• TAB: Nina Aristova - Prelude and Fugue - 2. Fugue a 3 voci (2/2)

    From oniscoid@gmail.com@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, October 09, 2019 07:11:06
    [continued from previous message]

    A|---------------------------------|-------------------------4-------| E|-0===============================|=========================--------|
    4 3 2 1 1 4 4 4 1 4
    3 2 2 3 2 2

    36 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . e|---3---------6-------8-10=----9---|---------------------------------| B|-----1-3---4---6=--8--------------|---------------------------------| G|----------------------------------|-----------------0=======--------| D|-0=======0=======0========--------|-----4=====2-3-4-----------------| A|--------------------------6=======|-3---2-1-0=========--0-1-----0---| E|-0=======0=======0========0=======|-------------------0-----2-1-0===|
    1 2 4 4 2 3 4
    3 2 1 1 2 1 ff

    6/4 s s
    38 | . | . | . | . | . | . e|-------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------| G|-1===============0=======--------------------1---| D|---------------------------------------0-1=======| A|-----2---0---2---3-------4---0-1-3-2-3---0-------| E|=====--------------------------------------------|
    1 2 2 3 4 1 3 2 3 1 2

    39 | . | . | . | . | . | . e|-----------------7---8=====8---------8-10-11------| B|-3-4-0-1-4=====3-------------6-8-9-10-------------| G|-0========================================--------| D|-----------3---0-1=======--------1========--7-9-10| A|-3=========--3-----------4=======---------11------| E|--------------------------------------------------|
    3 4 1 4 3
    2 3

    40 | . | . | . | . | . e|-8-10==-----9=--9-14------6=======7=======| B|-------10=--------------------------------| G|----------------------12--7-----------0---| D|-11==8====10==10==------------------------| A|------------------------------7---9-------| E|------------------------------------------|
    2 4 2 1 2 3

    7/8 > > > >
    41 | . | . | . .
    2 1 3 4 3 2 1 4

    42 | . | . | . | . | . | . e|-------------------------------------------------| B|-4=======--------2-1---1-0-----------------------| G|-----2-1---1-2===----3-----2-1===----------------| D|-4-------4---3-2-1=======0===3-2-1-3-0-----------| A|---------------------------------------2-1-3-0===| E|-0===0===================0===========0=======1-2-|
    4 2 3 2 4 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 3
    3 2 1 4 3 1 1 4 2 1 2

    |-----------13----------| >
    2/4 v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v v v
    43 | . | , . , e|-------------------------------------------------------------|| B|-------------------------------------------------------------|| G|-------------------------------------------------------------|| D|-------------------------------------------------------------|| A|-----------------------------6---5---------------------------|| E|--0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0--0---0===------------------------||
    2 4 3
    mf > > > > > > > > > > > > fff

    Notes and Legend

    This is one of those pieces where it's difficult to notice any wrong
    just by listening. But if anyone finds any mistakes please let me
    The tempo is not given. The tempo of the MIDI is 80 bpm, but play it
    or slower as you prefer.

    measure 20 - in the sheet the 12th note is F but the left hand
    (4th finger) indicates an F#
    measure 26 - the sheet isn't clear whether 7th note (D) is tied to the
    8th note
    measure 31 - in the sheet the 20th note is Eb but the left hand
    (2nd finger) indicates an E - in the sheet the 21st note
    is D# but
    the left hand fingering (1st finger) indicates a D
    measure 37 - the sheet isn't clear if the A on the last beat is played
    measure 42 - in the sheet the top note of the chord on the 4th beat is
    Bb but
    - the left hand fingering (open string) indicates a B
    measure 43 - the notes on the first beat start as quarter notes
    becoming faster
    and end as 64th notes - they are played with alternate
    and down strokes of the middle finger
    - the 2 notes on the 2nd beat are 32nd notes

    left hand fingering below the tab -
    1 - index finger
    2 - middle finger
    3 - ring finger
    4 - little finger

    === - length of note, note held, duration
    - accented, marked, stressed
    @ - snap pizzicato (Bartok pizzicato) - the string is plucked
    with enough force for it to rebound off the fretboard
    ' - (measures 11,26) let the note ring, don't dampen the sound
    v - upstroke - strum from the highest note towards the lowest
    ^ - downstroke - strum from the lowest note towards the highest
    |-5-| - pentuplet - 5 notes played in the time of 4 notes
    |-6-| - hextuplet - 6 notes in the time of 4 notes
    |-13-| - 13 notes played in the time of 1 beat (increasing in tempo)
    - crescendo - getting louder, becoming gradually louder
    cresc. - crescendo - getting louder, becoming gradually louder
    ff - fortissimo - very loud
    fff - fortississimo - extremely loud
    mf - mezzoforte - moderately loud
    mp - mezzopiano - moderately soft
    poco - little (poco a poco - little by little)
    s - staccato - detached, cut off, the note is not held for its
    full value

    c1 - part barre on the 1st fret
    C1 - barre on the 1st fret
    c2 - part barre on the 2nd fret
    C2 - barre on the 2nd fret


    the latest version of this tab can be found at http://www.classtab.org
    if you come across any mistakes please let me know - weed@wussu.com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)