he's gonna get bitched slapped
one way or another here.
i imagine china is inserting
there foot in his ass now.
guess who is next to do so?
don't push it kim-chi boy.
he's gonna get bitched slapped
one way or another here.
i imagine china is inserting
there foot in his ass now.
guess who is next to do so?
don't push it kim-chi boy.
I write for a living. I'm paid by my clients to write for them and
I've read anything I can and could get my hands on since I was 4 or 5.
thang wrote...
I write for a living. I'm paid by my clients to write for them and
I've read anything I can and could get my hands on since I was 4 or 5.
### - been mulling this over before coming back to it?
i.e., as a now, ahem (cough-cough) published author (cheezy grinz +
takes a bow lol...) a 'sequel' has now become a real possibility? even
have several potential ideas for one, among which was one of maybe
traveling to oz to collect/collate data on aboriginal lucid dreaming and
it's part/place in THEIR culture (something which expands upon something already mentioned about them in the first book...)
the reader, on the basis of initially exploring just how and why lucid dreaming is a common place, accepted communal activity amongst the
aborigines and their whole pov of life, the universe & everything (their cosmology then...) that places lucid dreaming at the very core of it
(which it apparently does), thus ends up in a trip to an unexpected wonderland of ancient aboriginal culture as the text attempts to explain
what they think/thought/believe they're all up to with all of this!
not being particularly wealthy heh, i initially thought of trying a kick-starter-type appeal (maybe via facebook and my own website
initally) to raise the funds to pay for the return trip to oz + minimal expenses, needing really only 3 or 4 serious sponsors for such a low-overheads endeavor, it could even possibly happen!
only ya know what? i can hardly even be bothered?? (laughing...) am
getting too old for all this shit? and a trip to oz could even finish me
off lol! (i.e., no doubt i'd probably be both bitten & roasted to death
in equal quantities in only under a week LOL, let alone go roaming
around in the fucking outback in my sunday best ffs LOL!!! :)))
so... now am thinking... thang already fucking LIVES there??
AND... he LOVES writing!
sooo NOW am thinking... how's about a co-authored book on same instead
YOU collect all the relevant notes/research (some must be already
documented locally + maybe also actually interview some of the
aborigines themselves for their personal accounts and said justification
for lucid dreaming among them etc etc) much of which perforce will
extend into other aspects of their culture in 'order' to explain/present
it, thus presenting the reader with an expanding view of an ancient
alternate society, one apparently based on lucid dreaming etc in
whatever hitherto unknown capacity...
i'll lay out some suggestions for chapters and story progression etc,
and we'll co-edit the whole thing, basically deliberately dumbing it all
down a bit for public consumption only (keep it simple rather than
produce a highly academic piece i mean)... you'll do the actual research
and writing + i'll chip in with anything i can... and in maybe only a
year from now we'll publish, not only something potentially interesting
and stimulating from a lucid dreaming pov, but maybe in your own way
also make a small (but genuine) contribution to australian culture!
yes/no? :)
On Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:27:18 +0100, slider <slider@nanashram.com>
apparently not then! :(
I missed that one slider, I wasn't ignoring you. I get busy and miss
stuff. Let me think about it.
I've thought about it. Because you're clearly sincere about this,
I'll deflate you gently. But deflate you I will and not from spite or pettiness, just from the harsh reality of aboriginal culture and a few
other factors.
1. Aboriginals are not what you think they are. You have a rose
coloured view of them. They are stone age or earlier - they came to
this land at least 80,000 years *before* the beginning of history and possibly up to 125,000 years ago - they haven't changed since then,
one iota. They were here before the Toba supervolcano eruption which bottlenecked the global human population down to around 1,000 or so individuals and almost exterminated us. They were here when the
Sahara was wet and green. They speak hundreds of different languages
and there are possibly hundreds more that have become extinct. They
used to follow storms for the water. They know every nook and cranny
of the land they inhabit and they were, mostly, nomads. They are homo sapiens. They typically don't like whites too much and the feeling is
mutual in the cities and larger towns. Personally I don't mind them
too much but they are quite primitive and not particularly finicky
about personal hygiene and cleanliness as a rule. There is no
circumstance under which I could see myself interviewing them or
attempting to extract information about their innermost thoughts or
beliefs - trained anthropologists have tried and been rebuffed.
2. What gave you the idea that aboriginals are known for their
"lucid dreaming"? The aboriginal "dreamtime" has no connection with
lucid dreaming whatsoever. The word itself is incorrect and never
used by aboriginals - it was "dreamed up" by whites and now recognised
by anthropologists as a fiction. Aboriginal spirituality is complex
and multilayered but includes no reference to lucid dreaming.
Aboriginal languages were never written down and aboriginals only
started writing when they went to Australian schools.
3. There is no "unexpected wonderland of aboriginal culture" or
whatever. They are primitive. Tribals wouldn't speak to you or me
about their cultures. You would need in any case to go to desert
areas or the northern reserves to speak to tribals. They defecate in
front of you but won't eat in front of you. You and I would be
wasting our time.
4. I don't have time. None. I'm busy as shit and this would be
a waste of my time because I can't even think of the questions you
would ask let alone the answers. Posit me some questions slider. Just
a few.
5. I don't believe in mixing my non-work related internet
interactions with my real life. I revere and protect my anonymity. I
won't breach that for anyone or anything. I've seen what can happen
when the two are mixed and it is sometimes catastrophic.
So slider I've thought about it and it's far to nebulous and embryonic
in your mind for it to ever take root. By that I mean there would
have to be really significant outcomes for me to assist and as I said,
I can't even think of the questions you'd ask let alone what sort of
answers you'd expect.
It won't work.
On Sun, 27 Aug 2017 18:22:24 +0100, slider <slider@nanashram.com> wrote:
thang wrote...
I write for a living. I'm paid by my clients to write for them and
I've read anything I can and could get my hands on since I was 4 or 5.
### - been mulling this over before coming back to it?
i.e., as a now, ahem (cough-cough) published author (cheezy grinz +
takes a bow lol...) a 'sequel' has now become a real possibility? even
have several potential ideas for one, among which was one of maybe
traveling to oz to collect/collate data on aboriginal lucid dreaming
it's part/place in THEIR culture (something which expands upon
already mentioned about them in the first book...)
the reader, on the basis of initially exploring just how and why lucid
dreaming is a common place, accepted communal activity amongst the
aborigines and their whole pov of life, the universe & everything
cosmology then...) that places lucid dreaming at the very core of it
(which it apparently does), thus ends up in a trip to an unexpected
wonderland of ancient aboriginal culture as the text attempts to
what they think/thought/believe they're all up to with all of this!
not being particularly wealthy heh, i initially thought of trying a
kick-starter-type appeal (maybe via facebook and my own website
initally) to raise the funds to pay for the return trip to oz + minimal
expenses, needing really only 3 or 4 serious sponsors for such a
low-overheads endeavor, it could even possibly happen!
only ya know what? i can hardly even be bothered?? (laughing...) am
getting too old for all this shit? and a trip to oz could even finish
off lol! (i.e., no doubt i'd probably be both bitten & roasted to death
in equal quantities in only under a week LOL, let alone go roaming
around in the fucking outback in my sunday best ffs LOL!!! :)))
so... now am thinking... thang already fucking LIVES there??
AND... he LOVES writing!
sooo NOW am thinking... how's about a co-authored book on same instead
YOU collect all the relevant notes/research (some must be already
documented locally + maybe also actually interview some of the
aborigines themselves for their personal accounts and said
for lucid dreaming among them etc etc) much of which perforce will
extend into other aspects of their culture in 'order' to
it, thus presenting the reader with an expanding view of an ancient
alternate society, one apparently based on lucid dreaming etc in
whatever hitherto unknown capacity...
i'll lay out some suggestions for chapters and story progression etc,
and we'll co-edit the whole thing, basically deliberately dumbing it
down a bit for public consumption only (keep it simple rather than
produce a highly academic piece i mean)... you'll do the actual
and writing + i'll chip in with anything i can... and in maybe only a
year from now we'll publish, not only something potentially interesting
and stimulating from a lucid dreaming pov, but maybe in your own way
also make a small (but genuine) contribution to australian culture!
yes/no? :)
apparently not then! :(
On Sun, 27 Aug 2017 18:22:24 +0100, slider <slider@nanashram.com> wrote:
thang wrote...
I write for a living. I'm paid by my clients to write for them and
I've read anything I can and could get my hands on since I was 4 or 5.
### - been mulling this over before coming back to it?
i.e., as a now, ahem (cough-cough) published author (cheezy grinz +
takes a bow lol...) a 'sequel' has now become a real possibility? even
have several potential ideas for one, among which was one of maybe
traveling to oz to collect/collate data on aboriginal lucid dreaming and
it's part/place in THEIR culture (something which expands upon something
already mentioned about them in the first book...)
the reader, on the basis of initially exploring just how and why lucid
dreaming is a common place, accepted communal activity amongst the
aborigines and their whole pov of life, the universe & everything (their
cosmology then...) that places lucid dreaming at the very core of it
(which it apparently does), thus ends up in a trip to an unexpected
wonderland of ancient aboriginal culture as the text attempts to explain
what they think/thought/believe they're all up to with all of this!
not being particularly wealthy heh, i initially thought of trying a
kick-starter-type appeal (maybe via facebook and my own website
initally) to raise the funds to pay for the return trip to oz + minimal
expenses, needing really only 3 or 4 serious sponsors for such a
low-overheads endeavor, it could even possibly happen!
only ya know what? i can hardly even be bothered?? (laughing...) am
getting too old for all this shit? and a trip to oz could even finish me
off lol! (i.e., no doubt i'd probably be both bitten & roasted to death
in equal quantities in only under a week LOL, let alone go roaming
around in the fucking outback in my sunday best ffs LOL!!! :)))
so... now am thinking... thang already fucking LIVES there??
AND... he LOVES writing!
sooo NOW am thinking... how's about a co-authored book on same instead
YOU collect all the relevant notes/research (some must be already
documented locally + maybe also actually interview some of the
aborigines themselves for their personal accounts and said justification
for lucid dreaming among them etc etc) much of which perforce will
extend into other aspects of their culture in 'order' to explain/present
it, thus presenting the reader with an expanding view of an ancient
alternate society, one apparently based on lucid dreaming etc in
whatever hitherto unknown capacity...
i'll lay out some suggestions for chapters and story progression etc,
and we'll co-edit the whole thing, basically deliberately dumbing it all
down a bit for public consumption only (keep it simple rather than
produce a highly academic piece i mean)... you'll do the actual research
and writing + i'll chip in with anything i can... and in maybe only a
year from now we'll publish, not only something potentially interesting
and stimulating from a lucid dreaming pov, but maybe in your own way
also make a small (but genuine) contribution to australian culture!
yes/no? :)
here we go again, the flag is up
time for some world war III blues eh?
never a dull moment here on planet bozo.
did iran bomb the fuck out of the saudi oil field?
yes/no/maybe? which conclusion will the world draw?
god bless the child (the country) who has got
their own oil. maybe saudis and iran will duke
it out all by themselves. a little karma from
9-11-01 effort by the saudi money? Iran, what do
they have to lose anymore? stay tuned, free will
is going to work again for us. aren't we lucky ?
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