• Re: didn't charlie manson try this once ? (2/2)

    From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to Jeremy H. Denisovan on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 12:49:04
    [continued from previous message]

    But for the elite, this is surely an easy point to dodge: after all, why should
    that kind of white privilege be conferred on Joe Bob from Garbutt? He doesn’t
    even know who any of those people are! He’s not a worthy heir to their greatness. But the
    great, multicultural, globalist elite of Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, New York, Washington, London, Paris, and Brussels surely are, regardless of their skin color.

    The Imminent Dangers of Anti-White Sentiment
    When America’s social policy and its elite institutions are controlled by people with this mindset, then exactly the sort of thing we saw in South Africa
    can easily sneak up on us. The banality of evil does not just look like lowly German prison guards
    shrugging their shoulders and shoveling ashes at Auschwitz. Sometimes it looks like bowtied policy wonks in DC smoothly defending policies that cut their perceived inferiors out of society with the casual cruelty of an Ivy League Secret Society, or the
    New York Social Register.

    Yet still, gnawing at the back of their minds, these elites know they are failing their mission to be elites: to set an example for their beleaguered fellow citizens, and to help them. But because they can choose which friends to
    have, which food to eat,
    which city to live in, which car to drive, which people of which political persuasion to date and marry, and sometimes even which child to raise thanks to
    technology, they also want to choose their own underclass, and ideally, that means an underclass
    that is pliant, that cuts their lawns and nurses their children without complaint, that may bring crime and drugs and problems to other people, but never to them, and above all, that never fancies that it has the right to elect
    someone to represent its
    interests over theirs. And if the rednecks all have to die out so that this “coalition of the ascendant” can rise, hey, it’s not exactly genocide if you just cleanse the stupid ones, is it?

    The Left, and the contemptuous (and, ironically, relatively monochromatic) elite which increasingly forms their constituency, are sure they will get this wish: if not now then in a few decades. After all, by 2043, when white Americans constitute only a
    plurality of America rather than a majority, we’ll finally have the multicultural paradise they all dream about, right? After all, as Sarah Jeong put it, “white people have stopped breeding. You’ll all go extinct soon. This was my plan all along.”

    But come on, she doesn’t mean them. Just the stupid ones. Just the poor ones.
    Just the racist ones. Just the ones who they have nothing in common with. Sarah
    Jeong and her ilk won’t cancel them, even if they are the “worst wypipo in the world,”

    In short, like the privileged white South Africans who hide behind the walls of
    their privileged urban compounds and fiddle while the farms burn and the farmers’ children are boiled alive, the editors of the New York Times offer platforms to the
    imitation Mugabes of the world because their presence is a fashion accessory. Like Leonard Bernstein hosting the Black Panthers, they think they are too rich, too fashionable, and—yes—too privileged to have anything to fear when
    white people are

    It will, after all, just be the white people who remind them of an ugly truth: that what they have, they owe more to luck than to merit. The luck to be born into families that save, that still possess both parents, that do not struggle with opioid
    addiction, that still have all their teeth, that postpone pregnancy, albeit not
    through chastity. In short, the luck to be born to parents who voted for liberals but lived like reactionaries. And so that they will never be confronted with the face of
    what they could have been, nor of their hated responsibility as elites to lead by setting an example they cannot live up to, they hire pink haired Crazy Rich Asians who bypassed the very quotas their gentry fellows set up in order to blame the victims of
    their own failure.

    And why not? A false elite will always consent to the cleansing of a genuinely afflicted underclass. After all, those who rise from such crucibles of adversity are likely truly to deserve elite status and, in so doing, tear down their castles of mutually
    reinforced delusion. It is the same dream as all feckless, decadent, failed aristocrats share: to kill the peasants to avoid moral obligation to them, but simultaneously to retain their status as non-peasants. We owe Sarah Jeong a debt of gratitude for
    tipping their hand.

    Now we know the hour of pitchforks and torches is at hand.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)