• Trump's binary choice - war with NK or loss of empire

    From thang ornerythinchus@1:229/2 to All on Monday, September 04, 2017 09:11:05
    From: thangolossus@gmail.com


    "Now, after the abject policy failure of successive US
    administrations, President Trump is faced with a binary choice: accept
    mutual nuclear vulnerability with North Korea or embark on a major war
    on the Korean peninsula. There is no third option. I have engaged
    publicly in a four-part debate on this subject with Dr David Santoro,
    Director of Nuclear Policy at Pacific Forum CSIS. He believes
    continued deterrence is the answer. As for myself, I marched against
    the Iraq War and bitterly opposed the Libya intervention, and yet I
    reluctantly advocate war as the least-worst option.

    President Trump now faces the unthinkable decision on how to proceed.
    Whatever action is taken now will have profound consequences for the
    US and the world. Yet a decision must be made."

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