• Vester Flanagan chase: BBC journalists covering WDBJ black homosexual b

    From Truth In Media Reporting@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, April 15, 2018 06:49:42
    XPost: alt.politics.usa.constitution.gun-rights, alt.usa.disaster, alt.lunatics XPost: ba.motss
    From: lying-pricks@msnbc.com

    Two BBC journalists who filmed the scene where the Virginia
    shooting suspect crashed and shot himself say they were
    threatened by state police.

    White House reporter Tara McKelvey and videojournalist Franz
    Strasser were among the first on the scene where the manhunt for
    the alleged WDBJ gunman Vester Flanagan came to an end, after
    they saw “sirens blaring” on I-66 West.

    But on a day when the ability of journalists to do their jobs
    unhindered was a particularly heightened issue, officers with
    Virginia State Police reportedly told the reporters to delete
    their footage or risk having their camera and car taken away.

    Strasser wrote on Twitter that he decided to delete the footage
    because “it was either not being able to work for the rest of
    the day, without camera or car, or delete c***** footage from
    far away”. He said he “chose the latter”.

    Tara McKelvey ?@Tara_Mckelvey
    I just left the site where the suspect reportedly shot himself.
    Cops took our camera and said they would also take our car then
    let us go.
    9:00 AM - 26 Aug 2015
    176 176 Retweets 36 36 favorites

    Franz Strasser ?@franzstrasser
    Just at the scene of the suspects shooting on I-66. Police told
    me to delete footage or lose camera.
    8:53 AM - 26 Aug 2015
    507 507 Retweets 159 159 favorites

    Franz Strasser ?@franzstrasser
    Just at the scene of the suspects shooting on I-66. Police told
    me to delete footage or lose camera.
    8:53 AM - 26 Aug 2015
    507 507 Retweets 159 159 favorites

    Franz Strasser ?@franzstrasser
    Watched me delete my one file, and let me go. Other officer
    apologized and said we have to understand.
    9:08 AM - 26 Aug 2015
    73 73 Retweets 24 24 favorites

    Franz Strasser ?@franzstrasser
    It was either not being able to work for the rest of the day,
    w/o camera and car, or delete crappy footage from far away.
    Chose the latter.
    9:48 AM - 26 Aug 2015
    25 25 Retweets 21 21 favorites

    Franz Strasser ?@franzstrasser
    Reason for confiscating camera was that it was evidence.
    Threatened to tow the car because it was illegally parked.
    9:59 AM - 26 Aug 2015
    77 77 Retweets 35 35 favorites

    Franz Strasser ?@franzstrasser
    It was either not being able to work for the rest of the day,
    w/o camera and car, or delete crappy footage from far away.
    Chose the latter.

    Franz Strasser ?@franzstrasser
    But why they are then okay with deleting 'evidence' makes one
    question their reasoning.
    10:00 AM - 26 Aug 2015
    108 108 Retweets 90 90 favorites

    Franz Strasser ?@franzstrasser
    We were able to recover photos from the moment police asked us
    to delete crime scene footage #WDBJ
    4:54 PM - 26 Aug 2015
    20 20 Retweets 19 19 favorites

    Franz Strasser ?@franzstrasser
    Neither of these VA state police officers were the one asking us
    to delete footage. It was mainly one officer.
    4:55 PM - 26 Aug 2015
    10 10 Retweets 14 14 favorites

    Naming the policeman involved as Officer Clark, McKelvey said
    they were told the footage they had “could be evidence”.
    Strasser confirmed it was “mainly one officer” who addressed
    them, and said that the fact he ordered them to delete the
    “evidence” was enough to “make one question their reasoning”.

    After Strasser’s initial tweet about the officer’s threat was
    widely shared on social media – and appeared in the BBC’s live
    coverage of the Virginia shootings online – a public relations
    officer for Virginia police has reached out to him on Twitter.

    Corinne Geller, a spokesperson for Virginia State Police, wrote:
    “VSP is aware of this incident and we are looking into it, as
    such actions violate VSP policy.”

    Strasser later wrote on Twitter that he and McKelvey were
    reviewing what recordings the pair had been able to make of the
    exchange with police. A video captured on McKelvey’s iPhone was
    deemed “unusable”.

    And the incident seems unlikely to be left there. Paul Danahar,
    the BBC’s bureau chief in the US, also responded to the incident
    on Twitter, asking the police spokesperson to “exchange

    The Independent has contacted the BBC for an official statement
    on what happened.

    http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/vester-flanagan- chase-bbc-journalists-covering-wdbj-shooting-threatened-by- virginia-police-10474038.html

    Illegal alien muslim Barack Hussein Obama seizes on this tragedy
    caused by one of his mentally ill homosexual, black racist nuts,
    to wave the flags for more gun control.

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