• anytime you like

    From luckyrat@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 06:50:41
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    i can kick back in a chair anytime i like and just relax for
    a few minutes and i can get a dream going but there are no
    images. Yes there is a dream happening without visuals.
    There's nothing to it. I just hear some dudes talking and
    maybe just one guy talking. God knows what it is all about.
    It just happens all on its own. Now if i could get the visual
    stuff happening while i'm awake then i would have something.
    Makes you think that maybe this shit is going on all the time
    and we just put our focus/attention on it and discover what is
    ALREADY there. Tune in anytime you like, but it's always there.
    Makes the internal dialogue show seem a little spooky eh?
    Who is that talking in our cabezas ? "It ain't me babe".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 15:34:18
    From: slider@anashram.com

    i can kick back in a chair anytime i like and just relax for
    a few minutes and i can get a dream going but there are no
    images. Yes there is a dream happening without visuals.
    There's nothing to it. I just hear some dudes talking and
    maybe just one guy talking. God knows what it is all about.
    It just happens all on its own. Now if i could get the visual
    stuff happening while i'm awake then i would have something.
    Makes you think that maybe this shit is going on all the time
    and we just put our focus/attention on it and discover what is
    ALREADY there. Tune in anytime you like, but it's always there.
    Makes the internal dialogue show seem a little spooky eh?
    Who is that talking in our cabezas ? "It ain't me babe".

    ### - you also wrote this on may 7th last:

    "Yes, last night i hit the jackpot. I was about to totally give up late
    this morning. And then i saw something. I watched and watched. My eyes
    were spinning around like a slot machine. I'm watching this go about and i can't believe my eyes. I'm wide awake with my eyes closed and i finally
    have some activity showing up. Then the whole room turned to a color like ground up chocolate chip ice cream. That's about the best way i could
    describe it. The whole field was a solid color of this consistency. Went
    on for a good spell before the dream ended. Ok, now i'm getting my money's worth out of doing this. And yes i woke up this morning with a fantastic feeling. Much like how one feels after a series of lucid dreams. Nice,
    real nice. This is definitely a different dream show than a dild."


    so 'something' in you somewhere knows exactly how to do all this no
    problemo, the only thing it can possibly be is that you just ain't tryin'
    hard enough (grinz...)

    i.e., to make it completely 'volitional' you have to actually practice
    'that' part by trying over & over until it drops right in your lap
    complete & entire, only then you can truly say that you know what you're
    doing etc...

    to bring it to that completely volitional state, however, takes a
    systematic consistency spread over at least 14 days in a row to get the
    process started, ignoring anything else along the way that doesn't fit
    with the plan stan ;)

    as it is, no one has yet cracked using auditory hypnagogia to enter a WILD
    such as you experience, there must surely be a way to do so and the first
    to discover it will no doubt be remembered because many get to that same
    exact place but can't go any farther (maybe you could figure it out coz it happens to you? it's a chance to do so anyway, one that is apparently
    right up your ally mate lol)

    i.e., to get this right you would (for example) have to start tonite and
    try it at least once per day + be determined to see it through come what
    may, that even when you get a few under your belt ya still can't stop
    there if you want the whole thing to become completely volitional...

    iow: you kinda have to 'insist' that it happens and continues to happen thereafter until you can honestly state you can now do them just about
    anytime you wish whether you practice or not, something that anyone could,
    imho & experience, conceivably fully master in around only a month
    provided they go at it every nite + can be bothered...

    that you have to kind of 'insist' see? not relenting until IT yields
    rather than you yielding and/or giving up and taking a long vacation lol...

    a month man!

    that whatcha gots to ask yerself is: do ya really wants it or not! punk! ;)

    and then proceed accordingly hehe :)


    "but you must rise to meet the day..."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From luckyrat@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 08:50:59
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    the way i discovered this auditory dream stuff was from
    taking something like a 'cat' nap off to the side of the
    road. I use to take a break at those roadside rest areas
    on the interstate. I would be dead tired and sort of just
    rested for a little while. Then one day i thought i'd try
    some meditation in the drivers seat. Nothing much happened
    from doing this except i noticed this auditory stuff coming
    around. I thought what the fuck was this shit? Am I
    intercepting a phone conversation or radio signal from
    somewhere. Oh shit i am losing my mind for sure now.
    But it got predictable because it would come around as long
    as i didn't fall asleep. If i dosed off that would be the
    end of it. Never saw any images from meditation really.
    Maybe i punched a hole in the circuit from taking psilocybin
    years ago. Son of a bitch that was 50 years ago! Maybe
    it's time to do another round of the shroom, but a lesser quantity
    of course this time. I read where they are developing 'strips'
    of the cybin one can take under the tongue. Goes directly to the
    brain, takes effect in just a few minutes. Down the road maybe
    they will have this available like the way you can buy a pack of guy.
    "Hey there man, give me a pack of that there cinamom shroom".
    Come on man, i wanna reset this great computer i have. ha ha .

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 17:10:39
    From: slider@anashram.com

    the way i discovered this auditory dream stuff was from
    taking something like a 'cat' nap off to the side of the
    road. I use to take a break at those roadside rest areas
    on the interstate. I would be dead tired and sort of just
    rested for a little while. Then one day i thought i'd try
    some meditation in the drivers seat. Nothing much happened
    from doing this except i noticed this auditory stuff coming
    around. I thought what the fuck was this shit? Am I
    intercepting a phone conversation or radio signal from
    somewhere. Oh shit i am losing my mind for sure now.
    But it got predictable because it would come around as long
    as i didn't fall asleep. If i dosed off that would be the
    end of it. Never saw any images from meditation really.

    ### - according to david bowie that was "just some crazy cosmic jive" maan


    plus you did see images once years ago when trying out some 3rd eye
    exercise, said you saw some kinda green door and the sky beyond or summat

    something we 'now' know was defo some hypnagogia innit...

    so then, it's in you to see them and even manipulate them into a WILD,
    only you don't really know 'how' you did it exactly, basically because you didn't follow-up every time and just let it all become a mystery again...

    the whole 'idea' of this thing being to do-away with mystery altogether
    and replace it with ability instead (i mean c'mon maan, you'll never make
    dalai lama at this rate lol, this is end of the line stuff for them: the
    last step...) ;)

    Maybe i punched a hole in the circuit from taking psilocybin
    years ago. Son of a bitch that was 50 years ago! Maybe
    it's time to do another round of the shroom, but a lesser quantity
    of course this time. I read where they are developing 'strips'
    of the cybin one can take under the tongue. Goes directly to the
    brain, takes effect in just a few minutes. Down the road maybe
    they will have this available like the way you can buy a pack of guy.
    "Hey there man, give me a pack of that there cinamom shroom".
    Come on man, i wanna reset this great computer i have. ha ha .

    ### - have you tried just switching it off and turning it back on again?

    (really laffing haha) :)))

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From luckyrat@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 10:32:58
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    ### - have you tried just switching it off and turning it back on again?

    (really laffing haha) :)))

    in a really heavy, thick India-an accent
    reboooot comrade. rebootski is the ticket.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to slider on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 15:58:03
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    On Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 10:34:48 AM UTC-4, slider wrote:

    that you have to kind of 'insist' see? not relenting until IT yields
    rather than you yielding and/or giving up and taking a long vacation lol...

    Queen - Killer Queen

    You don't have a "Core"
    The darkness you play in is a trap SHE SET.
    Stick to diddling little boys like your dad.
    She is going to do to you what you tried to do to me.

    My three engines power the circus.
    You were a geek in the freak show.
    Now you are a book full of blank pages, alone in the dark.
    I know how she operates, she is going to turn it into "Art."

    Look to the left. A dead man.

    Two characters in white with sunglasses.
    It was a dangerous bid-play-gambit verses bid-play-gambit.
    In the end they both got exactly what they wanted from the girl.

    You're an extremely retarded motherfucker Brian.
    A couple of guys from Brixton play War2Glory and know of you.
    It seems nobody actually "knows" you because you have zero mates.
    Maybe I'll introduce you to my two associates so you'll have play time.

    One of them is a twist, like you Mr. Brian Ahern - Twinky Winks.

    It's coming.
    She's hunting you.
    Study this as your waiting 16 years,
    after being effortlessly crushed in 2004.
    Then you tried to attack her best friend.
    You jumped to the front of the girls line.

    The Snail

    I AM her eternal totality.
    She is my infinite totality.
    She's going to do you with style.
    You just pretend to be a woman, she's the real deal, ask John.
    The OTHER three girls are now old enough to join her on the hunts.

    I'm watching.

    NO WAY

    Heart - Barracuda
    So this ain't the end, I saw you again, today
    I had to turn my heart away
    Smile like the sun, kisses for everyone
    And tales, it never fails

    You lying so low in the weeds
    I bet you gonna ambush me
    You'd have me down, down, down, down on my knees
    Now wouldn't you, Barracuda? Oh

    Back over time we were all trying for free
    You met the porpoise and me
    No right, no wrong you're selling a song, a name
    Whisper game

    And if the real thing don't do the trick
    You better make up something quick
    You gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn to the wick
    Oooo, Barracuda, oh yeah

    "Sell me, sell you" the porpoise said
    Dive down deep to save my head
    You, I think you got the blues too

    All that night and all the next
    Swam without looking back
    Made for the western pools, silly, silly fools

    If the real thing don't do the trick, no
    You better make up something quick
    You gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn it to the wick
    Oooo, Barra-Barracuda
    Ohhhhhh yea


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to done with us all now and on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 08:27:23
    From: slider@anashram.com

    - have you tried just switching it off and turning it back on again?

    (really laffing haha) :)))

    in a really heavy, thick India-an accent
    reboooot comrade. rebootski is the ticket.

    ### - (still laffing...) just my little joke hehe...

    coz the only bit we can effectively turn on/off is the internal dialogue ;)

    what is the sound of one hand clapping glasshopper!

    turning that on/off being the only reset button we gots innit...

    i.e., deliberately quietening all that down until ya can hear/see what's ticking-away underneath

    a bit like deliberately relaxing just enough to start seeing/hearing
    things not strictly controlled by reason/logic alone? (something
    indicative of entering into a partially altered state of awareness) at
    which point a window into all that opens and one begins to perceive beyond
    the rational, WILDing being what we currently call entering fully into it
    in that there'll prolly be other/better names for this ability given to it later, more accurate ones perhaps...

    the tibetans believing it is their final form, when perfected, in which
    they ultimately depart from this earth spiritually intact, dunno what all
    the options are from that point-on but according to them choosing to come
    back here again appears to be one of them; the current dalai lama & his
    crew supposedly having already done this 14 or 15 times for instance,
    although he says this is defo gonna be his last time so i guess even 'he'
    has finally gotten fed-up of this god forsaken hell-hole then huh, he's
    giving it up haha! :)))

    his doing all this apparently being as in some kinda personal sacrifice he
    made to temporarily forsake his own higher path in order to hang around
    here and look after us monkeys heh! (very nice of him!) but is apparently
    done with us all now and says he ain't doin' it again for no fucker lol

    and that's only 'one' option see? one which prolly only genuine saints
    could ever bear to suffer?

    mind you, how he even managed 2 or 3 times, let alone 14 times, is
    personally beyond moi heh...

    coz afaic 'once' is MORE than enough to last many lifetimes LOL !

    screw that, i ain't comin' back here again unless i have to: punishment
    detail or summat haha :)

    and coz what else is out there i wonder??

    anyway heh, time is getting short bud, so no more going back under ok?

    there's no time left now to... sleep ;)

    (personally, i think this planet is running a temperature coz we've made
    it sick and it has finally decided to get rid of us + has already started slapping us back into place? all those wild animals suddenly walking
    through our deserted cities that time during lockdown being rather ominous imho; we'd only been down a couple of weeks and already nature was making
    a comeback? canals and waterways started clearing, pollution levels
    dropped significantly, and i saw sparrows in london again for the first
    time in 20 years! plus it didn't take much to knock us off our pedestal either!)

    so who knows eh? 2 or 3 generations from now this might just be a far
    quieter world without us dominating it, there might even be a few humans
    left to start again: the meek & the humble only apparently heh ;)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, August 15, 2020 07:11:14
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    Your bound by cause and effect.
    What good is fleeing to the infinite sea
    without at least a boat to rest and float?
    You created a vortex tornado of cause and effect.
    It goes with you wherever you go and rises up to destroy you.

    Right is never right
    Left has nothing left
    Little Ms. Polly Ticks
    Is twitching on the edge

    Same as it ever was...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From chris rodgers@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, May 15, 2021 16:25:28
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    Medina Spirit ran 3rd today at the Preakness.
    see ya next year.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)