• TAB: Dale Kavanagh - 3 Preludes - No 1 (Rubato) (for Jaime Zenamon) (2/

    From oniscoid@gmail.com@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 14:58:10
    [continued from previous message]

    77 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . e|-----------------|-------------5---|-7=======5-------|-0-------0=======|| B|-----------------|---------8-----8-|---0-------0-----|---0-------------|| G|---0---0---0---0-|-0-----7---7-----|-----5-------5---|-----5-----------|| D|-5-------5-------|-----5-----------|-------4-------4-|-------4=========|| A|-----2-------1---|---0-------------|-0===============|-----------------|| E|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------||
    4 1 4 1 1 3 4 3 1 4 4 2 1 3 rit. D.C. al Coda

    81 | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . e|-------0-------0-|-------0-------0-|-------0-------0-|-7=======|=========|| B|-----0-----0-----|-----0-----0-----|-----0-----0-----|-0=======|=========|| G|-------0-7---5---|-------0-7---5---|-------0-7---5---|-0=======|=========|| D|---0-7-------0---|---0-7-------0---|---0-7-----------|-0=======|=========|| A|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|---------|---------|| E|-3---------------|-3---------------|-3---------------|-3=======|=========||
    1 4 4 2 4
    p 1

    Notes and Legend
    In the Daler Kavanagh 'Live in Conecert' video, the repeat (D.C. al Coda)
    is not from the start but from measure 9.
    In the Katie Lonson video measures 22-24 are not played.
    Rubato: the performer has a limited freedom of rhythm and tempo - the time extension applied to one note is taken from an adjoining note or notes. [The accompanying MIDI is a guide to the notes, but not to the interpretation.]

    measure 12 - in the sheet the A on the 1st beat (open 5th string) is a half note
    measure 57,65 - in the sheet the bottom note on the 1st beat is C (below the E) measure 61 - in the sheet the last note is B (not A)
    measure 63 - in the sheet the D on the 1st beat (open 4th string) is a half note
    measure 71 - in the sheet the last note is A (eg 3rd string 7th fret) not D measure 79 - in the sheet the B on the 1st beat (1st string) is a half note

    left hand fingering below the tab -
    1 - index finger
    2 - middle finger
    3 - ring finger
    4 - little finger

    === - length of note, note held, duration
    < < < - crescendo - getting louder
    - decrescendo - getting softer
    + - (end of measure 17, start of measure 81) Coda symbol
    , - (end of measures 56,64) slight pause (breath mark)
    - - (above the tab) tenuto - played firmly, slightly accented
    |-6-| - sextuplet - 6 notes played in the time of 8 notes
    |-7-| - septuplet - 7 notes played in the time of 8 notes
    |-9-| - nonuplet - 9 notes played in the time of 8 notes
    accel. - accelerando - getting gradually faster, with increasing speed
    arp. - arpeggiate - ripple upwards from the lowest note to the highest note F. - Fermata - pause (at the end, before starting the next study)
    f - forte - loud
    mf - mezzoforte - moderately loud
    mp - mezzopiano - moderately soft
    p - (between the notes) pull-off
    poco - little (poco a poco - little by little)
    rall. - rallentando - slowing down (and sometimes becoming quieter)
    rit. - ritenuto - suddenly slowing down
    c7 - part barre on the 7th fret
    c8 - part barre on the 8th fret

    a tempo - resume the earlier tempo (after rall. poco a poco)
    comodo - at an easy pace, without haste, comfortable, moderate
    D.C. al Coda - Da Capo al Coda - return to the start, play till the 1st Coda
    sign (end of measure 17), jump to the 2nd Coda sign (measure 81) poco pesante - a little heavy (firm, vigorous, weighty, sluggish, ponderous) rall. poco a poco - gradually slowing down
    sempre - continuing, still, also (flexible, sempre - continue to keep flexible) sonido / mucho sonido - ?? (sonido = tone, note) - let resonate?
    vibrato - finger vibrato / horizontal vibrato - small regular pulsating
    variations in pitch made by stretching the string, alternatively
    pushing and pulling the string to produce a richer 'wavering' sound pesante y con mucho sonido - firmly with much resonance


    the latest version of this tab can be found at http://www.classtab.org

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