• Why Are All Liars and Terrorists Right Wingers?

    From Bucko@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, September 16, 2018 00:06:50
    XPost: misc.immigration.usa, sac.politics, alt.politics.democrats
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, can.politics, alt.society.liberalism
    From: mella_kon8834@yahoo.com

    The White House was built by Thomas Jefferson's slaves because
    he was a lazy slave fucking Pug who hated hard work. Right wing
    racist Repuglikkkans are only brave when they travel in packs
    wearing white sheets and carrying torches. Repuglikkkan
    wanted to make KKK Grand Dragon David Duke president and they
    hate Obama's race so much that he gets 4 times as many death
    threats a day than Bush ever did.

    They're vulgar and disgusting, frequently inbred, ignorant
    gullible white trash.

    The stupid rightists whine about "appeasement", making
    references to their fellow Conservative, British PM
    Chamberlain. All while they opposed FDR taking the fight to
    their fellow rightist Hitler, while Prescott Bush and fellow
    Republican Henry Ford were doing business with the Nazis.

    Now they're whining about their peers, radical right wing
    fundamentalist Muslims.while suporting book burning radical
    Christian priests and churches who protest the funerals of our

    This is just more proof that right wing radical Islam and right
    wing Radical Americans supporting the Tea and Republican
    parties are in bed together.

    Why do rightists hate Muslims so much? Is it because there is
    only room for one gaggle of dumbass right wing wackjobs on the

    But they have so much in common. Republicans are notable for
    their love of sex with children. So are muslims. Republicans
    are cowards, so are Muslims. Republicans are mostly
    homosexuals but pretend to hate them, so are Muslims.
    Republicans believe in ideology and religion over science, so
    do Muslims. Republicans are racist intolerant bigots, so are

    Republicans like killing innocent people - all of the domestic
    terrorists in the USA going back 20 years were rightists.
    And Muslims like killing innocent people.

    The comparisons are endless. But we all know that though
    opposites may attract, many who have similarites hate each
    other. Which explains Muslims and why rightist scum bags
    hate them.

    They're like twins. Two peas in a pod. Almost dopplegangers.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)