### - taking a cue from thang re my ranting the other day (hadn't thought
of it like that at the time but then maybe it was) just thought maybe it
IS time then for a little one, albeit one perhaps more suited to my nature
+ deliberately done ;)
that here i am sitting here watching all this crap + hatred people have
for america (which is no small thing btw because there's people, even
whole nations, that totally despise america!) and am kinda sorry about
that because imho america actually has an awful lot to offer the world >besides gangsters and corruption & shit? (they invented jazz didn't they
for instance no? and that's a biggie!)
that it really 'has' gots plenty to offer the world besides being the
worst of humanity!?
a world that's really struggling and suffering like never before! that's >possibly even dying right in front of our very eyes and no fucker's even >really doing anything about it besides talk that never really comes to >anything!
that all this 'america first' and being all for 'itself' bs that's got >everyone so riled up, the 'make america great again' sentiment that that
cunt trump made a point of appealing to and exploiting, is, in reality,
all just the emotional struggles of an angry young man, one who is
actually coming of age and is finally growing up!
in which case, maybe it's TIME to give the demos their head see? time for >people to start seeing them as they 'really' are and what they more >'genuinely' represent instead of all the scare stories of the past that's >been pushed onto people who don't even really know what they're fuckin'
doing anyway?
and because they (the left) actually believes in equality and peace & art
and shit for real, see?
that in america sorting out their current troubles (literally being forced >to!) it might just represent the dawning of a NEW america! one that breaks >away from the despotism and gangster-type domination of the past which was >ultimately only looking out for itself, to that of becoming a more genuine >leader in the world and as such a genuine force for good in which
'everyone' gets a shot instead of everyone 'being' shot! the american >constitution as then applied to the whole world!
i mean, the african americans might just be the 'soul' of america! the
part no one fucking listens to ya know?
that as someone that was basically raised in the black community i know
for sure it's gotta lot to offer! my first real mentor was a poverty
stricken hustler from the streets of kingston jamaica for fuck sake! one
whom for reasons entirely of his own and completely beyond my
understanding, took a very young and naive slider under his wing and
showed him around! ffs why?? i learned sooo much from that dude it's
untrue! and he never once asked me for a goddamned thing in return!
he didn't have to do it anyway, is my point, and could've just ripped me
off and i wouldn't have even known any different lol... but he didn't! and
am a much better person for it!
iow: they actually have an awful lot to contribute! and that's just the
black community! there's far more than just that alone lurking on the left
to be discovered!
all that literature for instance! all that poetry! all that... LIFE!
GOOD life!
and 'america' could be the first to do it! to ultimately unite the world
in a better, far more mature manner & way, like for real!!!
that it's got everything going for it but is currently just a little
confused is all, is obviously in turmoil and in inner conflict coz it's
still young see? is still looking inward when it needs to start looking >outward! is self absorbed and conflicted instead of being more interested
in the rest of the world of which it's a major part + in which it has a
major role to play! to stop being so paranoid (out of guilt) and to get
rid of all those guns! to not even NEED them anymore because it's LOVED by >the world instead of being feared & hated!
that the right wing could never bring america to all that see? it's only
in them to dominate! whereas on the left you gots cooperation and sharing
and stuff, things that're completely beyond the ken of the right-wing >altogether!
that in that sense maybe some 'good' can actually come out of all this?
some intelligence! some growing up!
and as a result: a far better world for ALL.
(rant done hehe)
On Tue, 12 Jan 2021 23:18:58 -0000, slider <slider@anashram.com>
### - taking a cue from thang re my ranting the other day (hadn't
of it like that at the time but then maybe it was) just thought maybe it
IS time then for a little one, albeit one perhaps more suited to my
+ deliberately done ;)
that here i am sitting here watching all this crap + hatred people have
for america (which is no small thing btw because there's people, even
whole nations, that totally despise america!) and am kinda sorry about
that because imho america actually has an awful lot to offer the world
besides gangsters and corruption & shit? (they invented jazz didn't they
for instance no? and that's a biggie!)
Who hates America? Only the jealous fuckheads in Russia, China, Iran
and NK.
I don't hate America, I think they are marvellous tribes
which are solely immigrant stock apart from the indiginous people who originally migrated from Asia across the land bridge into Alaska and
thence down the continent (much the same as our Aboriginals who
migrated from India down the land bridge into Aussieland).
A world without the US would be an impoverished world. Particularly,
we in Australia owe them eternally for saving our arses from the Nips
in a little thing called the Battle of the Coral Sea. The Nips were
on their way down to subjugate Australia because all our menfolk in
the professional army were fighting Rommel and Co, at the behest of
the THEN colonial masters, the fucking Brits.
Then the Yanks arrived and blew the Japs out of the water.
that it really 'has' gots plenty to offer the world besides being the
worst of humanity!?
Oh c'mon, the worst of humanity? Try that Putin cunt, or Xi, or the
pricks who run Iran and NK. They are the worst of humanity. They are exactly the opposite of the American (and Australian) concepts of
personal freedom. And no freeloading parasitic aristocracy in the US
Trump was doomed to fail in the US. The US is the embodiment of
a world that's really struggling and suffering like never before! that's
possibly even dying right in front of our very eyes and no fucker's even
really doing anything about it besides talk that never really comes to
Mass extinction events have plagued life for the last 2 billion years.
The worst, killing over 95% of ALL life on this planet, was when
oxygen was introduced into the biosphere. However, without that event
we would not be here, nor any other highly organised complex organism.
As long as we get into space permanently, it doesn't matter. The earth
will heal, and if it doesn't, then time to look for other homes.
that all this 'america first' and being all for 'itself' bs that's got
everyone so riled up, the 'make america great again' sentiment that that
cunt trump made a point of appealing to and exploiting, is, in reality,
all just the emotional struggles of an angry young man, one who is
actually coming of age and is finally growing up!
in which case, maybe it's TIME to give the demos their head see? time
people to start seeing them as they 'really' are and what they more
'genuinely' represent instead of all the scare stories of the past
been pushed onto people who don't even really know what they're fuckin'
doing anyway?
and because they (the left) actually believes in equality and peace &
and shit for real, see?
Stalin, Xi (Uighurs, don't forget), NK - look up the Holodomer,
numerous purges, Mao's war against the Nationalists, etc etc etc.
You might care to express that sentiment a little differently,
that in america sorting out their current troubles (literally being
to!) it might just represent the dawning of a NEW america! one that
away from the despotism and gangster-type domination of the past which
ultimately only looking out for itself, to that of becoming a more
leader in the world and as such a genuine force for good in which
'everyone' gets a shot instead of everyone 'being' shot! the american
constitution as then applied to the whole world!
Well I wish we STILL had loose gun laws like we once had and like the
US has. I like my guns, especially nice semi-auto small cal like
Ruger .22 carbines, shotties and so on. Time was one could buy them
here off the wall in Woolworths, I know because I bought a .22 10 shot
about 40 years ago and drove it back here to Perth from North Qld (got
drunk one night and snapper the motherfucker in half and threw it in
the ocean).
I like the US gun laws and I like their Constitution. Betcha you
Brits don't have anything like the US Constitution and nor do we. But
then again, we didn't have to fight a war for our freedom and then a
war for the freedom of the slaves. They've earned the right to be
i mean, the african americans might just be the 'soul' of america! the
part no one fucking listens to ya know?
I've been to New Orleans and while there, the Jazz Festival which was
then (1998) held at the race course. Don't tell me no one listens to
the blacks. I listened among clouds of pot (we weren't smoking, New
Orleans was too dangerous to let your guard down) to the Neville
Brothers (black) singing Yellow Moon, then the Doobie brothers (white)
and many other well known names most if not all from NOLA.
People listen to the blacks, believe me. They are very, very cool.
that as someone that was basically raised in the black community i know
for sure it's gotta lot to offer! my first real mentor was a poverty
stricken hustler from the streets of kingston jamaica for fuck sake! one
whom for reasons entirely of his own and completely beyond my
understanding, took a very young and naive slider under his wing and
showed him around! ffs why?? i learned sooo much from that dude it's
untrue! and he never once asked me for a goddamned thing in return!
he didn't have to do it anyway, is my point, and could've just ripped me
off and i wouldn't have even known any different lol... but he didn't!
am a much better person for it!
iow: they actually have an awful lot to contribute! and that's just the
black community! there's far more than just that alone lurking on the
to be discovered!
all that literature for instance! all that poetry! all that... LIFE!
Well they're not too good at literature but music, they are gods.
GOOD life!
and 'america' could be the first to do it! to ultimately unite the world
in a better, far more mature manner & way, like for real!!!
that it's got everything going for it but is currently just a little
confused is all, is obviously in turmoil and in inner conflict coz it's
still young see? is still looking inward when it needs to start looking
outward! is self absorbed and conflicted instead of being more
in the rest of the world of which it's a major part + in which it has a
major role to play! to stop being so paranoid (out of guilt) and to get
rid of all those guns! to not even NEED them anymore because it's LOVED
the world instead of being feared & hated!
that the right wing could never bring america to all that see? it's only
in them to dominate! whereas on the left you gots cooperation and
and stuff, things that're completely beyond the ken of the right-wing
that in that sense maybe some 'good' can actually come out of all this?
Yep. Entertainment.
some intelligence! some growing up!
and as a result: a far better world for ALL.
(rant done hehe)
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