### - been getting quite a lot of positive feedback via facebook, most of
it just general thanks etc etc... chuck 'em with da rest on the pile
this one, however, was quite in-depth (and complimentary...) and contains
some rather encouraging observations re sleep paralysis, and creativity
taken to the extreme?? (curious idea anyway - might be bunkum but ya never know! :)))
I have never encountered any WILD technique, other than yours, which
completely sidesteps sleep paralysis. In other techniques of induction,
the road to a WILD invariably leads through the nightmarish territory of
sleep paralysis.
One author described how he felt an evil presence atop of him in his bed.
He beheld a small, nasty being with weird eyes, and long ears. He
resolutely grabbed the creature by its ears(ears, if I recall correctly!),
and commanded it to take him to dream land, which it did. Until I
discovered your method, I thought that the disagreable reality of SP was inescapable for the WILDer. Having suffered a great deal from night
terrors as a young boy, I was not very keen on going there. Secondly, the
way one induces the WILD with the specific technique of observing the
details of the clear images is unique as are the images themselves.
In other WILD techniques there are no images, just basic hypnagogia,
coloured spots, and the rest. I read about a fellow, who in a lucid dream created a caribbean style holiday resort on the astral plane, where our dreaming takes place. He named it, and disclosed its name to his friends,
so that they could find it in their dreams, and now when he visits the
resort to relax, he regularly bumps into his friends who visit the place
in their dreams, too.
What a promising, great adventure, you have led me to, Brian ! I can
barely contain myself for excitement ! I will keep in touch. Thanks again
! Best regards. Karsten.
one: slider's cafe! (laughing...) coming right up! :D hahaha
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