It's a Deplorables ~V~ Unfathomables propoganda thread.
There are no democrats or republicans they are obsolete.
No jailee? No shootee?
No stealee the kiddee?
No rippee? No tearee?
No flippee? No singee like canaree?
Jeremy H. Denisovan wrote:
No jailee? No shootee?
No stealee the kiddee?
fucking religious horseshit, we gotta get that crap
out of government. NO basis for that bogus story.
No rippee? No tearee?
No flippee? No singee like canaree?
Hick logic, no place for that old time religion rubbish.
More making America "great" again.
yeah the bible ain't that great.
how did they keep that scam going
for 2000 years? dummies.
You link a news story from nearly two
years ago, and say there's a "rumor"
about it.
A great example of how you reason
and the kinds of things you focus on.
It's a non-fact-based approach, just
like those Trump indulges in.
You're still talking about Trump all
the time too - as usual, being a
hypocrite. Also, you have no more
respect for the truth than he does.
And when have I ever done what you wanted
me to do? Has it happened even once?
Ever? :) There's good reason for that.
from a time when even the
Republicans had a modicum of civility
and reasonableness.
I thought Reagan
was substanceless, but he was a saint
compared to Trump,
and most Republicans
now are insane, because they've been
forced to support Trump,
which involves endlessly grasping at straws, lies and rumors. Your whole party has lost its
and you are no exception.
Still going on about Clinton. Jesus.
You're falling for every cheap trick...
That you don't like all the Trump talk
is just one more good reason to keep
doing it clear up until the 2018 midterm
election. Count on it, jackass. LOL.
Btw, I've been on 'vacation' perpetually.
Almost every day of my life is better
than ANY day of yours. :)
Donald Trump’s Small Hostagescountry what they are at this point?
By Frank Bruni
June 19, 2018
Why don’t we call the terrified children whose incarceration is riveting the
Not migrants. Not detainees. Not pawns, although that comes closest to the mark.their ordeal and reasonable Americans’ disgust with it will get him what he wants. This isn’t some theory that I’m basing on the whisperings of unnamed
They’re hostages.
President Trump is using them as flesh-and-blood bargaining chips, hoping that
It’s the only conclusion reachable from his and his lieutenants’ own words.border illegally, they say that they could and would gladly abandon the approach — if only Democrats joined them in supporting a package of new immigration legislation.
Falsely claiming that they are bound by law to separate families who cross the
At a miserable White House news conference on Monday, Kirstjen Nielsen, the head of the Department of Homeland Security, slithered around and away from reporters’ questions about the children’s suffering by saying, “What the president is trying todo is find a long-term fix.”
Translation: He can live, in the meantime, with this short-term horror. Can everybody else?super-potency, he tweeted, “CHANGE THE LAWS!”
On Twitter, Trump himself expectorated that all of this is “the Democrats fault for being weak and ineffective with Boarder Security and Crime.” He equates random capital letters with virility. They’re typographical Viagra. In another spasm of
Translation: Give him his border wall and he’ll give the country relief fromthe sight of caged children and the sound of their sobs. Deny him and his government will stay its heartless course, no matter how much trauma is inflicted on these kids, no
When I say that we have a hostage crisis, I’m being provocative with my language, but I’m not being loose with it.their parents by cleaving families in two.
I’m mindful that there’s supposed to be a limit to how many weeks — about three — that most kids can be detained before they’re placed elsewhere. But there’s no cap on how long the Trump administration can continue to isolate children from
That’s the president’s leverage, and leverage, along with his crude take on muscular leadership, is his motivation for doing this. This is the art of the deal with human collateral.most stubborn tribunes of his fugitive greatness — Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter — are rallying behind him. Yes, 58 percent of Republicans in a CNN poll
And in one sense it’s familiar. Politicians commonly gum up important nominations, tie up precious funds or let bad situations fester to get what they want. There’s a parlance for this. We say that they are holding something or someone hostage.
But the expression is figurative, and the practice tends not to include chain link fences, makeshift blankets and cries in the night. That’s Trump’s new spin on it.
It could be a big political mistake. Sure, his most fervent supporters and the
But that disquieting number is nonetheless well below his usual approval ratings from members of his party. Note, too, that many Republicans in Congresswho are up for re-election in November — and thus especially sensitive to how
What these Republicans perhaps understand is that how we approach immigration,legal and illegal, is about more than the economy, though that’s an important
In a country of immigrants that has proudly held itself up as an exemplar, it’s about morality. It’s about values. Few aspects of American policy define us in the eyes of the world as sharply as our treatment of immigrants does. Few define us assharply, period.
We can be tough, yes. But cruel? That’s not in our interests, not if we careto maintain the global sway that we have. Not if we want to hold on to who we are or mean to be: people of generosity and mercy. Not if we’re invested in that “shining
He and other presidents, both Republicans and Democrats, saw America as a beacon. They trafficked in inspiration. Trump traffics in fear. That’s where the hostages come in. If they’re young and innocent, so be it. That only ratchets up their utility.
This is exactly the kind of thing
people like Trump do. He'll stoop to
any tactic, however cruel and ignore
any fact, however significant. He is
100% ego-driven. It's not about doing
what the people want; it's always only
about getting his own way. No matter
who suffers or how. That's the kind of
person he is. And it was always obvious
from the start to anyone who truly thinks
and feels.
Even 42% of kool-aid drinking Republicans
do not support this shit. Bozo might
be cutting his own throat here.
the daily trump wrotes...
from a time when even the
Republicans had a modicum of civility
and reasonableness.
### - you're kidding right? modicum?? never that!
is/was only ever a very thin... veneer!
I thought Reagan
was substanceless, but he was a saint
compared to Trump,
### - what... that actor??
lol the only thing he was good for ffs was reading his lines! :)
and most Republicans
now are insane, because they've been
forced to support Trump,
### - no, they were (and are!) 'always' insane!
always! completely! trump only revealing the 'extent' to which they're ALL >nuts!
which involves endlessly grasping at straws, lies and rumors. Your whole
party has lost its
### - politicians with integrity now? LOL
riiiight... how naive that is! :D
apart from the occasional exception (e.g., obama, kennedy, + i'll give old >peanuts carter a squeeze here too; lefty's-all...) i wouldn't give ya's >3-cents for the whole bunch of 'em!
and you are no exception.
Still going on about Clinton. Jesus.
You're falling for every cheap trick...
### - actually, you're the one falling for EVERY cheap trick in the book,
and then some!
so what's trumpy's *latest* highly-emotive *distraction* that he's quite >deliberately gots ALL the idiots jumping up & down over today eh? poor
little kids at the border??
something more for you (and every one else) to be shouting your little
head off about before you've even finishing raving about the last??
lol he's got all you fanatical 'trump-watchers' jumping at every shadow
so much so, all i have to do is to watch 'you' to know exactly what he's
up to next hah!
you really don't know what you're talking about jeremy! give it a rest...
in fact; please give us all a rest from the: daily trump gazette!
On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 17:07:22 +0100, Jeremy H. Donovan ><> wrote:
That you don't like all the Trump talk
is just one more good reason to keep
doing it clear up until the 2018 midterm
election. Count on it, jackass. LOL.
Btw, I've been on 'vacation' perpetually.
Almost every day of my life is better
than ANY day of yours. :)
### - heh no one minds a bit of 'intelligent' trump talk jeremy haha...
it's the totally inane ramblings of an apparently obsessive
trumpy-fruitcake, literally 'spamming' this group day & night for the last
2 years (and conceivably for the next 6 years to come & afterwards, what
with the rather predictable months-long autopsy to boot that will
inevitably follow lol...) that, i must say, is a somewhat rather daunting >prospect?? (6 more years! 6 more years! ohhh noooo!) :D
you're making yourself a laughing stock jeremy!
and it's rather painful to watch?
'intelligent' reporting jeremy! - with the emphasis on: 'intelligent'
discerning! selective! thoughtful even!
i mean for christsakes... jeeze! :))))
(do you realise you've bitten the head-off every here in the last 3 or 4 >weeks don't you? even chris?? - twice with him actually and he hadn't done >anything! - and that all you ever talk about now is trump and how stupid >everyone else is? so how's about an 'intelligent' change of topic >occasionally, is that too much to ask?)
On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 07:28:56 +0100, slider <>
the daily trump wrotes...
from a time when even the
Republicans had a modicum of civility
and reasonableness.
### - you're kidding right? modicum?? never that!
is/was only ever a very thin... veneer!
I thought Reagan
was substanceless, but he was a saint
compared to Trump,
### - what... that actor??
lol the only thing he was good for ffs was reading his lines! :)
That is fucking bullshit and the result of an inadequate education.
Reagan and Gorbachev conspired together to end the Soviet Union and
hence, Reagan won the cold war. And therefore, he prevented the extermination of mankind.
He was far more clever than you, my council flat dwelling gambler
friend, give him credit for. Read a bit about him. You would be
and most Republicans
now are insane, because they've been
forced to support Trump,
### - no, they were (and are!) 'always' insane!
More utter bullshit from the king of lowball education.
It is not-so-common knowledge that the GOP began as a coalition of anti-slavery Conscience Whigs and Free Soil Democrats opposed to the Kansas–Nebraska Act, submitted to Congress by Stephen Douglas in
January 1854. They were anti-slavery.
Does that sound insance to you? Would you call Lincoln insane? It
was the Democrats who were pro-slavery. The Republicans were the
original anti-slavery party.
always! completely! trump only revealing the 'extent' to which they're
which involves endlessly grasping at straws, lies and rumors. Your
party has lost its
### - politicians with integrity now? LOL
You always cite Ghandi and Mandela? All of a sudden, they lack
integrity? Or do you make a grand exception for them, but send all
the other politicians to hell?
You are incapable of rational, clear and polished thinking. Best hope
for reincarnation, give it all another shot.
riiiight... how naive that is! :D
apart from the occasional exception (e.g., obama, kennedy, + i'll give
peanuts carter a squeeze here too; lefty's-all...) i wouldn't give ya's
3-cents for the whole bunch of 'em!
Obama attacked Libya and Somalia, failed to act on North Korea and got
a fucking NOBEL for giving a lousy speech to Muslims in Cairo. How is
he an exception?
You believe too much bullshit. Read between the lines...
and you are no exception.
Still going on about Clinton. Jesus.
You're falling for every cheap trick...
### - actually, you're the one falling for EVERY cheap trick in the
and then some!
so what's trumpy's *latest* highly-emotive *distraction* that he's quite
deliberately gots ALL the idiots jumping up & down over today eh? poor
little kids at the border??
It's a real problem. Especially in California, I know, I stayed in
Mountain View for a month 20 years ago and you could drive down the
road and pick up an illegal Mexican immigrant for a day's cheap work
around the house and then drop him off again at night.
It's much worse now with the cartels and MS13 sending their agents
into the US as refugees.
something more for you (and every one else) to be shouting your little
head off about before you've even finishing raving about the last??
lol he's got all you fanatical 'trump-watchers' jumping at every shadow
so much so, all i have to do is to watch 'you' to know exactly what he's
up to next hah!
you really don't know what you're talking about jeremy! give it a
YOu're wrong. Dave does know what he's talking about because he's at
ground zero.
He's just not taking into account all of the facts.
fallen for the deep state propaganda, what Trump calls the "fake
news". I never believed the fake news, but now I do. It's real.
On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 18:19:55 +0100, slider <>
On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 17:07:22 +0100, Jeremy H. Donovan
<> wrote:
That you don't like all the Trump talk
is just one more good reason to keep
doing it clear up until the 2018 midterm
election. Count on it, jackass. LOL.
Btw, I've been on 'vacation' perpetually.
Almost every day of my life is better
than ANY day of yours. :)
### - heh no one minds a bit of 'intelligent' trump talk jeremy haha...
it's the totally inane ramblings of an apparently obsessive
trumpy-fruitcake, literally 'spamming' this group day & night for the
2 years (and conceivably for the next 6 years to come & afterwards, what
with the rather predictable months-long autopsy to boot that will
inevitably follow lol...) that, i must say, is a somewhat rather
prospect?? (6 more years! 6 more years! ohhh noooo!) :D
you're making yourself a laughing stock jeremy!
and it's rather painful to watch?
'intelligent' reporting jeremy! - with the emphasis on: 'intelligent'
discerning! selective! thoughtful even!
i mean for christsakes... jeeze! :))))
(do you realise you've bitten the head-off every here in the last 3 or 4
weeks don't you? even chris?? - twice with him actually and he hadn't
anything! - and that all you ever talk about now is trump and how stupid
everyone else is? so how's about an 'intelligent' change of topic
occasionally, is that too much to ask?)
Dave is biased, that's his problem. Even if Trump is blessed by the
saints themselves, he won't change his opinion. That makes him
I detested Trump when he first came to power. I thought he would
terrify the world with threats of nuclear war and so on.
He didn't.
He made peace out of a terrible powder keg in North Korea and he did
so in a way that I couldn't even imagine Obama or HRC would have done.
For that little effort, which removed a clear and present danger in Australia's backyard, I saw Trump in a different light. I changed my
view of him.
Then I started looking at the news and how it reported this triumph by
Trump. It was fucking biased against Trump, trying to tear down this
great accomplishment or at best, giving really grudging approval.
I then started to see the entirety of what he has been saying about
"fake news" in a different light. As in, he might be right.
So, I am a reasonable person who can, and has, changed his opinion of
a prima facie odious man based on his achievement and the facts,
rather than my own biases.
I think however that Dave is incapable of
that, perhaps his opinions are rusted on due to age, who knows.
(has he started in on abortions yet? they usually do!
must be saving that one for later huh...)
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