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    From valarezo7@hotmail.com@1:229/2 to All on Monday, January 27, 2020 06:18:07
    Sábado, 25 de Enero, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo

    The FATHER’s home-sweet-home descends as CANAAN’s children (you baptized now) eat milk and honey soon:

    Concerned, King David summoned Nathan the prophet to let him know that he was living in a beautiful and glorious home that every one liked, made out of Cedar, but our heavenly Father was living in a tent to be disassembled and assembled, whenever they
    needed to move from place to place thus it was in his heart to build Him His home. Besides that, King David was not only living in a beautiful palace built from the best material available in those days as cedar, moreover many of Israel’s leaders were
    also living in beautiful homes, but our heavenly Father did not have a home to live in the midst of His children, therefore, David was determined to build Him
    a home.

    Certainly: This will be a home build from the best of materials available in those days as gold, silver, bronze, precious stones and the best of the wood as
    well as acacia and others, for example, and so, he had now to find the people available to put
    their hands to work, building it within the midst of His children. Timely, the prophet Nathan advised King David that our heavenly Father was with him and that He will be able to help him, because what was in his heart to build His home, as the God of
    Israel, was a very holy thought, and that he should just go ahead with his plans without any reservations or delays to make happen soon.

    Prudently, Nathan the prophet advised David that the people of Israel will agree with him to go ahead and build a temple or a palace for our heavenly Father to live in the midst of His children, because they wanted always to love, serve and worship Him
    and His holy name fire in His new home in the midst of Israel forever. Besides,
    Nathan thought that it was a great idea that David had in his heart to build a home for our heavenly Father, where He will have a one to one personal encounter not only with
    him as King of Israel but also the families that needed to have a more personal
    relationship each day with Him and His holy name fire.

    It was here, when our heavenly Father said to Nathan at night: you go and tell King David that you will be the one that will build my home in the midst of my children in the house of Israel—you that had shed so much blood from all your
    battles that you
    have had against my frequent enemies from old? Certainly not: You will not build my home in the midst of my children in Israel, but your son will, that is, His Son Yeshua, Jesus Christ, because he will be my Son doing my perfect will as it has always
    been in my heart in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts and upon earth he
    will establish it at last forever within humankind.

    This is when, our heavenly Father decided to try his son Solomon first, born to
    be king of Israel as well after David had passed, and so, his son will build Him His home in the midst of Israel, because he had not shed blood as his father had, for His
    holy name fire to dwell in Israel at last forever. Then, when David finally passed then he had named his son Solomon as king of Israel, replacing him, because our heavenly Father had chosen him to build Him His home for His holy name fire to dwell in the
    midst of Israel, so His children may be able to approach Him with perfect holiness to love, serve and worship Him throughout life.

    Therefore, the material that David during his lifetime had gathered from enemy nations that he had defeated in the battlefields, emerging victorious over them
    always, because our heavenly Father was with Him, then, he gathered great wealth to be used for
    the construction of the Great Temple needed within Israel for Him to live with His children forever loved throughout eternity. Then, king Solomon began to use
    all the wealth of gold, silver, precious stones and other important materials as wood needed to
    start the foundation of this Great Temple within Israel that the families of Israel wanted to have to begin to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father as He has never been loved, served and worshipped before by them.

    Surely, Solomon was able to work towards building the Great Temple for our heavenly Father to have a home within the midst of His children of Israel, so His holy name fire may be loved, served and worshipped by them throughout Israel and the families of
    the nations as well, because He needed to touch them with His eternal altar’s
    lasting-salvation throughout earth. Therefore, Solomon used the materials that he had inherited from his father David, but also, he was able to get the best of help and wood
    from other nations friendly to Israel, so he may build the Great Temple for our
    heavenly Father with the best possible technical engineering of those days thus
    impressing the world with it finally with His blessings.

    Timely, as Solomon had finished building our heavenly Father’s home within the midst of Israel that his father David had always dreamed to build it for Him and His holy name fire, so His children may have a closer relationship with
    Him and His holy
    name fire over His altar—then the Lord appeared at him in his dreams. Indeed,
    our heavenly Father had been impressed with the Temple that Solomon and his people had built for Him, for the glory of His holy name fire to live always in
    the midst of His
    children within Israel, so He may have that closer relationship that He needed to have with them thus to conquer the families of the nations at last.

    In the dream that Solomon had with our heavenly Father, then, he was asked what
    was that He needed to do for him, and his reply was that he needed to have wisdom to rule His people, because they were too many to rule, and besides he was too young to do
    it by himself. Graciously, our heavenly Father answered Solomon’s prayer to have wisdom to rule His people too many to be ruled with the daily normal wisdom from men, but also, power, glory and great richness were granted unto him, besides wisdom, thus
    he may rule His children with His wisdom from heaven above to love, serve and worship His holy name fire throughout life always.

    Really, our heavenly Father had granted unto Solomon everything he had requested, and this was wisdom able to rule a great nation willing to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fire in His Temple and altar, so He may
    touch the families of the
    nations with His love pouring from heaven’s glory until everyone may become saved throughout the earth finally. Now, our heavenly Father had answered Solomon’s prayer by granting him not only the wisdom needed to rule Israel, but also, He had granted
    everything that he will ever need throughout his reign in Israel, so he may take His children to His altar truly to love, serve and worship His holy name fire to save the earth from sin at last.

    In other words, our heavenly Father had granted unto Solomon the wisdom, richness, glories and powers that He had to provide to His Son Jesus Christ and
    the Holy Spirit later to be born within David’s bloodline, so he may not only
    take the children to
    love, serve and worship His holy name fire, but also, turn them into His eternal Temple upon earth. For our heavenly Father was not looking for a home upon earth, as in Canaan, for example, made out of gold, silver, precious stones and other special
    materials as timber, but instead, He was looking for a home built from His Son Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that removes sin from the face of the earth forever.

    Surely, our heavenly Father had called Abraham to receive His rock of salvation
    thus he may sacrifice three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, because he needed to know about the children
    that had been promised to him earlier to be as countless as the stars from heaven above, filling the earth with glories always. Certainly, with these three sacrifices that Abraham had executed for our heavenly Father, it was to spill not only the blood
    of his son Isaac that He was about to provide to him through his wife Sarah’s
    barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, but also, to expiate, judge and forgive the nations’ sins, for His children to be born without sin throughout
    earth endlessly.

    Therefore, as our heavenly Father ate at the Lord’s Table with Abraham along with adoptive children, bought with money from strangers, the bread and wine, served by His Son Jesus Christ, as Melchizedek, King of Salem (modern Israel) to the angels in
    heaven’s glory, then, He did it for His Son Jesus Christ to be born as Isaac,
    but without relation to sin. That is to say also, that our heavenly Father had Abraham sacrificing his three lambs with their halves facing each other along with the two
    uncut birds over the rock, spilled with atoning-blood: it was for His Son Jesus
    Christ to be born as Isaac, but with the world’s sins starting to be expiated, judged and covered with abundant atoning-blood already.

    Understanding that, our heavenly Father was going to have His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, but with Abraham’s three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with the
    two uncut birds over
    His rock, spilled with atoning-blood, and so, as His Son Jesus became Isaac, then sins were covered by Him already throughout the earth. For our heavenly Father also needed to have His children as the entire house of Israel already in the Valley of the
    dried bones, gathering the nations with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, so Isaac again may finally spill his atoning-blood as God’s Lamb from Canaan, Yeshua (Jesus Christ), causing them to be reborn to see eternal life, but without sin.

    Considering that, His Son Jesus Christ was going to be nailed to the wood of ancient Israel at Jerusalem’s holy hill, victorious over Satan, sin, death and hell in the earth’s heart, but with two witnesses to both of his altar’s sides, resembling
    Abraham’s three lamb sacrifices over the rock of salvation, finally shedding his atoning-blood over it from Canaan, as His home-sweet-home. Surely, these three lamb sacrifices over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, along with two uncut
    birds, it was not only for His Son Jesus Christ to be Isaac and without relation to sin, but also for His children to be confined in Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years, collecting the world’s sins to abandon them
    at the Red Sea water baptism

    For our heavenly Father had in His holy mind and heart to build His home-sweet-home in Canaan, but this had to be done only with His children reborn with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ born from
    Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, and so, He may live with them forever loved with perfect holiness. Surely, our heavenly Father had to have had Abraham sacrificing his three lambs with their halves facing each other over the rock,
    because His Son Jesus Christ was to be Isaac, so He may pour upon him His perfect will, giving birth to His children in Egypt’s captivity but also pour
    His oath sworn to Isaac, filling the earth with His eternal life eventually.

    Besides, our heavenly Father needed His children born in Egypt’s captivity with His oath sworn to Isaac, where they were to collect every sin that the families of the nations had committed (and that will commit in generations ahead) against Him, His
    Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may grant them His holy name fire to escape Egypt finally. Moreover, our heavenly Father through Abraham’s three lamb sacrifices over the rock of salvation along with the two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-
    blood, it was also finally granting His holy name fire to Moses over Mount Zion, resting at Sinai, so they may escape Egypt through the water baptism of the Red sea; for Israel is destined to become His home-sweet-home, in Canaan, forever.

    Considering that, once our heavenly Father had liberated ancient Israel from Egypt’s captivity, and with their sacred-flesh along with the oath sworn to Isaac that had collected the sins from the families of the nations from the past and the future,
    then, they abandoned, baptized in water, the sins along with the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, our heavenly Father had every man, woman and child from ancient Israel now wearing His Son Jesus
    Christ’s glorified-body as Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood, so they may become His priests that He needed to expiate, judge and forgive every sin that had power to send His children into hell, so they may return to life
    again soon in Canaan.

    Therefore, our heavenly Father had the entire house of Israel operating before Him with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, as His perfect will and divine nature throughout the Sinai’s desert: expiating, judging and forgiving every sin from the world
    with the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, so He may prepare His children to become His home-sweet-home in Canaan eventually. Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to have the entire house of Israel searching for water to
    drink, because they were very thirsty after walking for three days without tasting it, but, they only found the bitter waters of Mara in abundance that needed to be sweetened by them, as the three from Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan.

    These were bitter waters of Mara that the families of the nations had failed to
    use in water baptism by invoking His holy name fire that the holy angels had been sent to them with it, so they may become reborn into life again by abandoning every sin to
    walk with our heavenly Father in Canaan with perfect salvation always forever. These bitter waters were sweetened by the tree that our heavenly Father had presented unto Abraham initially thus he may conduct three sacrifices with their halves facing each
    other, so He may walk in between the halves: expiating, judging and forgiven every sin from the families of the nations for His children to be born upon earth, starting with Isaac.

    [continued in next message]

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