• keep dreamin'

    From finishline@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 08:16:52
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    slider dreams:

    geez what i wouldn't give for about 20-grands worth of advertising right
    now eh?

    'coz am sure could almost certainly turn that into 40-grand, possibly a
    lot more, and then just do it again & again ad infinitum...

    but what else can a poor boy do eh??

    uncle chrissy hits the 'fat' one you'll see your 20 grandy.
    What else can a rich boy do? ha ha

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  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, June 27, 2019 10:26:09
    From: slider@atashram.com

    but what else can a poor boy do eh??

    uncle chrissy hits the 'fat' one you'll see your 20 grandy.

    What else can a rich boy do? ha ha

    ### - am resigned to it taking a - l o n g - time (only about 150 years

    so am actually pleasantly surprised to see it making any progress at all?

    it's a novelty to see it doin' so well early on and is actually quite encouraging, a good portent for the future perhaps :)

    the dreaming community likes it so why not the general public one day too
    as that community expands eh?

    the good thing going for it is that WILDs 'makes-sense', that there's a
    linear & logical process to doing it; effectively, an on/off switch that
    dilds singularly lack, and this is precisely it's appeal going forward:
    it's an altogether more effective + predictable/dependable way to have
    lucid dreams!

    meanwhile, they's all still tearing themselves apart if the current state
    of our world is anything to go by, they love a drop of war on this planet,
    it gives them a sense of (insane) purpose that all adds-up in their heads
    + seem to lack the imagination for anything more subtle than bashing each other's heads in? (well duh!)

    work like mules, a drink, a fight & a fuck... and they's happy?? lol :)))

    only they's not really that happy are they!

    we still live in a very primitive world...

    and they's asleep to anything else!

    desolation angels indeed...

    god help us :)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From thang ornerythinchus@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 13:57:46
    From: thangolossus@gmail.com

    On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 10:26:09 +0100, slider <slider@atashram.com>

    but what else can a poor boy do eh??

    uncle chrissy hits the 'fat' one you'll see your 20 grandy.

    What else can a rich boy do? ha ha

    ### - am resigned to it taking a - l o n g - time (only about 150 years

    so am actually pleasantly surprised to see it making any progress at all?

    it's a novelty to see it doin' so well early on and is actually quite >encouraging, a good portent for the future perhaps :)

    the dreaming community likes it so why not the general public one day too
    as that community expands eh?

    The "dreaming community"? Is there a group of humans which doesn't
    dream? The "non-dreaming community" perhaps?


    the good thing going for it is that WILDs 'makes-sense', that there's a >linear & logical process to doing it; effectively, an on/off switch that >dilds singularly lack, and this is precisely it's appeal going forward:
    it's an altogether more effective + predictable/dependable way to have
    lucid dreams!

    meanwhile, they's all still tearing themselves apart if the current state
    of our world is anything to go by, they love a drop of war on this planet,
    it gives them a sense of (insane) purpose that all adds-up in their heads
    + seem to lack the imagination for anything more subtle than bashing each >other's heads in? (well duh!)

    work like mules, a drink, a fight & a fuck... and they's happy?? lol :)))

    only they's not really that happy are they!

    we still live in a very primitive world...

    and they's asleep to anything else!

    desolation angels indeed...

    god help us :)

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  • From twistedfate@1:229/2 to but first chris on Thursday, November 28, 2019 19:23:49
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    slider wrote:
    but first chris wrote this:

    if i was a lucid dream teacher i would teach people
    to go for the dreamsign.

    ### - if you were teaching dilds ya mean (one has to make that
    distinction) ;)

    well yes we are speaking of a dream induced lucid dream here.

    ### - that was cc's idea wasn't it heh; the aliens (or rather: allies) put them there to catch our attention so we'd fall into their nets (the rotten duplicitous bastards! lol)

    that might be his idea but it's not mine. Those dudes are there because
    you put them there. The same that you put thoughts in your own mind.

    ### - obvious & blatant contradictions + total irrationalities (dream
    signs) assail us while having ordinary dreams, prolly 'coz we're fuckin'
    fast asleep and thus too dozy to even acknowledge it, let alone question
    it? not to mention a lifetime of deliberately then ignoring such things
    added to all that on top; we're idiots in our dreams because all 'actual' reason has fled and we've been dumped into an altered state we can't
    possibly cope with because the self-awareness to do so is lacking...

    well us lucid or wild dreamers can't really say (after a lifetime)
    anymore, we have been fuckin' with this shit for a good 25 years at least.
    i just finished up jacking around with dreams for 50 years. It's not
    like i'm a newcomer on the street. I had reams of dream journals from
    the 70's.

    i still don't like dilds tho' because it's just like waking up in a
    madhouse? it's very disconcerting to slowly come to your senses with all
    that madness going on around you! (giant chickens no less!) haha! and then someone tryin' to compete with a jet-plane? LOL :)))

    dude you begin where you are. No one jumps over the present.

    nah, fuck all that haha! (although it's actually unavoidable, really,
    because it inevitably happens that you fall asleep for real sometimes and have dilds instead...)

    compared to WILDs anyway, dilds just feel... wrong?

    you're also totally cut-off from seeing/feeling the midway point (and the awareness of your body too) and that's even more disconcerting; the first time that happened to moi i genuinely thought i must have died in my sleep and ended up there haha; it was the only explanation for not being fully aware as usual: half of myself was missing??

    nah, don't like that haha ;)

    ok we'll note that for the record. Slider don't like that stuff.
    Everyone sez they are good with that. Court is in recess now. :)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Friday, November 29, 2019 06:48:26
    From: slider@anashram.com

    - that was cc's idea wasn't it heh; the aliens (or rather: allies) put
    them there to catch our attention so we'd fall into their nets (the
    duplicitous bastards! lol)

    that might be his idea but it's not mine. Those dudes are there because
    you put them there. The same that you put thoughts in your own mind.

    ### - so it's your idea then that we put those inconsistencies there
    ourselves (i don't believe in allies either) in order to notice them and
    what? wake up in the dream?

    - obvious & blatant contradictions + total irrationalities (dream
    signs) assail us while having ordinary dreams, prolly 'coz we're fuckin'
    fast asleep and thus too dozy to even acknowledge it, let alone question
    it? not to mention a lifetime of deliberately then ignoring such things
    added to all that on top; we're idiots in our dreams because all
    reason has fled and we've been dumped into an altered state we can't
    possibly cope with because the self-awareness to do so is lacking...

    well us lucid or wild dreamers can't really say (after a lifetime)
    anymore, we have been fuckin' with this shit for a good 25 years at
    i just finished up jacking around with dreams for 50 years. It's not
    like i'm a newcomer on the street. I had reams of dream journals from
    the 70's.

    ### - tend to agree that once someone starts lucid dreaming more
    deliberately that it changes things and then becomes a subconscious goal
    from then on that develops to its natural conclusion (or at least starts heading-off in that direction) - cc's idea being that the more asleep you
    are is the greater the attack + then justified that by saying dreamers'
    dreams gradually become orderly all by themselves as those 'elements' are gradually forced out...

    i still don't like dilds tho' because it's just like waking up in a
    madhouse? it's very disconcerting to slowly come to your senses with all
    that madness going on around you! (giant chickens no less!) haha! and
    someone tryin' to compete with a jet-plane? LOL :)))

    dude you begin where you are. No one jumps over the present.

    ### - unless you learn to WILD first instead of dilding?

    learning to WILD first and going directly to go and collecting your dream
    bucks works very well too + no one could've been more surprised than moi
    in that respect; the only weird bit was suddenly being pulled into a fully lucid dream when wasn't expecting it, a genuine WTF??? moment! lol :)))

    so the question remains: why go down some more tortuous route if ya don't
    have to? in my case it was just luck or whatever, but now WILDs are out in
    the open it's a choice that's open to anyone...

    nah, fuck all that haha! (although it's actually unavoidable, really,
    because it inevitably happens that you fall asleep for real sometimes
    have dilds instead...)

    compared to WILDs anyway, dilds just feel... wrong?

    you're also totally cut-off from seeing/feeling the midway point (and
    awareness of your body too) and that's even more disconcerting; the
    time that happened to moi i genuinely thought i must have died in my
    and ended up there haha; it was the only explanation for not being fully
    aware as usual: half of myself was missing??

    nah, don't like that haha ;)

    ok we'll note that for the record. Slider don't like that stuff.
    Everyone sez they are good with that. Court is in recess now. :)

    ### - (laffing) have had other dilds that weren't so disturbing in the
    waking process, a slight oh! it's a dream! of surprise, and took-over no problem so maybe ya gets used to it... the presence of dc's from the off
    still being the only unusual/slightly-disturbing part but don't mind that
    so much, other than all those dc's are lunatics haha, in which case it's
    just like waking up in an asylum as the only sane person there, something
    which also almost exactly mirrors my waking-world experience of about 40
    years ago, that asylum being society itself ;)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From chris rodgers@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, May 15, 2021 06:39:33
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com


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