise going on at the time.

    The comment from "the guys" was the objects seemed to behave like they
    were on some kind of annual migration -- like whales.

    I've been looking at how various planetary data correlate with UFO
    sightings. Previously I posted some data showing there were large
    correlations between the geocentric distance of various planets and
    e.g. the NUFORC day-to-day sighting numbers. By "time shifting" the
    planetary data we tried to maximize the similarity of various curves
    and found what seemed to correspond transit times from various planets
    showed up.

    ~ ~ ~

    Using the estimated lags and the known planetary distances a rough
    estimate of transit times showed up that seemed to be roughly
    consistent from planet to planet -- i.e. planets further out in the
    solar system showed longer transit times.

    The AI s/w I'm using has been continuously chugging away doing its
    "correlate everything with everything else" and has now come up with a
    few more interesting observations.

    Using detailed tabulations of different lags for each planet and UFO
    type it now suggests there is not only some traveling from other solar
    planets to earth but also vice versa. On what seems to be an "annual migration".

    At some times of the year there is a significant negative correlation
    between geocentric distances and UFO sightings. I.e. the closer
    various planets get to the earth the number of UFO sightings goes up
    in a parallel too close to be just luck.

    But the latest numbers show at OTHER times of the year there is a +ve
    corr between geocentric planetary distances and UFO activity. I.e. the
    further away a planet is getting the more UFO activity -- exactly the
    revers of the other part of the year.

    For the rest of the year there is essentially no corr between
    planetary distance and UFO activity.

    This same pattern is observed for each planet but the type of UFO
    involved in the sighting has some effect. It seams some UFO types
    are associated with some planets, and other types are associated
    with other planets. I'll leave it to the interest reader to discover
    whether any UFO type is not associated with any other planet. :)

    The simple interpretation suggested is some UFO's are involved in some
    kind of annual migration to and from various planets.

    At some times of the year they are buzzing around on earth because
    their destination planet is too far away or maybe is behind the sun
    (requiring some tedious or maybe impossible-for-UFO-tech maneuvering
    to get there).

    Some of those UFO's apparently buzz off toward their remote
    destination leaving number of sightings uncorrelated with planetary
    distances for a couple months. Then the migration is reversed and the
    closer the various favoured planets get the higher UFO sightings move
    in spooky parallel again.

    I've generated a bunch of plots to show which planets are apparently
    involved with which UFO types and "how long" the to and fro journeys
    may be taking. In line with previous posts on this topic it seems "top
    speed" for the various journeys is still in the 100-1000 km/sec range.

    Interesting also is that some UFO types (e.g. "lights", "fireballs")
    that may be associated more with meteors than unusual aerial objects
    indicate a slower transit time of around 40 km/sec -- exactly in line
    with asteroid belt speeds. Those parts of the curves may more
    correspond with rocks being kicked out of the asteroid belts by
    Jupiter and Saturn. The curve shows the speed distribution of those
    incoming rocks, itself an interesting byproduct of the processing.


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    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)