Even our EU ally Germany is telling us... please don't talk
like that. If we do *start* a fire-fight after all that bluster,
we will lose the high-ground in the eyes of most of the world.
The Security Council voted 15-0 on the latest sanctions against NK.
So the U.S. doesn't have to play the bad guy.
Here's the reason nothing happened for 8 years, but now it is:
For eight years Obama kept everything relatively peaceful,
even dealing with NK.
Obama thought the world had already tried my idea of being kind
to NK - and he had been through many nuances of strategy. I'm not
sure he tried being *kind* strongly enough, though. Obama, for all
of his skill may merely have held the line at "being stern and firm"
yet even "always ready to extend a hand if you play by the rules",
and thus he never tried going all the way to "radical kindness",
admittedly a radical position.
Trump is like... "none of it's worked, so now let's have some shit!"
But see, if Trump appears to START that shit, then we'll still
become the bad guy in the eyes of many world nations.
What's the way out? Now that Trump already shot his mouth off?
Can we get out of this with just "two assholes yelling dumb stuff
at each other for 3 more years"? :)
Sad, but the first thing that occurs to me is that Trump might
deceptively "trump up" some 'reason' why we need to attack NK -
i.e. he might stage some event that could be pinned on NK.
We could then fight, and also deceptively hold the 'high ground'.
And that involves going to war.
But is there an honest way out?
One way would be for Trump to just shut up, and be very calm
(like Obama used to be) as Kim Jong Un makes his next threat or two.
That would stand out because Trump the hot-head would be doing it.
Then Kim Jong Un would again be the guy who wouldn't put his dick away.
Next, we could secretly talk with the other 14 Security Council
members who all voted for sanctions - saying: "hey, what can we do
with this wild man - I'm open to your suggestions?"
If Trump really knew how to set up a smart deal, he'd do that.
But he doesn't. So this great strategy is out, simply because
realistically, Trump will not do it.
The other 'honest way' is to turn the other cheek and go 360
over to radical kindness. But I know Trump couldn't do that.
That is even more out of the realm of reality. It might work,
but realistically, no one will try it.
So, I'm hoping Trump will just shut up and be cool for awhile.
Yet... IS Trump even capable of just shutting up and being cool?
Sorry, no. Again, that is too much to hope for, realistically.
The odds thang gave may be right.
But there's still the option above where we just let two jerks
keep hollering at each other every 3-4 months for the next 3 years. :)
Maybe that's the best we can realistically hope for, besides war.
So my hopes realistically rest on Trump being content just to have
a 3-year tweet war with Kim Jong Un?
It seems like quite a long shot but it would be better than war.
I can't see it realistically happening either. Damn.
If we do go to war - bringing "fire and fury the likes of which
the world has never seen" - then I really fucking hope Kim Jong Un
doesn't manage to nuke LA before we take out his nukes.
Twice I've dreamed of dying in a nuclear war.
If I wasn't tied to this place by my partner's family,
I'd probably get the hell out of here. :)
Maybe asshole Kim's new nukes will fail somehow. Geez.
Another slim hope to be left grasping.
I am very glad my son has moved to the middle of Oregon.
If I do go down in all the fire and fury, I am grateful
for all of the amazing life I was privileged to live. :)
In mocking tones:
Farewell, my fellow Americans. It is such a great honor to
die because Donald Trump became president and started a war
with some asshole. It is certainly completely worth it to
have my life end over some giant idiotic cock fight over
essentially nothing. It's just another of the wonderful gifts
involved in "making America great again".
Fuck, I'd even take an imaginary Jesus as president at this point,
over Donald Trump. The two toddlers of the world are holding the rest
of it at ransom. Is that really a thing worth DYING over?
Stand down. Either shut up and be cool, pretending to be like Barry,
or do a stupid tweet war until you're impeached. Pretty please?
Low Rider, don't you want to get some hallucinatory weirdness
in here at this point? LOL. :)
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