• AstraZeneca vaccine info and debunked lies

    From ageinhippie@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, March 04, 2021 20:05:48
    From: ageinhippie@anashram.com

    The Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine is made from a cold-causing adenovirus that was isolated from the stool of chimpanzees and modified so that it no
    longer replicates in cells.

    When injected, the vaccine instructs human cells to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein — the immune system’s main target in coronaviruses. The vaccine entered phase III efficacy trials before other front runners,
    including Pfizer and Moderna, and trials are continuing in countries
    including the United States, South Africa, Japan and Russia. The 23
    November analysis is based on 131 COVID-19 cases among more than 11,000
    trial participants in the United Kingdom and Brazil, up to 4 November.


    Hints of optimism

    While Oxford and AstraZeneca make sense of their trial data and gather
    more, there is reason for optimism in other facets of the vaccine’s performance, say scientists. No participants who received the vaccine were hospitalized or developed severe COVID-19, suggesting the vaccine might do
    a good job at preventing severe disease.

    There were also hints that the vaccine might prevent infected people from transmitting the virus, even if they aren’t showing symptoms. In the trial’s UK arm, some participants routinely swabbed themselves for
    SARS-CoV-2 testing, even if they weren’t showing symptoms. Differences in infection rates between people who received the placebo and those who got
    the Oxford vaccine suggest the vaccine blocks transmission, says Ewer.
    (The Pfizer and Moderna trials tested only people who showed symptoms.)

    ### - quote: "No participants who received the vaccine were hospitalized
    or developed severe COVID-19, suggesting the vaccine might do a good job
    at preventing severe disease."

    this trial data has been later borne out in actual use, in that no one in
    the uk (currently 20 million recipients) who received this particular
    vaccine was subsequently hospitalised and/or died from covid...

    on another note, rumours via the internet by scare mongers are suggesting
    this vaccine contains human cells that will alter people's dna etc, but
    which is apparently completely untrue...

    e.g., this article from full facts.org


    Aborted male foetal cells called MRC-5 are in the Covid-19 vaccine.

    The cell strain referenced isn’t used to manufacture the vaccine. A
    different cell strain, derived from kidney cells taken from a female
    foetus aborted in the 1970s was used to propagate the virus for the
    vaccine. These cells don’t make it to the final product.

    A video originally posted on the Vaxxed II Facebook page, which has since spread further online, claims that the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine contains cells from the lung of an aborted male foetus.

    The vaccine does not use the cell strain mentioned, but a different one,
    called HEK 293, which was derived from human kidney cells of an aborted

    Cells from both foetuses have been replicated over the decades, creating what’s known as cell strains. So the actual cells used in the manufacture
    of this vaccine are not directly from a foetus.

    While human-derived cells are used to manufacture the vaccine, they are filtered out of the final product.

    Why are foetal cells used in production of some vaccines?

    According to the Vaccine Knowledge Project at Oxford University: “Some viruses, such as chickenpox (varicella), grow much better in human cells.
    After they are grown, the viruses are purified several times to remove the
    cell culture material. This makes it unlikely that any human material
    remains in the final vaccine.”

    The video also claims that the vaccine will change your DNA which is
    untrue. We’ve written more about this: here:


    The new Covid-19 vaccine will be the first of its kind ever. It will be an
    mRNA vaccine which will literally alter your DNA. It will wrap itself into
    your system. You will become a genetically modified human being.

    mRNA vaccines are some of the many vaccines being developed to combat the Covid-19 virus. However, they do not alter a person’s DNA.

    A Facebook post shared thousands of times has claimed that “the new
    vaccine for Covid-19 will be the first of its kind EVER. It will be an
    mRNA vaccine which will literally alter your DNA. It will wrap itself into
    your system. You will essentially become a genetically modified human

    This is partially incorrect.

    It is true that mRNA vaccines are being developed to combat Covid-19,
    along with numerous other types of vaccines. There is not one “Covid-19” vaccine, as suggested by the post, lots of countries and lots of
    laboratories are attempting to develop a vaccine to combat the virus.

    Of the six vaccines the World Health Organisation had identified on 13
    August as being furthest along in clinical trials, two were mRNA vaccines.

    It’s also true that mRNA vaccines are very novel, and if one were to be approved for human use for Covid-19, it would be the first of its kind.

    However, the post incorrectly describes how mRNA vaccines work. mRNA
    vaccines work by introducing a molecule into the body which instructs
    cells to build a disease-specific antigen. The antigen is then recognised
    by the immune system which produces antibodies to fight the real thing.

    It doesn’t change the body’s DNA or “wrap” itself. mRNA vaccines are generally viewed positively as they are cheap, and don’t involve using
    part of a virus-like some traditional vaccines.


    iow: we're in an emergency situation here - and we have the choice of
    taking a new experimental vaccine or not.

    we take a chance either way (to have or not to have that is the question)
    but the choice of which way you go is entirely up to you...

    but gamble we must one way or the other!

    we can't get out of it so place yer bets :)

    (trumpty-dumpty for example apparently gambled on having the vaccine on
    top of the experimental vaccine he had in the hospital which he claimed
    had made him immune, and was obviously advised to do so but didn't want it advertised? hmm, i wonder why...)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Friday, March 05, 2021 10:13:08
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    All your internal chess games are moot.
    Hector's excuse system is more potent.
    You have 1500 drones he shall soon have a billion
    A hive mind where any deviation from zero momentum draws attack

    If you had truly studied Carlos this would not have conquered you.
    A warrior uses death as an expert advisor and has nothing to protect.

    A little song about me and Charlie and why I "Pay that Devil his due."

    Red Hot Chili Peppers - Charlie

    Carlos is sitting in a mansion I built and he paid off with a single life.
    He is laughing at you as one of the petty tyrants that made that possible.
    Your a delusional old whore trapped in a spider web of your own special design.

    Imagine you are Hector.
    Or Jesus come back as Bob Dylan
    Or John the Baptist come back as Lennon
    The real that is TRUTH money always defeats fake money.


    See you later Hector, no offense intended.
    I was speaking to one of your torturers in 2021.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Friday, March 05, 2021 09:50:32
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    The living human cells were taken from a child.
    The child was then murdered and the cells kept alive.
    The child is now 48 years old and living in your veins.

    You shall fight this war till you are reduced to 1D points and deleted.
    Your Borderline personality disorder prevents you from understanding.
    You and Hector have merged, just like you and your followers have merged.

    You no longer have a core identity, you are a process of repetitive motions as is Hector.
    In this game there is no victory or defeat only eternal torment and torture of the damned.

    Your identity is dissolving.
    For every motion you make a contrary motion resist. Welcome to Hell.
    If you doubted Hector lives within you as a 48 year old super entity you would still be Slider

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)