• Warnock wins, Ossoff leads by 16K with uncounted remainder from Dem cou

    From o'Mahoney@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, January 06, 2021 20:49:48
    From: libertidad@south.south.com

    I'm glad Loeffler has gone, her husband owns the New York Stock
    Exchange and she is independently wealthy as well. She is a horrible
    woman by all accounts.

    Ossoff has won but no one has called it yet.

    That means the cunt Trump has lost hook, line and sinker. Lost the
    POTUS, lost the House and lost the Senate. And Scotland won't let him
    in to his golf course :)

    Biden will have a lot of fun until the next Senate elections in 2

    RIP the GOP lol

    This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From chris rodgers@1:229/2 to old Baloney on Wednesday, January 06, 2021 07:32:04
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    old Baloney writes:

    I'm glad Loeffler has gone, her husband owns the New York Stock
    Exchange and she is independently wealthy as well. She is a horrible
    woman by all accounts.

    you do know that outside of a small circle of friends most
    people don't give a shit what you think, feel, believe. See
    how useless it is to give your 'precious opinion", especially
    at a crack pot place like this group? but we are happy to
    laugh with you or at you, depending on how sick we are at
    any given time. AND whatever you do don't take anything
    too seriously here.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, January 06, 2021 17:23:36
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Wed, 06 Jan 2021 12:49:48 -0000, o'Mahoney <libertidad@south.south.com> wrote:

    I'm glad Loeffler has gone, her husband owns the New York Stock
    Exchange and she is independently wealthy as well. She is a horrible
    woman by all accounts.

    Ossoff has won but no one has called it yet.

    That means the cunt Trump has lost hook, line and sinker. Lost the
    POTUS, lost the House and lost the Senate. And Scotland won't let him
    in to his golf course :)

    Biden will have a lot of fun until the next Senate elections in 2

    RIP the GOP lol

    ### - they're gonna have to totally reinvent themselves aren't they lol,
    old trumpy-boy ultimately having been the best thing since sliced bread
    for the demos + the left-wing in general haha :)))

    they'll never be trusted again! :P

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, January 06, 2021 17:49:21
    From: slider@anashram.com

    ### - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur8ftRFb2Ac

    'ride like the wind'


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, January 06, 2021 17:32:53
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Wed, 06 Jan 2021 15:32:04 -0000, chris rodgers <allreadydun@gmail.com> wrote:

    old Baloney writes:

    I'm glad Loeffler has gone, her husband owns the New York Stock
    Exchange and she is independently wealthy as well. She is a horrible
    woman by all accounts.

    you do know that outside of a small circle of friends most
    people don't give a shit what you think, feel, believe. See
    how useless it is to give your 'precious opinion", especially
    at a crack pot place like this group? but we are happy to
    laugh with you or at you, depending on how sick we are at
    any given time. AND whatever you do don't take anything
    too seriously here.

    ### - what's left of this 'group' after all the loonies have fucked off,
    is actually ok :)

    it's only the 3 of us left here now matie + you're the only one left am
    not sure about? LOL !

    (kidding? i.e., coz you can be very right-wing when pressed, whereas
    thang's only been playing along all this time, he doesn't really believe
    in it, or anything really, he's a true outsider whose only been living in disguise as a right wing, whereas you're more the real thing haha...)

    even so, i think have managed to getcha' a ticket on the last train
    pulling out, but ya really gots to pull yer finger out now or be left
    waitin' at the station coz ya arrived too late...

    better run like the wind! ;)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From o'Mahoney@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, January 07, 2021 07:38:44
    From: libertidad@south.south.com

    On Wed, 06 Jan 2021 17:32:53 -0000, slider <slider@anashram.com>

    On Wed, 06 Jan 2021 15:32:04 -0000, chris rodgers <allreadydun@gmail.com> >wrote:

    old Baloney writes:

    I'm glad Loeffler has gone, her husband owns the New York Stock
    Exchange and she is independently wealthy as well. She is a horrible
    woman by all accounts.

    you do know that outside of a small circle of friends most
    people don't give a shit what you think, feel, believe. See
    how useless it is to give your 'precious opinion", especially
    at a crack pot place like this group? but we are happy to
    laugh with you or at you, depending on how sick we are at
    any given time. AND whatever you do don't take anything
    too seriously here.

    ### - what's left of this 'group' after all the loonies have fucked off,
    is actually ok :)

    Tend to agree with that. Jer had the brains but was far too arrogant
    for my liking and rather "strange" to boot. Better of without him.
    That nutwhack job longrider something or other was totally off plane,
    and off his meds evidently.

    it's only the 3 of us left here now matie + you're the only one left am
    not sure about? LOL !

    Oh Chris will get all offended now that I've bitten him hard and will
    fuck off too. Never mind, he doesn't add anything and is rather
    negative in disposition.

    I was a prime marketeer in my day, several careers ago. I might see
    it as a challenge to try to repopulate this place - "under new
    management" sort of thing. Wish I could locate the FAQ.

    (kidding? i.e., coz you can be very right-wing when pressed, whereas
    thang's only been playing along all this time, he doesn't really believe
    in it, or anything really, he's a true outsider whose only been living in >disguise as a right wing, whereas you're more the real thing haha...)

    even so, i think have managed to getcha' a ticket on the last train
    pulling out, but ya really gots to pull yer finger out now or be left
    waitin' at the station coz ya arrived too late...

    Lol. I think in the glorious state of California, around 70 million
    or so with a GDP of more than most nations on the planet, this guy
    Chris, who was once so severely duped by Castenada and others of his
    ilk that he's remained lifelong bitter, is one of the few who vote

    Sucks to be him :)

    better run like the wind! ;)

    This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From o'Mahoney@1:229/2 to allreadydun@gmail.com on Thursday, January 07, 2021 07:33:50
    From: libertidad@south.south.com

    On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 07:32:04 -0800 (PST), chris rodgers
    <allreadydun@gmail.com> wrote:

    old Baloney writes:

    I'm glad Loeffler has gone, her husband owns the New York Stock
    Exchange and she is independently wealthy as well. She is a horrible
    woman by all accounts.

    you do know that outside of a small circle of friends most
    people don't give a shit what you think, feel, believe. See
    how useless it is to give your 'precious opinion", especially
    at a crack pot place like this group? but we are happy to
    laugh with you or at you, depending on how sick we are at
    any given time. AND whatever you do don't take anything
    too seriously here.

    Jesus christ, got more than 3 words and some punctuation too! You're
    alive - barely, by the looks of it.

    Did your dementia relent for a while, sort of like remission?

    Or are you back in the mind fog again, old chap?

    How's that daughter of yours with the sidearm, working the schools. Is
    she a GOP cunt like you? Never mind, it's the end of the GOP with
    Ossof (whose mother by the way lives in Sydney - you know, that's a
    big city here in Australia if you haven't heard of it) handing the
    Senate, and Congress, to Biden.

    Now Trump has shown his true seditious nature and will soon be in
    chains as the most reviled piece of fecal matter ever to be elected to
    your august halls and in fact a criminal puppet of Putin. He has
    permitted Biden to enter a new phase in your sorry country -
    autocracy, for the good of the people and the Constitution.

    Biden will be the medicine your country needs and he will apply it

    If you don't understand any of the above or have forgotten it by the
    time you get to the end, can I suggest old "mate" that you start at
    the beginning again until it finally sinks into the remaining
    synapses, neurons and glions still operating out of the paste which
    was once your brain.

    Cheers, and have a great day!

    This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)