• Old Fashioned American Laziness: The Cause Behind High Unemployment

    From Bucko@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, September 15, 2018 19:45:17
    XPost: misc.immigration.usa, sac.politics, alt.politics.democrats
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, can.politics, alt.society.liberalism
    From: mella_kon8834@yahoo.com



    Red States Are Welfare Queens

    Well, all of this tough budget talk from Republicans got me thinking about
    the central: who really benefits from government spending? If you listen
    to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with
    damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers.

    The truth? Not so fast, Michele Bachmann.

    As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare
    Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States — the ones governed by folks
    who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut — are a net
    drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill.

    Take a look at the difference between federal spending on any given state
    and the federal taxes received from that state. We measure the difference
    as a dollar amount: Federal Spending per Dollar of Federal Taxes. A figure
    of $1.00 means that particular state received as much as it paid in to the federal government. Anything over a dollar means the state received more
    than it paid; anything less than $1.00 means the state paid more in taxes
    than it received in services. The higher the figure, the more a given
    state is a welfare queen.

    Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or
    conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

    New Mexico: $2.03
    Mississippi: $2.02
    Alaska: $1.84
    Louisiana: $1.78
    West Virginia: $1.76
    North Dakota: $1.68
    Alabama: $1.66
    South Dakota: $1.53
    Kentucky: $1.51
    Virginia: $1.51
    Montana: $1.47
    Hawaii: $1.44
    Maine: $1.41
    Arkansas: $1.41
    Oklahoma: $1.36
    South Carolina: $1.35
    Missouri: $1.32
    Maryland: $1.30
    Tennessee: $1.27
    Idaho: $1.21

    Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with
    most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or

    Where can we find liberal bastions California, New York, and
    Massachusetts? California is 43rd, getting back only $0.78 for every
    dollar it sends to Washington. New York is 42nd, and one penny better off,
    at $0.79 per dollar. Massachusetts is 40th, receiving $0.82 for every
    dollar it sends to DC.

    Go ahead and bookmark this article. The next time some smarmy teabagger
    tries to tell you it's liberals who are ruining the country and spending
    us into oblivion, kindly point them to the evidence that shows it is GOP states, not Democrat states, who are Welfare Queens. It is GOP states who
    spend more than they collect in taxes. It is GOP states who are out of
    balance, nationally.

    See if they still want to cut off funding when it means no more socialism
    for slave states.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/red-states-are-welfare-queens- 2011-8#ixzz2spxUPSUs

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