• Re: Tom Brady supports Malcolm Butler in feud with Belichick

    From 5 and 5@1:229/2 to P-Dub on Thursday, February 08, 2018 02:59:00
    XPost: alt.sports.football.pro.phila-eagles, alt.sports.football.pro.ne-patriots
    From: superbowl-losers@patriots.com

    In article <ef6e6841-afab-47ee-965d-
    P-Dub <pwolfe00@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 1:20:25 PM UTC-5, Joe Banner wrote:
    Tom Brady wrote, "you are an incredible teammate," to Malcolm Butler.
    Butler is currently involved in a public feud with Belichick. According to the
    Boston Herald headline, "MUTINY IN FOXBORO," which indicates that the evil empire is falling apart.

    Here's Malcolm Butler's theme song...

    'I was gonna suit up, but I got high'...


    Braby song.

    'The Butthole Losers'


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