• 'Storm Area 51' has alien 'believers' mostly retards, standing near a g

    From Bradley K. Shurman@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 06:10:13
    XPost: alt.alien.visitors, sac.politics, alt.politics.liberalism
    XPost: alt.society.generation-x
    From: bkshurman@outlook.com

    RACHEL, Nev. – On the lonely dirt road to one of the entrances
    to the enigmatic Area 51, the only thing that resembled
    "storming" on Friday was all the dust kicked up from all the
    vehicles making the trek for selfies and group photos.

    After months of hype -- and emergency preparations that saw
    hundreds of law enforcement and fire officials scatter across
    the vast high-desert area around Rachel, Nev., about 140 miles
    north of Las Vegas -- hardcore alien "believers" and those open
    to having their minds changed on the existence of extra-
    terrestrials gathered outside the military base, and were mostly
    just happy to be there.

    "I've always looked to the skies, but I always kept it to myself
    because you didn't talk about those things and now everyone is
    talking about things because it's easier to come out in the open
    with being a believer," Lisa Miller, who came all the way from
    Kentucky, told Fox News.

    "I've always looked to the skies, but I always kept it to myself
    because you didn't talk about those things and now everyone is
    talking about things because it's easier to come out in the open
    with being a believer."

    — Lisa Miller, Kentuckian who traveled to Area 51 in Nevada

    Miller, who's currently on a "sample platter of a vacation"
    across various stops in the Southwest, said she ventured out in
    the early-morning hours Friday when the actual "storming" took
    place. She described the scene as maybe 50 people walking, but
    "nobody being stupid."

    "I keep telling people, everybody's looking at the gate. Look to
    the skies because you don't know what you're going to see out
    here in the desert," Miller told Fox News. "Stop looking just at
    the gate and broaden your mind."

    On the road to the gate, there were dozens of vehicles traveling
    in either direction, kicking up large plumes of dust along the

    After parking their cars near a "road closed" sign, about 20
    people walked down to the gate that serves as an entrance to
    Area 51. When they finally arrived, they were greeted by about
    eight police vehicles, with officers milling around.

    One officer told Fox News that people had been coming and going
    throughout the day, but their numbers were never overwhelming.
    Most groups stuck around for up to 10 minutes, taking selfies
    and other photos by the gate before heading back to continue
    their treks through the desert to the sights along the
    "Extraterrestrial Highway."

    For Daisy Blue and Benton Huang from Tennessee, the trip to the
    gate took thousands of miles. While they weren't greeted by a
    massive crowd, Benton said it was fun to come up and see
    officers outside on guard and interact with them.

    "It lived up to my expectations," Huang told Fox News.

    Area 51 tested aircraft ranging from the U-2 in the 1950s to the
    B-2 stealth bomber in the 1980s. The government spent decades
    refusing to acknowledge the site even existed, before releasing
    documents confirming it in 2013.The continued secrecy
    surrounding the site has fueled rumors of government studies of extraterrestrials and crashed UFOs.

    In that spirit, and with tongue planted in cheek, the "Storm
    Area 51" Facebook event went viral in July as people pledged to
    overrun the base in an attempt to "see them aliens."

    After all the hype and emergency preparations, officials said
    that only two arrests were made so far during the alien-themed
    events in Rachel and Hiko.

    Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee told FOX5 of Las Vegas that the
    arrests were made overnight, between late Thursday and early
    Friday. A Canadian citizen was arrested in Hiko for indecent
    exposure but was later released. A second, alcohol-related
    arrest was made and the suspect was transferred to a booking
    facility in Pioche.

    The sheriff in neighboring Nye County reported that about 40
    people gathered overnight at a conspicuously green "Area 51
    Alien Center" in Amargosa Valley about 3 a.m. and approached a
    base gate before leaving after "heated warnings" from officers.

    The gathering at the gate, which could have been a scene of
    conflict, was instead something that was "awesome" for Alex
    Bauer, Danny Meyer, and Jack Homan of Chicago.

    "It passed my expectations," Meyer told Fox News. "It's a little
    anticlimactic, but I'm from the Midwest so it's kind of
    beautiful just looking around at all the scenery."


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    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)