• Re: =?utf-8?Q?=C2=A3120=2C000_compensation_wi?= =?utf-8?Q?ll_be_availab

    From slider@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, December 06, 2020 15:34:53
    From: slider@anashram.com

    shades of the movie 'Omega Man'? a film i stumbled into quite by
    accident at around age 17 which has a very similar theme and ending...


    so is quite a good movie! :)

    ### - speaking of which, i found a free copy of omega man in the
    Archive.org site in various formats...

    the 'cinepack' link on this page is an .avi file (700meg) that plays very
    well and is safe to download:


    a bit dated now for sure, but the principle is basically the same :)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, December 08, 2020 07:41:58
    From: slider@anashram.com

    Thang wrote...

    You don't use bittorrents? I do, I have a VPN (paid, 3 years for
    around $70 or so) maintained in Romania (not in the 5 or 12 eyes and
    no data retention required by law) and exiting anywhere I want, so I
    seedbox and DL torrents of everything from 100 year old movies...to
    documentaries etc etc etc. Got a storage capacity of around 90TB over
    13 HDD's - an immense backed up library of movies, docus, eboooks,
    pdfs series you name it, etc...:)

    ### - napster was the first one i was personally introduced to it all
    and after that was banned: utorrent subsequently for years!
    in the uk, they've sincew literally barred every single available
    site over the last few years, one by one they've blocked them all, even
    all the mirror piratebay sites across the globe, all gone, all blocked,
    the point i eventually gave up...

    Jeez, Napster, you *are* old lol. I remember. I wish I'd bought
    Apple, Amazon, blahblahblah... and here we are, the old bastards,
    still using the original BBS Usenet.

    I have the antidote for your blocked sites. It was done here too.

    I use amost exclusively nowdays and have for years a browser called

    It's free to download and so much better than every other browser I
    have ever used. It's based on Chrome.

    ### - thought napster (and the way it worked) was a great idea, very
    inspiring the way it reassembled packets from all over the planet into a
    single file, not that it made much difference in dl speeds at the time on
    a dialup connection lol, i.e., we used to think it was pretty cool
    tweaking the modem into getting 4.7K download speeds... i mean you could
    dl a whole mp3 song in only 7 or 8 minutes?? it was truly revolutionary! (really laffing) and once spent a whole weekend downloading a 100meg
    cracked copy of photoshop in rar-filed 20meg sections lol, ahhh those
    halcyon days huh ;)

    When you DL it, you'll see in settings (it's a little gear icon) that
    you can go to "advanced" settings or "basic". Go to "advanced".

    You'll see a switch for "VPN", switch to "on" and then go back to a
    tab. You'll see the VPN switch in the address bar, switch VPN on and
    use either Asia, Americas or Europe. This exits your browser in
    another country through an Opera owned VPN.

    Then plug this site into your address bar: https://1337x.to

    Presto: you're not blocked anymore.

    By blocking, they block your DNS through your ISP (or RSP if your on
    NBN). Opera uses its own VPN therefore its own DNS which is NOT
    blocked. You'll have full free access to any site you want anywhere
    in the world including all the torrent sites.

    Because torrents are P2P, they cannot be blocked. If you were to copy
    the above magnet links I gave you into uTorrent, you will start
    downloading straight away. P2P cannot be blocked and if it is, just
    use the settings in uTorrent to obfuscate the port etc.

    Experiment, experiment - there's a whole world of torrenting out

    ### - am gonna go for Opera so thanks for that, it'll be nice to have
    piratebay back again whoo-hoo! :)

    firefox was literally eating up my ram & cpu anyway plus chrome wasn't
    much better, was even thinking about getting another (more modern)
    computer to solve the problem; a lowly 2gig of ram hardly being enough
    these days to do anything more than send emails with lol, but still seemed quite a lot considering my first pc which had a massive 32meg ram & a
    233meg chip?? a real bruiser at the time ahaha :)))

    Here's some magnet links you can use to inject into your client (I use
    uTorrent, it's free and there are ways to eliminate the ads etc). We
    have no legal issue with DLing torrents here in Aus, and if you have
    as I have unlimited high speed NBN then the movie is less than 10
    minutes to DL.


    That one is for
    I.Am.Legend.ALTERNATE.ENDING.2007.1080p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.mp4 (1.4 GB)


    This one is for
    (2.7 GB)

    The second one is High Efficiency Video Codec - in other words, full
    10bit 4K picture. Might download it myself, they're both the version
    with Will Smith, not the original Omega Man.

    Speaking of which:


    This one is for The.Omega.Man.1971.720p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].mp4
    (815.9 MB)

    Just open your torrent client (I recommend as said above, uTorrent)
    and copy and paste the link into the menu pulldown for magnet links
    and you're away. But if you can be sued in your country, don't do it
    unless you have a VPN or proxy setup.

    ### - thanks for those, although have already watched both of those now
    via that archive.org site, who also offer torrents as well as the actual
    files themselves (i took the torrent for omega man for instance as i
    have the utorrent client installed) else i used to watch all the new
    movies, even pirated cam-version of their pre-releases if that was all
    that was available hehe, it used to be great :)

    living on a small island like the uk defo has it's limitations though,
    it was far easier for them to literally block every single torrent site
    almost as soon as they appeared...

    unfortunately they still issue tough penalties here if you're caught
    it, so that option is basically out these days, which is a shame really
    being a bit of a film-buff i used to really enjoy all that...

    Now that's different. Use a VPN, you can get a good cheap VPN for
    probably around $3.00 or so a month. Well worthwhile just to fuck the
    prying cunts up.

    Here in Australia a large consortium of sharks tried to sue every
    torrenter for certain movies 6 or 7 years ago and our Federal Court
    threw them out. No lawsuits for torrenting in this country.

    ### - standard sentence here for this was to be hung-up by the left
    testicle and publicly flogged (well, we're british here aren't we hah;
    they're constantly refining their punishments)

    the bastards! haha :)))

    Not here. We're descendants of convicts, after all Lol!

    ### - ahaha + aren't we all? (no one is innocent i mean) the whole human
    race is criminal! wherein one is sentenced to life imprisonment for the
    crime of being born? (only half-kidding here coz it's kinda true; they've
    got everyone locked up in one way or another...)

    "Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man,
    whereas communism is the reverse"

    Old Russian joke

    ### - "In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be
    understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in
    poetry, it's the exact opposite."

    --Paul Dirac ;)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to thangolossus@gmail.com on Monday, December 07, 2020 18:54:10
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Mon, 07 Dec 2020 08:10:47 -0000, thang ornerythinchus <thangolossus@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Sun, 06 Dec 2020 13:12:53 -0000, slider <slider@anashram.com>

    ANYONE severely disabled as a result of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will
    be entitled to a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000.

    The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be added to the UK Government's Vaccine
    Damages Payments Act tomorrow, ahead of its roll out next week.

    This is done routinely for any vaccines used in NHS immunisation

    Severe allergic reactions to vaccines are extremely rare.


    In comparison, there have been 64 million known Covid cases to date and
    nearly 1.5 million deaths.

    Between 1978 and April 2017, there were 936 successful claims for a
    vaccine damage in the UK at a cost of just over £74 million to

    The payment can affect welfare benefits, such universal credit or
    benefit, and is not an acceptance of negligence.

    Pfizer and AstraZeneca - the pharmaceutical commercial partner behind
    Oxford vaccine - have both been granted protection from future product
    liability claims related to their Covid-19 vaccines. It means patients
    cannot sue for damages.

    Speaking to Reuters about the agreement in July, Ruud Dobber, a member
    Astra’s senior executive team, said: “This is a unique situation where >> we
    as a company simply cannot take the risk if in ... four years the
    is showing side effects.

    “In the contracts we have in place, we are asking for indemnification.

    "For most countries it is acceptable to take that risk on their
    because it is in their national interest.”

    More than 30,000 people in Scotland are expected to receive the
    vaccination in the first round, which is scheduled to get underway next

    Priority will be given to vaccinators first, before being expanded to
    older adults in care homes, frontline NHS and social care workers, and

    The UK will be the first country is the world to begin administering the
    vaccine, after it passed safety and efficacy checks by the Medicines and
    Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

    The MHRA approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine today, saying it is up to
    95% effective in preventing disease and safe following large-scale
    clinical trials involving thousands of adult volunteers.

    ### - people obviously having adverse reactions to even 'established'
    vaccines; how much more then to several ostensibly untested ones??

    this above quote being fairly revealing in terms of potentially
    'collateral' damage:

    "For most countries it is acceptable to take that risk on their
    because it is in their national interest.”

    the 'national interest' in this instance being tacitly along the lines
    keeping the economy going rather than just that of saving lives alone,
    pharma companies involved protected from being held personally
    thus being given free rein to experiment all they like as long as their
    products pass the first 3 initial hurdles, many other drugs also passing
    that same test with flying colours then going on to actually prove
    disastrous to health and thus having to be later withdrawn due to, for
    example, causing birth defects! a case in point being the drug

    many others also being withdrawn long after the standard 10-year period
    has expired, but in the case of covid: who cares how many might have to
    suffer & die in the short term - birth defects and all - just as long as
    we get rid of the disease and everyone can get back to work, right??


    btw: found this free copy of 'I Am Legend' online available from some
    middle eastern version of youtube but which is itself totally in
    english... in this story, a corona virus (usually the common cold) is
    genetically modified to deliver modified genes into cells that will make
    them immune from cancer?

    unfortunately this then kills 90% of the global population, the majority
    of the survivors turning into some kinda zombies that then attacked and
    killed the rest of the survivors until only will smith is left on his
    in new york heh...

    shades of the movie 'Omega Man'? a film i stumbled into quite by
    at around age 17 which has a very similar theme and ending...


    so is quite a good movie! :)

    You don't use bittorrents? I do, I have a VPN (paid, 3 years for
    around $70 or so) maintained in Romania (not in the 5 or 12 eyes and
    no data retention required by law) and exiting anywhere I want, so I
    seedbox and DL torrents of everything from 100 year old movies...to documentaries etc etc etc. Got a storage capacity of around 90TB over
    13 HDD's - an immense backed up library of movies, docus, eboooks,
    pdfs series you name it, etc...:)

    ### - napster was the first one i was personally introduced to it all by,
    and after that was banned: utorrent subsequently for years! unfortunately,
    in the uk, they've sincew literally barred every single available torrent
    site over the last few years, one by one they've blocked them all, even
    all the mirror piratebay sites across the globe, all gone, all blocked, to
    the point i eventually gave up...

    Here's some magnet links you can use to inject into your client (I use uTorrent, it's free and there are ways to eliminate the ads etc). We
    have no legal issue with DLing torrents here in Aus, and if you have
    as I have unlimited high speed NBN then the movie is less than 10
    minutes to DL.


    That one is for
    I.Am.Legend.ALTERNATE.ENDING.2007.1080p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.mp4 (1.4 GB)


    This one is for I.Am.Legend.2007.UHD.BDRip.1080p.x265.HEVC.10bit.5,1ch(xxxpav69).mkv
    (2.7 GB)

    The second one is High Efficiency Video Codec - in other words, full
    10bit 4K picture. Might download it myself, they're both the version
    with Will Smith, not the original Omega Man.

    Speaking of which:


    This one is for The.Omega.Man.1971.720p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].mp4
    (815.9 MB)

    Just open your torrent client (I recommend as said above, uTorrent)
    and copy and paste the link into the menu pulldown for magnet links
    and you're away. But if you can be sued in your country, don't do it
    unless you have a VPN or proxy setup.

    ### - thanks for those, although have already watched both of those now
    via that archive.org site, who also offer torrents as well as the actual
    files themselves (i took the torrent for omega man for instance as i still
    have the utorrent client installed) else i used to watch all the new
    movies, even pirated cam-version of their pre-releases if that was all
    that was available hehe, it used to be great :)

    living on a small island like the uk defo has it's limitations though, as
    it was far easier for them to literally block every single torrent site
    almost as soon as they appeared...

    unfortunately they still issue tough penalties here if you're caught doing
    it, so that option is basically out these days, which is a shame really as being a bit of a film-buff i used to really enjoy all that...

    the bastards! haha :)))

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)