thus we feel, quite correctly, that something's missing from our lives,
and then dream of some kinda tooth fairy 'god' who looks after us albeit
from a great + unreachable distance... we 'intuit' the truth that Nature
is actually right there for us only we can't see it... (it's right under
our fuckin' noses and we're looking somewhere else completely??)
will we ever get back to it, to our real roots and some kinda genuine
maybe... that is if we don't destroy everything & ourselves first in a
frenzy of self loathing and hatred because we're so estranged from
maybe... but imho this really is our last chance!
What chance? Nature is purely cold equations and trigger events and
if we don't make it, we don't make it. That's life/nature.
We're no big deal. Undoubtedly in all of those trillions of galaxies
each with huncreds of billions of suns and uncountable trillions of
planets, there is teeming life and some WILL make it.
‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.’
Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX,
as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI
Aleister Crowley, Cairo, 1904
It's not the world that's fucked up, it's human nature - we're peak
thinkers, predators and toolmakers, but we haven't shucked off our
primal baggage from our primordial beginnings. That will come - the
danger is we will wipe ourselves out before we can defeat our
instincts and evolutionary survival traits.
### - i indeed meant the human race only, there's being nada wrong
whatsoever with nature and the rest of the universe, which appears
perfect, it's just the human race that's all fucked up ;)
Nature is perfectly in balance all the way down and up, through
regions and levels we can't even guess at let alone peer at. Nature
is the true god infinite and eternal.
### - if you 'need' there to be a 'god' then yes, Nature fits the bill >perfectly...
the whole thing is... 'alive' - and does actually respond to us if we can
be bothered to communicate with it (not in rational terms but in >actual/practical terms...)
I'm always surprised that many people can't see this self-evident
fact. One needs a view of nature unburdened with sentimentality and
belief in tooth fairies and gods and all that junk - then reality
comes plainly into view.
### - that's totally correct imho... the human race is living in their
very own little bubble of self-constructed + invented reality which
they've superimposed upon the greater background reality that all the
of nature is still in contact directly with... we're a maladjusted
heh ;)
Yes but we are a very, very young species. I collect trilobites -
they were around for 250 million years and went extinct (as all
species do, with the possible exception of man) in the Permian, so
long ago dinosaurs weren't even a figment of a dream of an
That was an old lineage when it went extinct, after quarter of a
billion years. We've been around for a quarter of one percent of that
time - we're pretty damn young and as for all young things, we have
the very best ahead of us.
But then again, I'm an incurable optimist.
### - in truth, there's only ever been the 'one' single species existing >here, the same single entity/life-form from which everything else has >evolved, ever more complex expressions of itself all the way up from
single cell to us - is pretty mind blowing really! - that we are all truly >related on this planet from the bottom to the top! (genetically speaking >we're 98% chimpanzee for example, which sounds cool until you consider
that we're also 50% cabbage haha...)
the whole world is thus rigged to work & function in a very certain + >>>>> specific way that ultimately stinks to high heaven...
You mean "human world" - nature generated our species and when we are >>>> extinct, whether it be in 50 years or 50,000,000 years, we won't be
missed by nature at all.
### - yes, the human world, the 'false' human world that flies in the
of nature as it really is and has always been... the human race not
2-shits for how nature 'wants' to be, we've got our own ideas which,
coincidentally, results in us directly destroying nature! (i mean, what
more proof do we need that we need to change our ways??)
There's nothing false about anything. It is what it is, all the way.
Even lies are part of reality, the lie itself, not the subject matter
of the lie.
We're young species and like most young things, we're insanely
egocentric. Babies don't give a fuck about anyone or anything else
than themselves. We're a baby species. Give us time.
### - by false am referring to the 'humanly conceived' ideas of society
and civilisation; our own projected thoughts and ideas that we exclusively >relate to 'more' than we relate to the underlying reality that all the
rest of nature still retains an awareness of and relates directly to...
there is a difference...
like children, yes, we live in our own little version of the world and
dumbly (i.e., unquestioningly) relate exclusively to it in exactly the
same way a child relates to santa clause and the tooth fairy: no less than >just adult versions thereof!
that that's the bit we haven't (as a species) quite grasped as yet, that
just because as adults we grew out of believing in santa, that didn't stop
us from still applying that very same formula/belief to everything else we >then do (iow: we didn't grow up at all lol, we merely exchanged santa and
the tooth fairy for something more adult to believe in instead hehe)
that IF there's a 'god' up there, he must be choking on the fumes of >>>>> it
all by now heh ;)
There's no "up" to start with. We're just a blip on the screen, an
outlier even in this pretty ordinary galaxy we're gravitationally
bound to. There definitely isn't a god in the way we imagine it to
be. Most people, deep deep down, know this.
### - was really only speaking rhetorically hehe, and just a little
on my part with the emphasis on "IF" in capital letters hah, because
we're totally alone with not even 'aliens' to help us hah! (fuckin'
aliens!? lol, riiiiight... and coz just look at the damnable state of us >>> and our world if *they've* been guiding us??? lol fuck off with their
aliens shit! - aliens?? riiiiight... ahaha... sorry folks but there
no stinkin' aliens! okaaaay? fuckin' aliens! gimmie a break!)
But you don't know if there are any aliens. No one does. That's an
opinion you're expressing not a fact. We don't have the facts.
### - am not saying/suggesting that life only exists here in the universe,
it would be ridiculous to think that, not to mention incredibly
egotistical as in when we used to believe the sun orbited the earth lol!
that if life exists 'here' then chances are it exists everywhere! but as
to 'aliens' furtively visiting us in their fuckin' flying saucers?? am
just not into all that haha (imho it's bs)
there IS however: Nature! which we're definitely a part of, and IS a
of us!
Everything is nature and nature is everything. To the bounds of the
observable universe (several trillion galaxies in a volume around 90
billion light years in diameter) and the probable infinitude
thereafter. Our actions are nature because of this - there's no
"outside" nature. This place has been destroyed countless times over
- the Permian Extinction, the extinction of the dinosaurs, the very
very early extinctions and the biggest of all 2500 million years ago
when our atmosphere was changed by blue green algae from lovely safe
non-oxidising methane and so on to fucking OXYGEN! Killed almost
entirely the life on terra, but paved the way for multicellular
organisms which paved the way for ....
### - that's certainly one way of looking at it heh (the 'rationalised' >version i mean)
only, can 'life' (and all that entails/implies) really be rationalised in >such a manner without necessarily distorting the whole picture in the >process? any attempt to squeeze infinity into a box (no matter how big
that box) in order to examine it reducing it to something less than
infinity every time?
that doesn't stop us from trying though does it hah! and thus we've ended
up with one version after another of the damn tooth fairy!
that there's obviously more (a whole heap more!) to life, the universe & >everything than reason alone can account for ;)
and we're in direct communication with it, only we don't really wanna
because it runs counter to all our own crappy ideas?
thus we feel, quite correctly, that something's missing from our lives,
and then dream of some kinda tooth fairy 'god' who looks after us albeit >>> from a great + unreachable distance... we 'intuit' the truth that Nature >>> is actually right there for us only we can't see it... (it's right under >>> our fuckin' noses and we're looking somewhere else completely??)
will we ever get back to it, to our real roots and some kinda genuine
maybe... that is if we don't destroy everything & ourselves first in a
frenzy of self loathing and hatred because we're so estranged from
maybe... but imho this really is our last chance!
What chance? Nature is purely cold equations and trigger events and
if we don't make it, we don't make it. That's life/nature.
### - our civilisations have, in that sense, been one experiment after the >other, all of which to date have failed for one reason or another... our >civilisation being the 23rd (that we know about) in a long succession of
such civilisations, the odds thus being currently 22 to 1 against ours
will be any more successful? (it's kinda like a tree that only grows up a >wall so far before it becomes top-heavy and falls over every time kinda >thing, and this is it's 23rd attempt!)
We're no big deal. Undoubtedly in all of those trillions of galaxies
each with huncreds of billions of suns and uncountable trillions of
planets, there is teeming life and some WILL make it.
### - true! our whole planet is just a single mote of cosmic dust with a >bunch of obscure germs growing on it lol (like fleas on a dog! haha!)
‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.’
Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX,
as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI
Aleister Crowley, Cairo, 1904
### - you 'do' understand that he (crowley) was a complete loon with a
huge chip on his shoulder, don't you thang?
happen being a total landslide to biden, sooo BIG the postal votes >>>>>> wont
even matter... (a best case scenario heh)
I think Trump is fucked and when he loses, he will foment some sort
conflict perhaps even approaching a civil war. Let's wait and see,
it's all very imminent.
### - am actually surprised there hasn't already been something far
drastic from him; some ultimate stunt he pulled to ensure a victory?
thought he was maybe gonna do it with china over this virus shit and
some kinda more overt war with them, something that obviated the
altogether kinda thing? thank goodness, he didn't)
Nope that will come if and when he's roundly defeated. There are
plenty of libertarians and far right conservative folk out there with
### - he certainly primed it for something like that by casting
on the postal votes being bent, the biggest postal vote in their history
due to covid, what a coincidence! not to mention deliberately
against tradition, a far-right judge (another religious nut) in the
supreme court only days before an election?? (very useful in order to
through any right-wing applications at the highest level: democracy at
work lol)
All religious people are nuts. And Biden, if he wins, will pack the
court so that the conservative votes are watered down.
euphemistically call: the popular vote hah!) would always be more
It's not the world that's fucked up, it's human nature - we're peak
thinkers, predators and toolmakers, but we haven't shucked off our
primal baggage from our primordial beginnings. That will come - the
danger is we will wipe ourselves out before we can defeat our
instincts and evolutionary survival traits.
### - i indeed meant the human race only, there's being nada wrong
whatsoever with nature and the rest of the universe, which appears
perfect, it's just the human race that's all fucked up ;)
Nature is perfectly in balance all the way down and up, through
regions and levels we can't even guess at let alone peer at. Nature
is the true god infinite and eternal.
### - if you 'need' there to be a 'god' then yes, Nature fits the bill >perfectly...
the whole thing is... 'alive' - and does actually respond to us if we can
be bothered to communicate with it (not in rational terms but in >actual/practical terms...)
I'm always surprised that many people can't see this self-evident
fact. One needs a view of nature unburdened with sentimentality and
belief in tooth fairies and gods and all that junk - then reality
comes plainly into view.
### - that's totally correct imho... the human race is living in their
very own little bubble of self-constructed + invented reality which
they've superimposed upon the greater background reality that all the
of nature is still in contact directly with... we're a maladjusted
heh ;)
Yes but we are a very, very young species. I collect trilobites -
they were around for 250 million years and went extinct (as all
species do, with the possible exception of man) in the Permian, so
long ago dinosaurs weren't even a figment of a dream of an
That was an old lineage when it went extinct, after quarter of a
billion years. We've been around for a quarter of one percent of that
time - we're pretty damn young and as for all young things, we have
the very best ahead of us.
But then again, I'm an incurable optimist.
### - in truth, there's only ever been the 'one' single species existing >here, the same single entity/life-form from which everything else has >evolved, ever more complex expressions of itself all the way up from
single cell to us - is pretty mind blowing really! - that we are all truly >related on this planet from the bottom to the top! (genetically speaking >we're 98% chimpanzee for example, which sounds cool until you consider
that we're also 50% cabbage haha...)
the whole world is thus rigged to work & function in a very certain + >>>>> specific way that ultimately stinks to high heaven...
You mean "human world" - nature generated our species and when we are >>>> extinct, whether it be in 50 years or 50,000,000 years, we won't be
missed by nature at all.
### - yes, the human world, the 'false' human world that flies in the
of nature as it really is and has always been... the human race not
2-shits for how nature 'wants' to be, we've got our own ideas which,
coincidentally, results in us directly destroying nature! (i mean, what
more proof do we need that we need to change our ways??)
There's nothing false about anything. It is what it is, all the way.
Even lies are part of reality, the lie itself, not the subject matter
of the lie.
We're young species and like most young things, we're insanely
egocentric. Babies don't give a fuck about anyone or anything else
than themselves. We're a baby species. Give us time.
### - by false am referring to the 'humanly conceived' ideas of society
and civilisation; our own projected thoughts and ideas that we exclusively >relate to 'more' than we relate to the underlying reality that all the
rest of nature still retains an awareness of and relates directly to...
there is a difference...
like children, yes, we live in our own little version of the world and
dumbly (i.e., unquestioningly) relate exclusively to it in exactly the
same way a child relates to santa clause and the tooth fairy: no less than >just adult versions thereof!
that that's the bit we haven't (as a species) quite grasped as yet, that
just because as adults we grew out of believing in santa, that didn't stop
us from still applying that very same formula/belief to everything else we >then do (iow: we didn't grow up at all lol, we merely exchanged santa and
the tooth fairy for something more adult to believe in instead hehe)
that IF there's a 'god' up there, he must be choking on the fumes of >>>>> it
all by now heh ;)
There's no "up" to start with. We're just a blip on the screen, an
outlier even in this pretty ordinary galaxy we're gravitationally
bound to. There definitely isn't a god in the way we imagine it to
be. Most people, deep deep down, know this.
### - was really only speaking rhetorically hehe, and just a little
on my part with the emphasis on "IF" in capital letters hah, because
we're totally alone with not even 'aliens' to help us hah! (fuckin'
aliens!? lol, riiiiight... and coz just look at the damnable state of us >>> and our world if *they've* been guiding us??? lol fuck off with their
aliens shit! - aliens?? riiiiight... ahaha... sorry folks but there
no stinkin' aliens! okaaaay? fuckin' aliens! gimmie a break!)
But you don't know if there are any aliens. No one does. That's an
opinion you're expressing not a fact. We don't have the facts.
### - am not saying/suggesting that life only exists here in the universe,
it would be ridiculous to think that, not to mention incredibly
egotistical as in when we used to believe the sun orbited the earth lol!
that if life exists 'here' then chances are it exists everywhere! but as
to 'aliens' furtively visiting us in their fuckin' flying saucers?? am
just not into all that haha (imho it's bs)
there IS however: Nature! which we're definitely a part of, and IS a
of us!
Everything is nature and nature is everything. To the bounds of the
observable universe (several trillion galaxies in a volume around 90
billion light years in diameter) and the probable infinitude
thereafter. Our actions are nature because of this - there's no
"outside" nature. This place has been destroyed countless times over
- the Permian Extinction, the extinction of the dinosaurs, the very
very early extinctions and the biggest of all 2500 million years ago
when our atmosphere was changed by blue green algae from lovely safe
non-oxidising methane and so on to fucking OXYGEN! Killed almost
entirely the life on terra, but paved the way for multicellular
organisms which paved the way for ....
### - that's certainly one way of looking at it heh (the 'rationalised' >version i mean)
only, can 'life' (and all that entails/implies) really be rationalised in >such a manner without necessarily distorting the whole picture in the >process? any attempt to squeeze infinity into a box (no matter how big
that box) in order to examine it reducing it to something less than
infinity every time?
that doesn't stop us from trying though does it hah! and thus we've ended
up with one version after another of the damn tooth fairy!
that there's obviously more (a whole heap more!) to life, the universe & >everything than reason alone can account for ;)
and we're in direct communication with it, only we don't really wanna
because it runs counter to all our own crappy ideas?
thus we feel, quite correctly, that something's missing from our lives,
and then dream of some kinda tooth fairy 'god' who looks after us albeit >>> from a great + unreachable distance... we 'intuit' the truth that Nature >>> is actually right there for us only we can't see it... (it's right under >>> our fuckin' noses and we're looking somewhere else completely??)
will we ever get back to it, to our real roots and some kinda genuine
maybe... that is if we don't destroy everything & ourselves first in a
frenzy of self loathing and hatred because we're so estranged from
maybe... but imho this really is our last chance!
What chance? Nature is purely cold equations and trigger events and
if we don't make it, we don't make it. That's life/nature.
### - our civilisations have, in that sense, been one experiment after the >other, all of which to date have failed for one reason or another... our >civilisation being the 23rd (that we know about) in a long succession of
such civilisations, the odds thus being currently 22 to 1 against ours
will be any more successful? (it's kinda like a tree that only grows up a >wall so far before it becomes top-heavy and falls over every time kinda >thing, and this is it's 23rd attempt!)
We're no big deal. Undoubtedly in all of those trillions of galaxies
each with huncreds of billions of suns and uncountable trillions of
planets, there is teeming life and some WILL make it.
### - true! our whole planet is just a single mote of cosmic dust with a >bunch of obscure germs growing on it lol (like fleas on a dog! haha!)
‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.’
Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX,
as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI
Aleister Crowley, Cairo, 1904
### - you 'do' understand that he (crowley) was a complete loon with a
huge chip on his shoulder, don't you thang?
and then dream of some kinda tooth fairy 'god' who looks after us albeit
from a great + unreachable distance... we 'intuit' the truth that Nature
is actually right there for us only we can't see it... (it's right under
our fuckin' noses and we're looking somewhere else completely??)
will we ever get back to it, to our real roots and some kinda genuine
maybe... that is if we don't destroy everything & ourselves first in a
frenzy of self loathing and hatred because we're so estranged from
maybe... but imho this really is our last chance!
What chance? Nature is purely cold equations and trigger events and
if we don't make it, we don't make it. That's life/nature.
We're no big deal. Undoubtedly in all of those trillions of galaxies
each with huncreds of billions of suns and uncountable trillions of
planets, there is teeming life and some WILL make it.
‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.’
Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX,
as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI
Aleister Crowley, Cairo, 1904
happen being a total landslide to biden, sooo BIG the postal votes >>>>>> wont
even matter... (a best case scenario heh)
I think Trump is fucked and when he loses, he will foment some sort
conflict perhaps even approaching a civil war. Let's wait and see,
it's all very imminent.
### - am actually surprised there hasn't already been something far
drastic from him; some ultimate stunt he pulled to ensure a victory?
thought he was maybe gonna do it with china over this virus shit and
some kinda more overt war with them, something that obviated the
altogether kinda thing? thank goodness, he didn't)
Nope that will come if and when he's roundly defeated. There are
plenty of libertarians and far right conservative folk out there with
### - he certainly primed it for something like that by casting
on the postal votes being bent, the biggest postal vote in their history
due to covid, what a coincidence! not to mention deliberately
against tradition, a far-right judge (another religious nut) in the
supreme court only days before an election?? (very useful in order to
through any right-wing applications at the highest level: democracy at
work lol)
All religious people are nuts. And Biden, if he wins, will pack the
court so that the conservative votes are watered down.
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