[continued from previous message]
"Akin to the ill-conceived positions the Trump Administration has adopted on so
many important public policy topics during the past year, Attorney General Session's decision today is out of step with the will of the people of not only
California, but the
29 states that have legalized either or both medicinal and recreational-use cannabis," said California Treasurer John Chiang (
cannabis-policy/). "The action taken by Attorney General Sessions threatens us with new national divisiveness and casts into turmoil a newly established industry that is creating jobs and tax revenues. Until the slow, clunking machinery of the federal
government catches up with the values and will of the people it purportedly serves, states -- like California -- will continue to both resist and, more importantly, to lead."
California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) also weighed in (
https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/948991847719829504) on what he called Sessions' "harmful and destructive attempt to revive the failed war on drugs." Sessions' position, he added, "defies fact
and logic, threatens the promise of a safe, stable, and legal framework for legal marijuana, and is just another part of the Trump administration's cynical
war on America's largest state -- its people and its policies -- through policy
reversals, health
care repeals, and now, marijuana policing."
The Republicans Own This
Despite the howls from legal pot state Republicans (and a handful of others), this backwards-looking policy shift lies squarely with the GOP and the Trump administration. It is driving wedges between Republicans and widening the gap between the GOP and
the desires of the nation.
Whether the Republicans pay a penalty for messing with marijuana come November remains to be seen, but Jeff Sessions may have inadvertently done us a favor: Not only does his move hurt Republican prospects, even endangering control of the House, it may a
spark movement to quit dancing around with the end of marijuana prohibition and
just get it done.
================ ...
It's time to correct the mistake:
Truth:the Anti-drugwar
Cops say legalize drugs--find out
Stoners are people too:
bliss -- Cacao Powered... (-SF4ever at DSLExtreme dot com)
bobbie sellers - a retired nurse in San Francisco
"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the beans of cacao that the thoughts acquire speed,
the thighs acquire girth, the girth become a warning.
It is by theobromine alone I set my mind in motion."
--from Someone else's Dune spoof ripped to my taste.
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)