IVANIVAN555@aol.com@1:229/2 to
All on Sunday, September 08, 2019 10:03:58
Sábado, 07 de Septiembre, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Graciously: Our heavenly Father’s holy heart grieved to see that the families
of the nations had descended into hell’s torment, because they had failed to know Him, as their eternal Father from heaven above that has given then birth through His image
and living-soul, so they may live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness and in His Holy of Spirit’s eternal life. Now, our heavenly Father needed to pour His holy heart’s suffering for His lost children to hell’s torment, because
His brokenheart
needed to be with them, thus helping them, since there is nothing too hard for Him to do, but He needed His own Son Jesus Christ born upon earth to pour His holy heart’s suffering upon him finally.
Given that, once our heavenly Father can truly pour His broken holy heart upon His Son Jesus Christ born upon earth from one of the families of the nations, then, He can work Himself with His brokenheart to the gates of hell, so He may begin to help them
in the best way possible until they are finally liberated into eternity. For our heavenly Father needed desperately to take His broken holy heart to the gate of hell’s torment to stand there thus to begin to do the best that He knows how not only to
destroy darkness, sin, infirmities, poverty and everything that relates to Satan, the fallen angel and death, but also, He needed to secure their eternal defeat upon earth.
For our heavenly Father needed to be close as possible to His children lying in
hell’s torment, and this was the gate of hell’s torment, then He will have His Son Jesus Christ spilling His eternal life, defeated in paradise in Eve and
later in Adam
along with the children, so He may save them totally liberated from sin and death at last. Surely, our heavenly Father needed His holy heart next to His children’s hearts as well suffering the pains of sin and the agony to have lost their souls to hellâ
€™s torment, because He really has a solution to their salvation in His holy heart, but, He had to have His Son as His Lamb spilling his atoning-blood over hell’s gate for deliverance lastly.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had to have Abraham having a child from his wife
Sarah’s barren-womb by the power of the Holy Spirit, because he will be the one, where He will finally pour His holy heart’s suffering and agony thus not
only to rescue
His children lost to sin and hell, but also, heal His brokenheart in Canaan with them. Sincerely, our heavenly Father needed to pour His holy heart upon Isaac lying over the wood of Mount Zion, resting at Moriah, because He was not only expiating and
forgiving every sin from the families of the nations dead in their sins, descending into hell’s torment forever lost, but also, He could heal His brokenheart in Canaan with them finally.
Indeed, our heavenly Father had poured upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable
bones and the atoning-blood: healing powers of His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divine Justice for His children’s forgiveness from sin but
also He poured richness healing His brokenheart forever at last in Canaan, His home-sweet-home, where He will live forever enriched with His loved ones. Really, after Abraham had lived with his only son Isaac for few years then he lived with our heavenly
Father and the Holy Spirit the daily richness of the rock of salvation that are
oceans of His unfailing love, oceans of His happiness and oceans of His joys among other richness, so He may pour His holy brokenheart upon Canaan finally.
For our heavenly Father needed not only to enrich Abraham along with his only son Isaac but also the promised children living in generations head, because they were the ones that will be born with the oath sworn to Isaac, filled with His amazing richness
to take them through the Sinai’s desert, descending finally into the Valley of the dried bones. This was powerful richness aimed to enrich His children from the families of the nations that had died in their sins to descend into hell’s torment
forever lost, so He may have His richness at the gate of hell ready to defeat Satan, the fallen angels and death, thus for His children to see life again at last forever.
What’s more, our heavenly Father needed His children not only from Israel to become reborn within His holy heart established as His new earth’s heart to see him on the Third Day by the amazing daily powers of the Holy Spirit victorious over Satan and
death forever but also to see His children from the families of the nations alive again soon. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to see His children dressed with His amazing richness from His holy heart, as they were reborn by the amazing powers of
His Holy Spirit, spilled with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood filled with His eternal life defeating death in Canaan, finally to see life again in His new earth, where sin will fail to exist throughout eternity.
For our heavenly Father needed to receive His children reborn from His holy heart, established at the new earth’s heart, not only from Israel but also from the families of the nations, because to enter into His holy presence then you must be dressed
with His amazing richness thus to be acceptable unto Him in heaven’s glory forever blessed. That is why, that as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to ancient Israel’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill then every man, woman and child from ancient Israel
received the glorified-body filled with the eternal life that had defeated Satan and death throughout Canaan, but also, they were dressed with His richness thus to become accepted in heaven’s glory forever enriched.
In other words, everyone born again through the water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism then that one must be dressed with the richness that our heavenly Father’s holy heart poured not only upon Isaac but also throughout Canaan, so they may stand
acceptable before Him in heaven’s glory only to know love, greatness, prosperity, glory and peace throughout eternity, starting now. It is just as when our heavenly Father finally descends into Canaan, then the entire house of
Israel must be baptized
in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit, so with their presence filled with eternal life that has defeated Satan and death throughout Canaan, instantly Canaan will flow with milk and honey forever.
Amazing richness that our heavenly Father’s holy heart not only poured already upon Isaac but also throughout Canaan, for the Valley of the dried bones to turn into His holy heart with His children from ancient Israel reborn to see life again, thus
finally Canaan will flow with amazing richness, enriching His home-sweet-home, receiving Him with great honors in His final descend soon. That is to say, also
that our heavenly Father will be received with great richness that will emanate
from Canaan
miraculously with great abundance enriching every man, woman and child throughout Israel and their thriving communities throughout the nations for the
world, so He may finally descend into His home-sweet-home to enjoy: love, richness, honor and glory
from His children forever.
Indeed, these are amazing richness flowing with milk and honey emanating from the new earth’s heart along with Canaan, as Israel is finally baptized in water, to receive our heavenly Father in His final descend into Canaan to live with His children the
natural richness that His holy heart poured upon Isaac initially to be enjoyed in perfect holiness throughout eternity. Moreover, these are amazing richness that will manifest with the milk and honey emanating from Canaan, as Israel has
finally become
baptized in water, given that Israel will become enriched with richness never seen by the angels in heaven’s glory much less upon earth with mankind, but also, the nations will be enriched greatly lastly.
Furthermore, as Israel has become reborn from water baptism that means that they had finally fulfilled the Ten Commandments of Israel and Moses, then they had entered into our heavenly Father’s eternal life: touching the lives of the families of the
nations with powerful miracles and glories, including the ones in hell’s torment finally, so they may see life again forever. Considering that, the families of the nations that they had spent centuries and even thousands of years in hell’s torment,
because they died in their sins for failing to become reborn in water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, then, they will be enriched greatly as Canaan flows of milk and honey perpetually.
Indeed, these are amazing richness from milk and honey that our heavenly Father’s holy heart gave birth to them naturally for His heartfelt-love for His children from Israel and the families of the nations, so they may now know instead of sin, curses,
pain, poverty, death and hell: then, the amazing abundant richness from His holy heart poured upon Isaac and Canaan earlier. That is why, that it was important that His Son Jesus Christ may be born first from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy
Spirit’s power, so He may descend with the Holy Spirit to live with Abraham’s family, neighbors and friends thus finally to grant them His holy heart’s hidden richness to become the new earth, growing progressively from under Canaan today.
For it was our heavenly Father’s perfect will from His holy heart these days to have His holy name fire established forever within His chosen home-sweet-home as the best land from the entire earth, so He may finally dress
it over Jerusalem’s holy
hill, in Canaan, with glories, sanctities and powers unseen before by the angels from heaven above and upon earth with humankind. For these are many richness that will manifest only with the milk and honey as the manna nourishing every day our heavenly
Father’s eternal life and words of life from the oath sworn to Isaac but also
enriches His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so His children may be enriched around the world as they may become baptized in water.
Legally, these are richness from milk and honey poured from our heavenly Father’s holy heart upon Isaac and Canaan thus enriching His children reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, so they may enter into His eternal life, where He will execute His perfect will with them throughout the earth. Furthermore, our heavenly Father’s perfect will is to bless every man, woman and child with His oath sworn to Isaac, where He has
expiated, judged and destroyed every sin from humankind, but also, He has to enrich the land of the nations thus to have fertile lands producing bumper-crops along with great cities and beautiful homes for every family around the world.
Conveniently, our heavenly Father will have every man, woman and child to become just as perfect and holy as He is throughout baptisms of water and His Holy Spirit, but also, He needs to enrich them with richness greater than the ones known in heaven’s
glory by the angelical hosts, so they may live enriched as He has always lived enriched through eternity. For our heavenly Father had always dreamed to live with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts along with every man, woman and
child born naturally from His image and living-soul thus they may live in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness of his sacred-flesh only knowing His Spirit’s endless richness of His unfailing-love for human life throughout the earth.
Surely, it was important for our heavenly Father: not only living His eternal life in need to defeat Satan and death in paradise, but also, He needed His Son
Jesus Christ nailed to ancient Israel’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in
Canaan, with His
holy name fire flying over the top of the world, protecting His children and richness through eternity. Considering that, as His Son Jesus Christ finally spilled his atoning-blood over ancient Israel’s wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill at the City of
David’s gate, but also, the gate of hell was stained with His eternal life victorious over Satan and death, so Satan’s kingdom of his fallen angels may be destroyed directly from hell itself never to rise again forever.
Indeed, our heavenly Father’s holy heart naturally poured upon Isaac lying over the altar’s wood, resting at Moriah, then, it was for his children born from Isaac, Jacob and so-forth to take it through Egypt’s captivity, to the Red Sea baptism and
through the Sinai’s desert, expiating sin, descending into the Valley of the dried bones with His holy heart victorious over sin finally. Considering that, our heavenly Father needed to establish His holy heart along with His amazing richness not only
to enrich His children from the house of Israel but also the families of the nations already dead in their sins in hell’s torment thus to help them escape
in the last day, so He may have His new kingdom enriched greatly with them.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to start His new kingdom that is
His new earth, formed with His holy heart established there with the rock of salvation along with hell’s gate stained with Isaac’s atoning-blood, for final eternal
victory over sin and death, so His children may live His eternal life with victories that can only enrich you daily, beginning now. That is that, if our heavenly Father had failed to stained the rock of salvation along with the posts of the gate of hell
before Abraham’s children that had become bones throughout the Valley of the dried bones, then, Satan along with the fallen angels and death could still continue to do their evils as usual against anyone on earth to destroy them.
[continued in next message]
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