• Trump Commutes Prison Term for Longtime Adviser

    From slider@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, July 11, 2020 15:59:47
    From: slider@anashram.com

    WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump has commuted the prison sentence
    of longtime adviser Roger Stone days before he was to report to prison.

    Stone was convicted of lying under oath and obstruction during the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and had been sentenced to serve three years and four months.

    "Roger Stone has already suffered greatly," the White House said in a statement. "He was treated very unfairly, as were many others in this
    case. Roger Stone is now a free man!"


    Commutation falls short of a full pardon and does not erase Stone's felony convictions in the way a pardon would. However, the action protects Stone
    from going to prison.

    Stone was supposed to begin his prison sentence in Georgia on Tuesday
    after a federal appeals court declined his request to delay his surrender

    After Trump’s announcement, Stone walked out of his Fort Lauderdale,
    Florida home wearing a “Free Roger Stone” mask and told reporters “This is
    a horrific, horrific nightmare when you realize that this investigation
    never had any legitimate or lawful beginning. It was a witch hunt.”

    Stone told the Associated Press that Trump called him Friday evening with
    the news his sentence was commuted.

    “The president told me that he had decided, in an act of clemency, to
    issue a full commutation of my sentence, and he urged me to vigorously
    pursue my appeal and my vindication,” Stone said as he celebrated with friends.

    Stone has been a friend and advisor to Trump for decades. He has been
    public about his desire for a pardon, writing on Instagram that his life
    could be in jeopardy if he is imprisoned during a pandemic.

    Trump has also publicly expressed unhappiness about the sentence, having tweeted that the conviction "should be thrown out” and that the Justice Department's initial sentencing recommendation of seven to nine years was "horrible and very unfair."

    Trump’s tweets caused his own attorney general, William Barr, to rebuke
    him. Barr said earlier this year the president's comments were "making it impossible" for him to do his job.

    Barr later recommended a lighter sentence for Stone, but denied he was responding to Trump’s criticism.

    A Washington jury convicted Stone in November 2019 on seven criminal
    counts of obstruction of a congressional investigation, five counts of
    making false statements to Congress and tampering with a witness.

    Stone has denied any wrongdoing and has called the case against him
    politically motivated.

    The White House said Stone "is victim of the Russia Hoax that the Left and
    its allies in the media perpetuated for years in an attempt to undermine
    the Trump Presidency."

    "There was never any collusion between the Trump Campaign, or the Trump Administration, with Russia. Such collusion was never anything other than
    a fantasy of partisans unable to accept the result of the 2016 election,"
    the White House said.

    House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff
    (D-CA) condemned Trump's action, saying: "With this commutation, Trump
    makes clear that there are two systems of justice in America: one for his criminal friends, and one for everyone else."

    Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Mark Warner (D-VA), also criticized Trump’s commutation, tweeting “The United States was founded on the rule of law. It seems our president has nothing but
    contempt for it.”

    Bill Russo, a spokesman for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee
    Joe Biden, who will likely face Trump in the November presidential
    election, accused Trump of abusing his authority “as he lays waste to the norms and the values that make our country a shining beacon to the rest of
    the world.”

    ### - one rule for the rich and another rule for everyone else??

    apparently so! blatantly so! coz he either broke the law or he didn't?

    but THIS is the problem with gangsters see? They're all fucking BENT!!!

    THAT'S what a gangster... IS!

    al capone laughed at the time when they wanted him arrested, he retorting:
    but am only doin' exactly what you guys do! (literally true! exactly what
    they do just minus all the gloss!) he being arrested eventually only for
    tax evasion lol...

    but then they gots the 'law' on their side innit eh? eh?

    it's all fucked, ya DO know that don'tcha eh? from top to bottom!

    and just LIKE gangsters they KILL people like serpico!

    and jesus too hah! (small wonder?)

    they are the ruiners of all things good! with a bible in one hand and a
    gun in the other LOL !

    forget global warming: THEY are the very reason the world is going down
    the drain!

    and it's ALL in that serpico movie ya know, it's a microcosm of the whole deal...

    the whole problem in... miniature!

    coz scale that up and then ya gots the whole thing in a nutshell...

    and what a NUT is is?? LOL :D!

    but methinks they might have gone ohhhh just a little too far this time?

    coz trumpy now has everyone disgusted and shifting uncomfortably in their
    seats haha, squirming while the whole world is literally watching AND

    people are actually having second thoughts about even being associated
    with such a stink?

    and not just this above fucker getting let-off his felonies, that's just
    the shit-sandwich getting a nice big fat cherry on top lol :)))

    mmmm tasty! only it's got people puking all over the planet haha!


    what, ya don't like the sandwich? not shitty-enough for ya?? (laffing)

    oh it's just the SMELL ya's don't like eh? i see...

    eat it! EAT it! LOL ! you made it you fuckin' eat it!

    and they's all having to eat it LOL !

    mmmm tasty! :)))

    lol am having a great day watchin' the right-wing finally gettin' their
    arses kicked :P haha

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From luckyrat@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, July 11, 2020 09:09:09
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    everyone has known for weeks now that trumpy was
    gonna spring this guy. It was a bullshit charge
    to begin with. This was to be expected.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, July 11, 2020 19:04:30
    From: slider@anashram.com

    everyone has known for weeks now that trumpy was
    gonna spring this guy. It was a bullshit charge
    to begin with. This was to be expected.

    ### - wasn't he actually found guilty on 5 counts though?

    ahh what it is then to have friends in high places huh...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, July 11, 2020 19:40:02
    From: slider@anashram.com

    everyone has known for weeks now that trumpy was
    gonna spring this guy. It was a bullshit charge
    to begin with. This was to be expected.

    ### - versus?

    Resolve after appalling Roger Stone commutation: Don't let Donald Trump
    break us, America.
    Jill Lawrence USA TODAY
    Published 1:37 PM EDT Jul 11, 2020

    This is truly the cul-de-sac presidency. Every avenue of potential accountability is a dead end. Donald Trump and his many enablers have made
    sure of it.

    Now comes the Roger Stone protection racket, the Trump commutation that
    means his friend Stone will serve no prison time for seven felony
    convictions that include lying and witness-tampering to protect — who
    else? — Trump, in the special counsel's Russia investigation. It is no
    less stunning for its inevitability, inspiring disgust across the
    political spectrum from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (“staggering corruption”) to Utah Sen. Mitt Romney (“unprecedented, historic corruption”).


    This latest example of Trump TLC for a fellow swamp creature came a day
    after the Supreme Court affirmed presidents are not above the law while
    all but assuring that Trump himself will be on the ballot Nov. 3 without
    having to show anyone the tax returns and other financial records that
    could solve mysteries like why he is so solicitous of Russia, China and
    their leaders. For all intents and purposes, another cul-de-sac.

    America brought low by Trump, COVID

    It was also a day after I canceled, with a heavy heart, an August trip to California to see my sons. We were supposed to meet up with them in Salt
    Lake City in April, but we had to cancel that trip, too. We are all
    healthy and, assuming we don’t contract COVID-19, we will survive a separation that is heading toward a year or more. But it hurts.

    The mounting, astonishing number of American deaths from the coronavirus
    hurts. The decimated economy, the devastated lives, the stand-still of
    normal life, that all hurts. And looming above it all, the tragic
    recognition that none of this had to happen this way — the unavoidable
    fact that other countries with stronger, more responsible leaders have not
    been brought to their knees by this pandemic. That all hurts, too.

    But on Friday night after the Stone commutation, lying awake as I know
    many people do these days, I made a resolution: Donald Trump will not
    break me. And I made a wish: Donald Trump will not break America.

    One of the many painful aspects of the Trump presidency is that it has
    sown fundamental doubts about our nation. A candidate can win without
    showing the slightest sign of competence or conscience. A dangerous,
    corrupt commander in chief can stay in office no matter what. The voters can’t always be trusted, and the Electoral College compounds the disaster. Maybe the Constitution isn’t a work of genius. Or maybe it was when the
    U.S. government was born in 1789, but it needs some crucial amendments and
    laws that we haven’t been bothered to pass.

    Oversight erased, Supreme Court hijacked: Trump turns the presidency into
    a dictatorship

    The Founders gave us basic tools: Checks and balances — a president, a Congress and a court system — that are supposed to counter the tribalism
    that James Madison called “mischiefs of faction.” An emoluments clause to prevent foreign gifts and influence in our new country’s affairs.
    Impeachment as a way to oust unfit presidents between elections. An
    amendment process that yielded the 25th Amendment, under which a vice
    president and Cabinet can determine that a president is "unable to
    discharge the powers and duties of his office." A free press and freedom
    of speech to expose the workings of government and the qualities, or shortcomings, of its leaders.
    The system is failing and we are, too

    None of it has worked. A special counsel investigation and impeachment
    failed outright due to tribal extremism the Founders could never have
    imagined. The court system is so laboriously slow on every level that
    Trump will serve at least one full term despite egregious, even criminal,
    often stunningly hypocritical behavior that endangers our national
    security and values.

    Whistleblowers, watchdogs and public servants like Lt. Col. Alexander
    Vindman have been punished for their conscientious patriotism. We have
    been inundated with journalism scoops, investigations, scorching memoirs
    and tell-alls — from “grab ‘em by the pussy” to stiffing contractors to dodging taxes to John Bolton’s frightening account of foreign policy

    And yet, Trump is still in office, scaling new heights of corruption each

    We can't wait: As COVID cases top 3 million, it's past time to end the catastrophic Trump presidency. Now.

    The longer the Trump presidency wears on, the more it reminds me of the
    joke about the man caught in a flood, turning down rides from a rowboat, a motorboat and a helicopter because he was waiting for God to save him.
    When he drowned, went to heaven and asked God why he’d let that happen,
    God replied: “I sent two boats and a helicopter, what more did you expect?”

    We have been handed enough evidence of corruption, incompetence,
    wrongdoing and amorality for dozens of lawsuits and impeachment articles
    and 25th Amendment triggers. What more did we expect?

    It’s not God asking that in today’s version of the joke. It’s a bunch of very crestfallen Founding Fathers.

    I know this sounds alarmist and depressive. Yet look at how many paths
    we’ve gone down, how many people have risked or lost their careers, how
    many Republicans have sold their souls to make sure the Trump triumphs and
    the Democratic defeats keep coming. The system has failed us, continues to
    fail us, and we are failing ourselves.

    Don’t let him break us, America. We have work to do.

    ### - the roger stone protection racket? hehehe :)))

    and yes, i realise it's part-electioneering here, but still contains many potential truths + shots/slices of many other people's views too!

    just remember that the last election was almost an even 50/50 split?

    iow: half of america likely identifies with the above, and those numbers
    are growing!

    'protection racket' though haha, plus how apt in the context of gangsters?

    (spot on actually!)

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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, July 11, 2020 15:54:51