• UK wildlife enjoys humans' lockdown but concerns raised over conservati

    From slider@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, March 29, 2020 16:17:55
    From: slider@atashram.com

    Animals are getting some peace and people are reconnecting with nature,
    but wildlife crimes may be going unnoticed

    Moles are daring to clamber above ground to hunt for worms, oystercatchers
    are nesting on deserted beaches, and overlooked plants such as ivy-leaved toadflax are gaining new friends.

    The shutdown of modern life as we know it is liberating British wildlife
    to enjoy newly depopulated landscapes. But conservationists say the impact
    is not all positive, with wildlife crimes going unreported and vital work including monitoring unable to be carried out.


    Jake Fiennes, the conservation manager of the 9,600-acre Holkham national nature reserve, the biggest in England, said his staff were excited to
    record what unfolds on the Norfolk beach, salt marsh and grasslands.

    “We have annual visitor numbers in excess of one million and suddenly, in
    the peak of breeding season, they are not going to be here. Nature is just going ‘ahhh, it’s all to ourselves now,’” he said.

    As at all British nature reserves, public footpaths through Holkham are
    open but car parks and visitor centres are closed.

    Fiennes and his fellow wardens have already noticed more sparrowhawks,
    stoats and deer on once heavily walked tracks.

    “The greatest impact we might see will be on the shorebirds,” said
    Fiennes. He hopes the shutdown will be a boon to beach-nesting birds
    including oystercatchers, sandwich terns and the endangered ringed plover.

    Last summer for the first time in living memory, no oystercatchers nested
    on Holkham beach. Although areas of beach are cordoned off for birds,
    increases in footfall including dog walkers are thought to be behind the declines there.

    If the lockdown is lifted in the middle of bird-nesting season, the impact could be catastrophic, Fiennes said. “All these species nest where they
    think they are safe – and then we open the gates,” he said.

    According to naturalist Matthew Oates, there are parallels with the
    shutdown of the countryside during the 2001 foot and mouth crisis. “When
    we move out, obviously nature moves in,” he said. “Dog prints and dog faeces are gone, and there are fox and weasel prints instead.”

    Oates believes that people are already appreciating “the gathering quietude”. “One of the positive things that could come out of this is the realisation that machinery noise damages us and damages our minds,” he
    said. “Without traffic and aeroplane noise, we hear the birds again and
    the wind. Last night I swear I heard the wings of a tawny owl as it flew
    over, which I haven’t heard for decades.”

    Phoebe Miles, of Plantlife, has noted a proliferation of sightings of
    moles above ground near well-walked footpaths. She is also struck by
    residents of cities such as Bristol, where she lives, newly absorbing
    their neighbourhood’s nature.

    “It’s being with the detail of everyday nature which is so beautiful,” she
    said. “Yes, you can hear the birds singing because there’s no traffic, but you can also see the detail that’s always been in front of you. There are
    a lot of very beautiful small plants coming out at this time – ivy-leaved toadflax, wall screw moss, umbrella liverwort, roux-leaved saxifrage – and it’s touching to see children and adults getting drawn into this.”

    HS2 is facing accusations from opponents that its destruction of ancient woodlands is going ahead during lockdown so that any potential illegal
    damage to birds’ nests, for instance, would go unnoticed.

    “In some areas the absence of eyes and ears on the ground might be really problematic, with bird of prey persecution or disturbance of little tern colonies going unseen,” said Martin Harper, the global conservation
    director of the RSPB. The charity has urged members of the public to
    report any illegal destruction of birds’ nests by HS2 to the police.

    Conservation work is also being disrupted. Harper said he feared for
    schemes such as Operation Turtle Dove, in which farmers provide spring
    food for turtle doves, one of Britain’s most endangered birds. With supply chains disrupted and “non-essential” work cut, the turtle dove feeding is likely to be curtailed.

    While garden nature is set to be better observed than ever, with surges in participation in schemes such as Butterfly Conservation’s garden butterfly survey, conservationists fear the wildlife boom will go unrecorded.

    Some of the volunteer army of wildlife surveyors who contribute to the
    Breeding Bird Survey and Plantlife’s species monitoring work are incorporating their recordings into their daily dose of exercise, as
    permitted under the lockdown conditions, but many risk-averse conservation charities are cancelling monitoring programmes because they are not deemed essential work.

    “It’s a mixture of hope and extreme frustration,” said Jo Jones, of Plantlife. “The biggest issue is missing out on the yearly data.”

    According to Jones, extremely rare plants such as prostrate perennial
    knawel could easily be accidentally covered in dumped rubbish or destroyed without regular monitoring. “To understand what these plants are doing you have to go and watch them and understand if conservation work is helping
    them or not,” she said.

    But Jones is also hopeful that the lockdown will encourage home-schooled children and their parents to notice the wildlife around them. “We could
    have a re-engagement with nature and plants and that is for everybody,
    wherever they live.”

    ### - we disappear and nature immediately comes back...

    so is momma nature perhaps trying to tell us something here?

    even hinting at the reason(s) behind nature retreating/disappearing in the first place??

    conversely: we desist from all our more usual obsessive activities for a
    moment and the first thing we notice is the underlying nature & reality
    we've all been ignoring/overwriting for so long?

    there's defo summat in all this, but exactly what remains to be seen...

    perhaps even literally heh ;)

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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, March 29, 2020 18:10:14
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    They've had coyotes roaming he streets of San Francisco! How woooo woo woo wooo.

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  • From luckyrat@1:229/2 to All on Monday, March 30, 2020 07:59:53
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com


    werewolves of new jersey

    having drinks at Trader Vics

    hell we gots 'wolfs here at La Cuesta.

    watch your cats

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