this should keep you out of trouble.
busy hands are happy hands.
### - haha less sword fighting ya mean? (smile + thanx for caring anyway hehe...)
but it's supposed to be free-speech here or something isn't it? only it's
not; so saying the 'wrong' things will gets ya beaten up or worse!?
but i didn't invent all that, am just fairly good at protecting m'self
when attacked is all; if humanity wasn't the fucked-up way it is arts like 'hoo-flung-dung' wouldn't even be needed?
keep 'em 'mumbo jumbo' clean too ok ?
### - but, but, isn't that precisely 'how' one communicates with the
natives? via mumbo-jumbo! lol they don't actually understand anything
else?? (laffing)
the bigger the lie is the more they likes it & finds it attractive! IS the truth!
and which singularly explains why 'Truth' per se isn't very welcome on
planet wallyworld!
their whole LIFE is a lie! and it 'being' a lie isn't the kinda 'truth'
they ever wanna hear??
iow: they need to grow some just to be able to 'handle' that Truth!
so ok, give 'em a little box to stand on and then maybe they can see a bit farther huh...
as it is; they don't seem to be able to see-past the pools of their own
snot lol...
all grubbin' around in the mud on their hands & knees like that?? sheesh!
it's not dignified! :)))
so stand up on your own 2 legs humanity! walk ffs instead of crawling?
plus i'd give 'em that if i could...
just a little box to stand on ok?
b'coz the 'shoulders' they been standin' on just ain't tall enough to see anything!
(they's only been standin' on the shoulders of pigmys haven't they hah!)
have thus shown them a door... but they's the one's who gots to walk
through it
the only question is: will they :)
(jeremy says they wont, i says they might...
so i'd settle for 50/50 ;)
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: (1:229/2)