• You Still Got Tickee - I Still Got Laundry

    From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 09:53:37
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    Bombing Statistics - Industrial War Complex Factoids https://apjjf.org/-Charles-K.-Armstrong/3460/article.html

    A Dumb Nigger Ambassador Speaks Out https://twitter.com/WiredSources/status/1006351282083385344

    I hate it when stupid niggas go making world peace, why can't
    he just go home and eat some fried wings and watermelon.
    Niggers getting so uppity these days.
    What's next some George Washington Carver mothafucker solving
    quantum physics of the zero and opening stargates. Fuck off blacky.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 10:11:09
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    New World Conspiracy - Conquer Twitter


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  • From Jeremy H. Denisovan@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 10:33:46
    From: david.j.worrell@gmail.com

    Is this supposed to be the racist thread?
    Or just more "little boys playing general"? :)


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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 09:56:41
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    "Zap em with your siren man, zap em with your siren!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kqFwVuQ-Hg

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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 12:11:47
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    It's a Deplorables ~V~ Unfathomables propoganda thread.
    There are no democrats or republicans they are obsolete.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Jeremy H. Denisovan@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 12:51:08
    From: david.j.worrell@gmail.com

    On Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 12:11:47 PM UTC-7, LowRider44M wrote:
    It's a Deplorables ~V~ Unfathomables propoganda thread.
    There are no democrats or republicans they are obsolete.

    Oh? What about the Incredibles 2?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Jeremy H. Denisovan@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, June 14, 2018 07:56:35
    From: david.j.worrell@gmail.com

    The Atlantic

    It’s Time for Trump Voters to Face the Bitter Truth

    Republicans elected a president who promised to take on D.C.—instead, Trump has presided over an extraordinary auction of access and influence.

    MAY 11, 2018


    Donald Trump promised to “drain the swamp” while running for office. Voters
    gave him the opportunity to follow through when they propelled him to the White
    House. Instead, he surrounded himself with people who saw his victory as an opportunity to
    enrich themselves by selling the promise of access or influence.

    This betrayal of the American public warrants more attention. Trump voters who wanted to rid Washington of sellouts should be most upset, but no one wants to admit that the person they voted for was misrepresenting his intentions. And those who rely on
    commentators like Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, and Tucker Carlson for information lack many relevant facts.

    Here’s what Trump voters should know. Michael Cohen was the president’s personal attorney. He stepped up when someone was needed to pay hush money to Stormy Daniels on the eve of the election, even using a shell corporation created under a pseudonym
    to hide the matter.

    But that corporation wasn’t just for paying off the pornography actress. He also used it to receive huge sums of money from folks with powerful interests in influencing the U.S. government. “A Korean defense company competing for a
    U.S. contract said
    it paid him $150,000 to advise it on accounting practices,” The Washington Post reported earlier this week. “A global pharmaceutical company said it paid him $1.2 million to provide insight into health-care policy—money it said it was required to
    keep paying even after concluding that Cohen had little to offer. A telecommunication company said it turned to him simply to better understand the
    Trump administration.”

    A powerful law firm paid him $500,000.

    And there were $4.4 million that flowed to Cohen from a New York investment firm “whose biggest client is a company controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, the Russian oligarch.” What were these people were paying so much money to buy?

    Then there’s Corey Lewandowski, the pugnacious, righteously indignant man who
    presided for a time over Trump’s presidential campaign. What did he do after its Make America Great Again, “drain the swamp” message won the day?

    Even before Inauguration Day, he set up a lobbying firm in Washington. “A firm co-founded by Donald Trump’s original campaign manager Corey Lewandowski
    appears to have been pitching clients around the world by offering not only policy and political
    advice, but also face time with President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and
    senior members of their administration,” Politico reported last year. For a price, he would help foreigners get better insights into Trump than were available to most

    What a sellout! But he was hardly unique.

    Back in 2016, “established K Street firms were grabbing any Trump people they
    could find,” Nick Confessore reported in “How to Get Rich in Trump’s Washington,” a feature for The New York Times Magazine. “Jim Murphy, Trump’s former political
    director, joined the lobbying giant BakerHostetler, while another firm, Fidelis
    Government Relations, struck up a partnership with Bill Smith, Mike Pence’s former chief of staff. All told, close to 20 ex-aides of Trump, friends, and hangers-on had made
    their way into Washington’s influence business.”

    Brian Ballard, a longtime Trump acquaintance, seems to have leveraged his relationship to the president most profitably. The Turkish government is among his firm’s many clients. Politico says Turkey pays $125,000 per month. Why does it find that price

    George David Banks was a top energy aide to Donald Trump who came from the world of lobbying. But he quit his job in the White House when he couldn’t get a security clearance. Here’s what he told E&E News, an energy trade publication: “Going back
    to be a full-time swamp creature is certainly an attractive option." Then he rejoined his former post at the American Council for Capital Formation, a think
    tank and lobbying group. I guess he wasn’t joking.

    Remember when Trump told you that he would release his tax returns and then never did? Remember when he said that if he won the election he would put his business interests aside? “Ever since Trump and his family arrived in Washington they have
    essentially hung a for-sale sign on the White House by refusing to meaningfully
    separate themselves from their own business interests,” Bloomberg’s Tim O’Brien notes. “That’s certainly not lost on the companies that do business in or with
    Washington. They know that in Trump’s swamp, you pay to play.”

    Much of this will surprise folks who get all of their news from Fox commentators and talk-radio hosts, with whom they are in a dysfunctional relationship.

    The GOP base is drawn to media figures who support their president and quickly turn on those who criticize him as if they are guilty of a betrayal; for that reason, many populist-right pundits are reluctant to criticize the president or
    to delve deeply
    into the behavior of the swamp creatures he has enabled. Instead, they pander to the GOP base, keep them in the dark about important corruption—and so fail
    to keep the president and his associates accountable. That very betrayal of their audience is
    what creates the illusion of their loyalty.

    I opposed electing Trump, but I’m always 100 percent honest with his supporters. And when I give specific examples of how he has failed to drain the
    swamp, some lash out at me for telling them truths that they don’t want to face, or angrily change
    the subject by pointing out that various establishment politicians have been guilty of flagrant cronyism in the past. Well, duh.

    The folks who supported those bygone politicians anyway harmed the country. Does the GOP rank and file want to be just like the folks they used to criticize or be better?

    Bygone Democratic misdeeds don’t change the fact that Trump’s behavior is hurting America––and that he won’t change until his supporters demand a higher standard. If the GOP base persists in blinding itself to the unethical people who trade on
    their relationships with the current president, America will continue to be sold out by the very faction that swore it would make it great again.

    Wake up, Trump supporters—your country needs you to hold the man you elected accountable to his promises rather than blindly defending him to own liberals. Demand better or your country suffers.

    CONOR FRIEDERSDORF is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where he focuses on politics and national affairs.


    This is just one more way in which Trump behaves almost exactly like
    a mob boss. He's been selling off America to his friends and cronies
    from day one. Far from draining the swamp, he's the all-time king
    of swamp monsters and he's created a super swamp like nothing anyone
    has ever seen before. The article above isn't even the half of it.
    This is the most corrupt US administration that has ever existed.
    If it gets a second term, most of what was truly great about our
    country is almost certainly finished.


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  • From Jeremy H. Denisovan@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, June 14, 2018 17:47:12
    From: david.j.worrell@gmail.com

    N.Y. Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation After 2-Year Investigation


    The New York State attorney general’s office filed a scathingly worded lawsuit on Thursday taking aim at the Donald J. Trump Foundation, accusing the charity and the Trump family of sweeping violations of campaign finance laws, self-dealing and illegal
    coordination with the presidential campaign.

    The lawsuit, which seeks to dissolve the foundation and bar President Trump and
    three of his children from serving on nonprofit organizations, was an extraordinary rebuke of a sitting president. The attorney general also sent referral letters to the
    Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Election Commission for possible further action, adding to Mr. Trump’s extensive legal challenges.

    The lawsuit, filed in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, culminated a nearly two-year investigation of Mr. Trump’s charity, which became a subject of scrutiny during and after the 2016 presidential campaign. While such foundations are supposed to be
    devoted to charitable activities, the petition asserts that Mr. Trump’s was often improperly used to settle legal claims against his various businesses, even spending $10,000 on a portrait of Mr. Trump that was hung at one of his golf clubs.

    The foundation was also used to curry political favor, the lawsuit asserts. During the 2016 race, the foundation became a virtual arm of Mr. Trump’s campaign, email traffic showed, with his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, directing its
    expenditures, even though such foundations are explicitly prohibited from political activities.

    The attorney general’s office is seeking the Trump Foundation to pay $2.8 million in restitution, the amount raised for the foundation at a 2016 Iowa political fund-raiser. At the time, Mr. Trump skipped a Republican debate and set up his own event to
    raise money for veterans, though he used the event to skewer his opponents and celebrate his own accomplishments.

    Mr. Trump immediately attacked the lawsuit, characterizing it in a Twitter post
    as an attempt by the “sleazy New York Democrats” to damage him by suing the
    foundation, and vowing not to settle the case — much as he did when the same office filed a
    lawsuit accusing Trump University. (Mr. Trump in 2016 paid a $25 million settlement to resolve the inquiry.)


    Of course, Tump is the one who is horrifically "sleazy". :)


    DOJ IG report concludes Comey was not motivated by political bias.

    Hillary tweets again, "but my emails". LOL. :)

    Jesus, the idiotic shit that got us Tump is all so very insane.

    FBI internal investigation concludes: The decision not to prosecute
    Clinton was proper, and there were no biased actions taken against
    either Clinton or Tump, except that Comey should have just followed
    policy instead of making his own statement. A few agents personally
    didn't like Tump, which is ABSOLUTELY understandable, but nothing
    improper related to the investigation came of that.

    Tump is, of course, already lying his ass off about it,
    trying to distort the findings, as he always does.


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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Friday, June 15, 2018 11:00:36
  • From Jeremy H. Denisovan@1:229/2 to All on Friday, June 15, 2018 13:30:24
    From: david.j.worrell@gmail.com

    No jailee? No shootee?

    No stealee the kiddee?

    No rippee? No tearee?

    No flippee? No singee like canaree?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From waltkowaski@1:229/2 to Jeremy H. Denisovan on Friday, June 15, 2018 14:07:55
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    Jeremy H. Denisovan wrote:

    No jailee? No shootee?

    No stealee the kiddee?

    fucking religious horseshit, we gotta get that crap
    out of government. NO basis for that bogus story.

    No rippee? No tearee?

    No flippee? No singee like canaree? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HQ3l5NqxGw

    Hick logic, no place for that old time religion rubbish.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Jeremy H. Denisovan@1:229/2 to waltkowaski on Friday, June 15, 2018 17:08:14
    From: david.j.worrell@gmail.com

    On Friday, June 15, 2018 at 2:07:55 PM UTC-7, waltkowaski wrote:
    Jeremy H. Denisovan wrote:

    No jailee? No shootee?

    No stealee the kiddee?

    fucking religious horseshit, we gotta get that crap
    out of government. NO basis for that bogus story.

    No rippee? No tearee?

    No flippee? No singee like canaree? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HQ3l5NqxGw

    Hick logic, no place for that old time religion rubbish.

    Administration officials on border separations: The bible tells them so


    June 15, 2018

    Both the White House and the attorney general are shockingly invoking the bible
    to justify their cruel and inhuman policy to break apart families crossing the border.

    “I can say that it is very biblical to enforce the law,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders claims. “That is actually repeated a number of times throughout the bible. It’s a moral policy to follow and enforce the law.”

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions is also citing the bible to defend his border policy of yanking away hundreds of children from their parents. Sessions invoked the Book of Romans. Arguing that illegal entry into the United States is a crime, Sessions said:
    “I would cite you to the apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes.”

    The quoting of this verse by an attorney general bound to uphold our godless and secular Constitution is particularly offensive. The gist of Romans 13:1 is blind obedience to theocratic law. It says that the biblical deity is the only authority, and
    government authority is established by God: “Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God.” This is completely wrong advice for a secular
    democratic setup such as ours.

    But in any case, both Sanders and Sessions are engaging in specious reasoning. The law they say they must uphold against illegal entry in the United States does not demand or require the separation of children from parents. The administration seems to
    regard such cruelty as a justifiable form of punishment without due process.

    Even the congressional Republican leadership is distancing itself from the policy. House Speaker Paul Ryan and others have spoken out against separating children from parents and have proposed compromise legislation to bar it. And as the White House
    cites the bible, a chorus of condemnations comes from conservative religious leaders, including the Rev. Franklin Graham (a major President Trump supporter), a coalition of evangelical groups, Roman Catholic officials and even the Southern Baptists this
    week in the form of a resolution.

    The plight of children and their bereaved parents is heartbreaking. It’s the kind of act one doesn’t expect from a compassionate democracy. And this policy of throwing families into chaos and possibly permanent separation comes from the party of “
    family values”? Of course, it must be remembered, as feminists know, that “family values” is Religious Right code that actually means: “We oppose women’s equality, and reproductive and LGBTQ rights.”

    The Trump administration’s heartless immigration policy is disgraceful, and it is also disgraceful to see the White House and our attorney general citing the bible to establish policy in our nation. It should come as no surprise, though, that they’re
    invoking the bible — that grab bag of primitive and contradictory morality — to justify the unjustifiable.


    More making America "great" again.


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  • From waltkowaski@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, June 16, 2018 06:10:10
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    More making America "great" again.

    yeah the bible ain't that great.
    how did they keep that scam going
    for 2000 years? dummies.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, June 16, 2018 15:15:26
    From: slider@anashram.org

    still hazy after all these tears wrote...

    yeah the bible ain't that great.
    how did they keep that scam going
    for 2000 years? dummies.

    ### - let me paint you a picture ok? :)

    born in a prison, and raised in a prison to obey the rules of that prison
    by being punished for every infringement almost from the day they were
    born, and then deliberately only ever under-educated so they'll never
    question anything... and you wonder 'why' it's all been going on for so
    very long??

    riiiight... :)

    truth is, you could prolly take all those rules & regs away overnight and
    no one would still leave?

    leave? leave?? they've never even 'considered' leaving!

    it's all they... know!

    all they've EVER known!

    similar perhaps the someone who's been incarcerated for the last 30 years
    or so, in that they can't now even 'conceive' of living outside in the
    world again!

    they've become... institutionalised!

    lol this would be like asking jeremy (and believe me i've tried heh) to
    stop obsessing and posting shit about trump on a daily basis for the last
    2 fucking years?! he CAN'T do it! and HE'S supposed to be smart & aware of shit?!

    what chance then the even-less aware/educated??

    riiiight... no chance!

    no fucking chance!

    and thus we find ourselves in a deplorable situation!

    there's no gates to that prison, no guards, nada to stop them leaving
    their snugly little nests of familiarity... so how to get 'em to even
    WANNA come out??

    big-big problem!

    they don't wanna come out! heh...

    even you, who's long-free of all that shit, still don't wanna come out?

    can't be bothered making the effort... or something heh

    what hope then the rest of 'em eh?

    forget it man; they're all 'lifers' on death row!

    rather 'that' than ever take a chance on something new, something...

    after all, if ya do things different it might change the way you think &
    live eh?

    it's too much to expect?

    apathy! apathy has set in!

    to 'leave' that prison they have to 'want' to leave it!

    and currently, they don't even know that they... can?

    you even 'know' that you can but can't be bothered to even take the first step??

    what chance then the rest of those poor schmucks on death row huh...

    it'll be 'generations' before anyone starts leaving!

    a tiny few in this one, more in the next, and so on...

    and that's assuming they don't all blow themselves up in the meantime hah!

    it's a crucial time in human history, and they might not make it!

    and because, for them:

    "Life goes on much the same. In the face of terrifying dangers and
    golden political opportunities, people just keep-on keeping-on in a
    sort of twilight sleep in which they're conscious of nothing but the daily-round of work, family life, darts at the pub, exercising the
    dog, bringing home the supper, beer, etc, etc."

    --George Orwell - 1940's walking around London during the blitz! (i.e.,
    the blitz consisted of 60+ consecutive days of being severely... bombed!)

    i have many friends & relations still living on that 'Death Row' (hi there
    heh) and they can't leave... not so much because they can't, but because they've just become totally set in their ways... they're not ready to
    be... unplugged! - and sadly, prolly never will be...)


    and now, if you'll excuse me, i have to get back to my new day job lol :)))


    (have you ever listened to the 'words' of this end-song?)

    'wake up' cunts! :D

    "in the land of hypocrisy!"

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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, June 17, 2018 09:54:35
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    Inspector Generals Report

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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, June 17, 2018 10:48:18
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    Inspector Generals Report

    "Although FBI policy strictly limits the employees who are authorized to speak to the media, we found that this policy appeared to be widely ignored during the period we reviewed. We identified numerous FBI employees, at all levels of the organization
    and with no official reason to be in contact with the media, who were nevertheless in frequent contact with reporters. The large number of FBI employees who were in contact with journalists during this time period impacted
    our ability to identify the
    sources of leaks. For example, during the periods we reviewed, we identified dozens of FBI employees that had contact with members of the media. . . . [We also] identified social interactions between FBI employees and journalists that
    were, at a minimum,
    inconsistent with FBI policy and Department ethics rules. For example, we identified instances where FBI employees received tickets to sporting events from journalists, went on golfing outings with media representatives, were treated to drinks and meals
    after work by reporters, and were the guests of journalists at nonpublic social

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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Sunday, June 17, 2018 10:28:13
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    A Guy Who Refuses To Read The Report https://twitter.com/RealKyleMorris/status/1007818376507518978/video/1

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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to Jeremy H. Donovan on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 10:59:20
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    On Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 12:02:18 PM UTC-4, Jeremy H. Donovan wrote:
    You link a news story from nearly two
    years ago, and say there's a "rumor"
    about it.

    A great example of how you reason
    and the kinds of things you focus on.

    It's a non-fact-based approach, just
    like those Trump indulges in.


    Yes they were talking about their grandchildren.
    Nothing to see.

    Talk about naive and fantasy based logic.
    I don't get how Bernie supporters are not upset at the corruption
    that cost him the nomination and the presidency, Stockholm syndrome maybe??!!!


    By Michael Graham CBS News June 18, 2018, 11:20 AM
    Commentary: For Trump supporters, DOJ IG report amounts to "Told ya so"

    The new Justice Department inspector general's report on the FBI's handling of the Clinton email scandal is 568 pages long, but for Trump supporters it can be
    reduced to a single phrase:

    "Told ya so."

    For months, Team Trump has claimed that the Department of Justice under Barack Obama was motivated by politics when it came to investigating Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. And while some on the Right have stretched that premise out to the "Deep State
    Conspirators Use UFO Tech To Erase DOJ Data" extreme, the IG report makes it clear that the Loretta Lynch/James Comey/Andrew McCabe DOJ and FBI were far too
    often motivated by crass partisanship rather than the pursuit of justice.

    The report called the actions of two officials "antithetical to the core values" of the FBI and DOJ in this excerpt:

    When one senior FBI official, (Peter) Strzok, who was helping to lead the Russia investigation at the time, conveys in a text message to another senior FBI official, (Lisa) Page, that 'we'll stop' candidate Trump from being elected
    — after other
    extensive text messages between the two disparaging candidate Trump — it is not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, implies
    a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidate's electoral prospects
    [emphasis added]. This is antithetical to the core values of the FBI and the Department of Justice.

    There was also this exchange between FBI employees supposedly practicing impartial law enforcement:

    10:51:48, FBI Attorney 2: "I am so stressed about what I could have done differently [regarding Clinton investigation]."
    10:54:29, FBI Employee: "Don't stress. None of that mattered."
    10:54:31, FBI Employee: "The FBI's influence."
    10:59:36, FBI Attorney 2: "I don't know. We broke the momentum."
    11:00:03, FBI Employee: "That is not so."
    11:02:22, FBI Employee: "All the people who were initially voting for her would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out. Trump's supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them
    jobs for doing nothing [emphasis added]. They probably didn't watch the debates, aren't fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm."

    It goes downhill from there.

    Opponents of the president and many in the mainstream media have largely dismissed this notion of an FBI corrupted by partisanship. Much of the media coverage has focused, not on the bad behavior by James Comey, but instead on Trump's (often over-the-top)
    criticisms of the FBI, the Justice Department and Special Counsel Rober Mueller.

    And that in itself is additional proof of the Trump-supporters' primary premise
    that the institutions they are told they should trust—government, media, academia—are no longer trustworthy. Otherwise, how could they ignore such a juicy tale of
    corruption and scandal?

    Start at the beginning: Hillary Clinton, with her history of problematic ethics, becomes secretary of state and, during her tenure, her family simultaneously ran an international foundation that collected hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign
    governments and businesses. As she's on her way out the door after four years in office, it's discovered she was doing classified government business on a personal email with a homebrew server—literally in her basement—and thousands of her emails
    were "disappeared" using a high-tech firm's "Bleach Bit" technology.

    And that's just the prequel. Imagine where Shonda Rhimes could go from there.

    Actually even Rhimes probably wouldn't have the audacity to put Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac at the height of the investigation, or allow an FBI agent who literally pledged to stop Donald Trump from becoming president to oversee
    his case.

    FBI agents getting meals, drinks and tickets to sporting events from reporters?
    Agents sending "vive la resistance" messages making oversight decisions in Trump's case? Not to mention the new revelation of the 26-year-old New York Times reporter engaged
    in a romantic relationship with a 57-year-old Senate Intelligence Committee staffer—one of the committees overseeing the RussiaGate probe.

    Plot twists like these would be laughed out of a script meeting.

    Reading the IG report, one can imagine a MAGA hat-wearing Greek chorus in the background chanting, "If a Republican had done this….." Rep. Trey Gowdy, the
    Republican former prosecutor who has been defending the DOJ and decried attacks
    on the FBI,
    raises that very point in his response:

    "The treatment afforded to former Secretary Clinton and other potential subjects and targets was starkly different from the FBI's investigation into Trump campaign officials. Voluntariness and consent in the former were replaced
    with search warrants,
    subpoenas, and other compulsory processes in the latter. Many of the investigators and supervisors were the same in both investigations but the investigatory tactics were not."

    In other words, the premise that motivated so many Trump supporters is proven true: The DC Establishment really was out to get Trump.

    The actions of the FBI or DOJ may, in the end, be defensible. No legal line may
    have been crossed. But for people who elected Donald Trump because they felt like their government viewed them as a problem to be solved and not as citizens
    to be served,
    the IG report confirms what they've feared all along.

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  • From Jeremy H. Donovan@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 09:02:18
    From: jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com

    You link a news story from nearly two
    years ago, and say there's a "rumor"
    about it.

    A great example of how you reason
    and the kinds of things you focus on.

    It's a non-fact-based approach, just
    like those Trump indulges in.


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  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 08:35:26
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    Bill Clinton meets Attorney General Loretta Lynch secretly.
    Rumor is he offered her a seat on the Supreme Court if she laid of Hillary.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From Jeremy H. Donovan@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 11:41:55
    From: jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com

    You're only proving that you have no
    genuine critical reasoning skills and
    are willing to believe any speculation,
    however wild, if it's from "your side".

    If you want to watch old videos, try
    this one, from a time when even the
    Republicans had a modicum of civility
    and reasonableness. I thought Reagan
    was substanceless, but he was a saint
    compared to Trump, and most Republicans
    now are insane, because they've been
    forced to support Trump, which involves endlessly grasping at straws, lies and rumors. Your whole party has lost its
    integrity, and you are no exception.
    Still going on about Clinton. Jesus.
    You're falling for every cheap trick...

    Reagan and Bush debate immigration:


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From LowRider44M@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 11:32:42
    From: intraphase@gmail.com

    A Democrat Goes On Record: Secret Government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbFphX5zb8w

    Daniel Inouye

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From Jeremy H. Donovan@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 13:21:21
    From: jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com

    This is not some shady theory about
    something that maybe happened once
    upon a time. This is really happening
    now and it is being pushed by "fringe"
    characters Trump empowered.

    All 4 Living Former First Ladies
    Condemn Trump Border Policy That
    Separates Families


    All 4 of them. Three dems and one rep.

    This is the kind of things you get
    when you act on ideology alone, wave the
    Bible around, bend the truth completely
    out of shape, etc. Those people are
    halfway back down the road to Nazi land,
    and most of his supporters still don't
    even realize it.

    This is how world tragedies happen.
    And it's only the beginning unless we
    take power back away from them fast.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From Jeremy H. Donovan@1:229/2 to All on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 13:47:32
    From: jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com

    Donald Trump’s Small Hostages
    By Frank Bruni

    June 19, 2018

    Why don’t we call the terrified children whose incarceration is riveting the country what they are at this point?

    Not migrants. Not detainees. Not pawns, although that comes closest to the mark.

    They’re hostages.

    President Trump is using them as flesh-and-blood bargaining chips, hoping that their ordeal and reasonable Americans’ disgust with it will get him what he wants. This isn’t some theory that I’m basing on the whisperings of unnamed
    officials whose candor the president can dismiss as fake news put out by a maleficent media.

    It’s the only conclusion reachable from his and his lieutenants’ own words.

    Falsely claiming that they are bound by law to separate families who cross the border illegally, they say that they could and would gladly abandon the approach — if only Democrats joined them in supporting a package of new immigration legislation.

    At a miserable White House news conference on Monday, Kirstjen Nielsen, the head of the Department of Homeland Security, slithered around and away from reporters’ questions about the children’s suffering by saying, “What the president is trying to
    do is find a long-term fix.”

    Translation: He can live, in the meantime, with this short-term horror. Can everybody else?

    On Twitter, Trump himself expectorated that all of this is “the Democrats fault for being weak and ineffective with Boarder Security and Crime.” He equates random capital letters with virility. They’re typographical Viagra. In another spasm of
    super-potency, he tweeted, “CHANGE THE LAWS!”

    Translation: Give him his border wall and he’ll give the country relief from the sight of caged children and the sound of their sobs. Deny him and his government will stay its heartless course, no matter how much trauma is inflicted on these kids, no
    matter how much shame is heaped on America, no matter how profound the betrayal
    of its promise, no matter how deep the interment of its soul. He’ll blame the
    nightmare on his opponents and he’ll be persuasive, because he’s a better liar. He has had
    more practice at it.

    When I say that we have a hostage crisis, I’m being provocative with my language, but I’m not being loose with it.

    I’m mindful that there’s supposed to be a limit to how many weeks — about
    three — that most kids can be detained before they’re placed elsewhere. But
    there’s no cap on how long the Trump administration can continue to isolate children from
    their parents by cleaving families in two.

    That’s the president’s leverage, and leverage, along with his crude take on
    muscular leadership, is his motivation for doing this. This is the art of the deal with human collateral.

    And in one sense it’s familiar. Politicians commonly gum up important nominations, tie up precious funds or let bad situations fester to get what they want. There’s a parlance for this. We say that they are holding something or someone hostage.

    But the expression is figurative, and the practice tends not to include chain link fences, makeshift blankets and cries in the night. That’s Trump’s new spin on it.

    It could be a big political mistake. Sure, his most fervent supporters and the most stubborn tribunes of his fugitive greatness — Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter — are rallying behind him. Yes, 58 percent of Republicans in a CNN poll said
    that they supported his current “zero tolerance” treatment of migrant families.

    But that disquieting number is nonetheless well below his usual approval ratings from members of his party. Note, too, that many Republicans in Congress
    who are up for re-election in November — and thus especially sensitive to how
    voters are processing
    this — have denounced the actions of the Trump administration, exhibiting more independence and defiance than they typically do. I’m not talking about softies. I’m talking about Ted Cruz.

    What these Republicans perhaps understand is that how we approach immigration, legal and illegal, is about more than the economy, though that’s an important
    part of the equation, and more than security, though that’s vital.

    In a country of immigrants that has proudly held itself up as an exemplar, it’s about morality. It’s about values. Few aspects of American policy define us in the eyes of the world as sharply as our treatment of immigrants does. Few define us as
    sharply, period.

    We can be tough, yes. But cruel? That’s not in our interests, not if we care to maintain the global sway that we have. Not if we want to hold on to who we are or mean to be: people of generosity and mercy. Not if we’re invested in that “shining
    city on a hill” that Ronald Reagan so poetically evoked.

    He and other presidents, both Republicans and Democrats, saw America as a beacon. They trafficked in inspiration. Trump traffics in fear. That’s where the hostages come in. If they’re young and innocent, so be it. That only ratchets up their utility.


    This is exactly the kind of thing
    people like Trump do. He'll stoop to
    any tactic, however cruel and ignore
    any fact, however significant. He is
    100% ego-driven. It's not about doing
    what the people want; it's always only
    about getting his own way. No matter
    who suffers or how. That's the kind of
    person he is. And it was always obvious
    from the start to anyone who truly thinks
    and feels.

    Even 42% of kool-aid drinking Republicans
    do not support this shit. Bozo might
    be cutting his own throat here.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From Jeremy H. Donovan@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 09:07:22
    From: jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com

    That you don't like all the Trump talk
    is just one more good reason to keep
    doing it clear up until the 2018 midterm
    election. Count on it, jackass. LOL.

    Btw, I've been on 'vacation' perpetually.
    Almost every day of my life is better
    than ANY day of yours. :)


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 15:27:01
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 14:42:45 +0100, Jeremy H. Donovan <jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com> wrote:

    You're still talking about Trump all
    the time too - as usual, being a
    hypocrite. Also, you have no more
    respect for the truth than he does.

    ### - you're only posting what 'anyone' can read in 'any' daily newspaper anyway??

    trump 'is' topical, so everyone prolly has 'something' to opine on the
    subject, but NOT every fucking DAY! day in and day out for 2 fucking YEARS jeremy! - YEARS! (lol)

    and so NOW you're the ONLY one to be able to talk legitimately about him
    at all???

    roflmao! he's YOUR property NOW is he????? :))))))))

    hands-off everyone! ONLY JEREMY KNOWS about old trumpy!

    this is TOO funny!?!

    fucking hell jeremy! you really 'are' going a bit screwy ya know! :D

    it just AIN'T normal behaviour mate! defo not normal! haha

    And when have I ever done what you wanted
    me to do? Has it happened even once?
    Ever? :) There's good reason for that.

    ### - taught ya the 'correct' meaning of the term: 'prolific' didn't i? :P (grin...)

    and also something to do with perhaps being a bit more politically aware

    but NOT to be a fucking fanatic about it ffs???????? LOL!

    are ya sure you not havin' some kinda... breakdown??

    else methinks ya badly needs a vacation! :)

    and soon!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From Jeremy H. Donovan@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 06:42:45
    From: jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com

    You're still talking about Trump all
    the time too - as usual, being a
    hypocrite. Also, you have no more
    respect for the truth than he does.

    And when have I ever done what you wanted
    me to do? Has it happened even once?
    Ever? :) There's good reason for that.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 07:28:56
    From: slider@anashram.com

    the daily trump wrotes...

    from a time when even the
    Republicans had a modicum of civility
    and reasonableness.

    ### - you're kidding right? modicum?? never that!

    is/was only ever a very thin... veneer!

    I thought Reagan
    was substanceless, but he was a saint
    compared to Trump,

    ### - what... that actor??

    lol the only thing he was good for ffs was reading his lines! :)

    and most Republicans
    now are insane, because they've been
    forced to support Trump,

    ### - no, they were (and are!) 'always' insane!

    always! completely! trump only revealing the 'extent' to which they're ALL nuts!

    which involves endlessly grasping at straws, lies and rumors. Your whole party has lost its

    ### - politicians with integrity now? LOL

    riiiight... how naive that is! :D

    apart from the occasional exception (e.g., obama, kennedy, + i'll give old peanuts carter a squeeze here too; lefty's-all...) i wouldn't give ya's
    3-cents for the whole bunch of 'em!

    and you are no exception.
    Still going on about Clinton. Jesus.
    You're falling for every cheap trick...

    ### - actually, you're the one falling for EVERY cheap trick in the book,
    and then some!

    so what's trumpy's *latest* highly-emotive *distraction* that he's quite deliberately gots ALL the idiots jumping up & down over today eh? poor
    little kids at the border??

    something more for you (and every one else) to be shouting your little
    head off about before you've even finishing raving about the last??

    lol he's got all you fanatical 'trump-watchers' jumping at every shadow

    so much so, all i have to do is to watch 'you' to know exactly what he's
    up to next hah!

    you really don't know what you're talking about jeremy! give it a rest...

    in fact; please give us all a rest from the: daily trump gazette!


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 18:19:55
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 17:07:22 +0100, Jeremy H. Donovan <jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com> wrote:

    That you don't like all the Trump talk
    is just one more good reason to keep
    doing it clear up until the 2018 midterm
    election. Count on it, jackass. LOL.

    Btw, I've been on 'vacation' perpetually.
    Almost every day of my life is better
    than ANY day of yours. :)

    ### - heh no one minds a bit of 'intelligent' trump talk jeremy haha...

    it's the totally inane ramblings of an apparently obsessive
    trumpy-fruitcake, literally 'spamming' this group day & night for the last
    2 years (and conceivably for the next 6 years to come & afterwards, what
    with the rather predictable months-long autopsy to boot that will
    inevitably follow lol...) that, i must say, is a somewhat rather daunting prospect?? (6 more years! 6 more years! ohhh noooo!) :D

    you're making yourself a laughing stock jeremy!

    and it's rather painful to watch?

    'intelligent' reporting jeremy! - with the emphasis on: 'intelligent'

    discerning! selective! thoughtful even!

    i mean for christsakes... jeeze! :))))

    (do you realise you've bitten the head-off every here in the last 3 or 4
    weeks don't you? even chris?? - twice with him actually and he hadn't done anything! - and that all you ever talk about now is trump and how stupid everyone else is? so how's about an 'intelligent' change of topic
    occasionally, is that too much to ask?)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From Jeremy H. Donovan@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 09:27:21
    From: jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com

    Trump just issued an order ending the
    terrible and absurd child separations
    that HE started. Public outcry can be
    effective against monstrous idiocy.
    But don't forget what the idiot did.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From thang ornerythinchus@1:229/2 to jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com on Thursday, June 21, 2018 15:16:17
    From: thangolossus@gmail.com

    On Tue, 19 Jun 2018 13:47:32 -0700 (PDT), "Jeremy H. Donovan" <jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com> wrote:

    Donald Trump’s Small Hostages
    By Frank Bruni

    June 19, 2018

    Why don’t we call the terrified children whose incarceration is riveting the
    country what they are at this point?

    Not migrants. Not detainees. Not pawns, although that comes closest to the mark.

    They’re hostages.

    President Trump is using them as flesh-and-blood bargaining chips, hoping that
    their ordeal and reasonable Americans’ disgust with it will get him what he wants. This isn’t some theory that I’m basing on the whisperings of unnamed
    officials whose candor the president can dismiss as fake news put out by a maleficent

    It’s the only conclusion reachable from his and his lieutenants’ own words.

    Falsely claiming that they are bound by law to separate families who cross the
    border illegally, they say that they could and would gladly abandon the approach — if only Democrats joined them in supporting a package of new immigration legislation.

    At a miserable White House news conference on Monday, Kirstjen Nielsen, the head of the Department of Homeland Security, slithered around and away from reporters’ questions about the children’s suffering by saying, “What the president is trying to
    do is find a long-term fix.”

    Translation: He can live, in the meantime, with this short-term horror. Can everybody else?

    On Twitter, Trump himself expectorated that all of this is “the Democrats fault for being weak and ineffective with Boarder Security and Crime.” He equates random capital letters with virility. They’re typographical Viagra. In another spasm of
    super-potency, he tweeted, “CHANGE THE LAWS!”

    Translation: Give him his border wall and he’ll give the country relief from
    the sight of caged children and the sound of their sobs. Deny him and his government will stay its heartless course, no matter how much trauma is inflicted on these kids, no
    matter how much shame is heaped on America, no matter how profound the betrayal of its promise, no matter how deep the interment of its soul. He’ll blame the
    nightmare on his opponents and he’ll be persuasive, because he’s a better liar. He has had more practice at it.

    When I say that we have a hostage crisis, I’m being provocative with my language, but I’m not being loose with it.

    I’m mindful that there’s supposed to be a limit to how many weeks — about three — that most kids can be detained before they’re placed elsewhere. But there’s no cap on how long the Trump administration can continue to isolate children from
    their parents by cleaving families in two.

    That’s the president’s leverage, and leverage, along with his crude take on muscular leadership, is his motivation for doing this. This is the art of the deal with human collateral.

    And in one sense it’s familiar. Politicians commonly gum up important nominations, tie up precious funds or let bad situations fester to get what they want. There’s a parlance for this. We say that they are holding something or someone hostage.

    But the expression is figurative, and the practice tends not to include chain link fences, makeshift blankets and cries in the night. That’s Trump’s new spin on it.

    It could be a big political mistake. Sure, his most fervent supporters and the
    most stubborn tribunes of his fugitive greatness — Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter — are rallying behind him. Yes, 58 percent of Republicans in a CNN poll
    said that they supported his current “zero tolerance” treatment of migrant families.

    But that disquieting number is nonetheless well below his usual approval ratings from members of his party. Note, too, that many Republicans in Congress
    who are up for re-election in November — and thus especially sensitive to how
    voters are
    processing this — have denounced the actions of the Trump administration, exhibiting more
    independence and defiance than they typically do. I’m not talking about softies. I’m talking about Ted Cruz.

    What these Republicans perhaps understand is that how we approach immigration,
    legal and illegal, is about more than the economy, though that’s an important
    part of the equation, and more than security, though that’s vital.

    In a country of immigrants that has proudly held itself up as an exemplar, it’s about morality. It’s about values. Few aspects of American policy define us in the eyes of the world as sharply as our treatment of immigrants does. Few define us as
    sharply, period.

    We can be tough, yes. But cruel? That’s not in our interests, not if we care
    to maintain the global sway that we have. Not if we want to hold on to who we are or mean to be: people of generosity and mercy. Not if we’re invested in that “shining
    city on a hill” that Ronald Reagan so poetically evoked.

    He and other presidents, both Republicans and Democrats, saw America as a beacon. They trafficked in inspiration. Trump traffics in fear. That’s where the hostages come in. If they’re young and innocent, so be it. That only ratchets up their utility.


    This is exactly the kind of thing
    people like Trump do. He'll stoop to
    any tactic, however cruel and ignore
    any fact, however significant. He is
    100% ego-driven. It's not about doing
    what the people want; it's always only
    about getting his own way. No matter
    who suffers or how. That's the kind of
    person he is. And it was always obvious
    from the start to anyone who truly thinks
    and feels.

    Even 42% of kool-aid drinking Republicans
    do not support this shit. Bozo might
    be cutting his own throat here.

    You've been saying that about Trump since his inauguration. He still
    stands. He will keep standing.

    Fact is, the US is full up. It has a population of around 330 million
    - it's the third or fourth most populous country in the world, after
    China, India and possibly Indonesia.

    It's FULL mate, doesn't need any more fucking migrants or drug
    traffickers or Arabs, Mexicans, Ecuadorians, Nicaraguans, Afghans,
    Viets, Chinese, or whatever. It's replete with people.

    I understand where Trump is coming from. You would probably be
    surprised how many people, the silent MAJORITY, in your country, agree
    with his rough and hard policy of stopping illegal immigration.

    Here in Australia we have a country roughly equal in area to the US
    with only 25 million in it, but we have very strong policies which
    stop illegal immigration because we, also, are full up now. Most of
    our country is unliveable, desert and dust. The coastal fringe, which
    is arable and hospitable, is FULL up. No vacancies.

    Just like the US.


    This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From thang ornerythinchus@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, June 21, 2018 15:29:14
    From: thangolossus@gmail.com

    On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 07:28:56 +0100, slider <slider@anashram.com>

    the daily trump wrotes...

    from a time when even the
    Republicans had a modicum of civility
    and reasonableness.

    ### - you're kidding right? modicum?? never that!

    is/was only ever a very thin... veneer!

    I thought Reagan
    was substanceless, but he was a saint
    compared to Trump,

    ### - what... that actor??

    lol the only thing he was good for ffs was reading his lines! :)

    That is fucking bullshit and the result of an inadequate education.
    Reagan and Gorbachev conspired together to end the Soviet Union and
    hence, Reagan won the cold war. And therefore, he prevented the
    extermination of mankind.

    He was far more clever than you, my council flat dwelling gambler
    friend, give him credit for. Read a bit about him. You would be

    and most Republicans
    now are insane, because they've been
    forced to support Trump,

    ### - no, they were (and are!) 'always' insane!

    More utter bullshit from the king of lowball education.

    It is not-so-common knowledge that the GOP began as a coalition of
    anti-slavery Conscience Whigs and Free Soil Democrats opposed to the Kansas–Nebraska Act, submitted to Congress by Stephen Douglas in
    January 1854. They were anti-slavery.

    Does that sound insance to you? Would you call Lincoln insane? It
    was the Democrats who were pro-slavery. The Republicans were the
    original anti-slavery party.

    always! completely! trump only revealing the 'extent' to which they're ALL >nuts!

    which involves endlessly grasping at straws, lies and rumors. Your whole
    party has lost its

    ### - politicians with integrity now? LOL

    You always cite Ghandi and Mandela? All of a sudden, they lack
    integrity? Or do you make a grand exception for them, but send all
    the other politicians to hell?

    You are incapable of rational, clear and polished thinking. Best hope
    for reincarnation, give it all another shot.

    riiiight... how naive that is! :D

    apart from the occasional exception (e.g., obama, kennedy, + i'll give old >peanuts carter a squeeze here too; lefty's-all...) i wouldn't give ya's >3-cents for the whole bunch of 'em!

    Obama attacked Libya and Somalia, failed to act on North Korea and got
    a fucking NOBEL for giving a lousy speech to Muslims in Cairo. How is
    he an exception?

    You believe too much bullshit. Read between the lines...

    and you are no exception.
    Still going on about Clinton. Jesus.
    You're falling for every cheap trick...

    ### - actually, you're the one falling for EVERY cheap trick in the book,
    and then some!

    so what's trumpy's *latest* highly-emotive *distraction* that he's quite >deliberately gots ALL the idiots jumping up & down over today eh? poor
    little kids at the border??

    It's a real problem. Especially in California, I know, I stayed in
    Mountain View for a month 20 years ago and you could drive down the
    road and pick up an illegal Mexican immigrant for a day's cheap work
    around the house and then drop him off again at night.

    It's much worse now with the cartels and MS13 sending their agents
    into the US as refugees.

    something more for you (and every one else) to be shouting your little
    head off about before you've even finishing raving about the last??

    lol he's got all you fanatical 'trump-watchers' jumping at every shadow

    so much so, all i have to do is to watch 'you' to know exactly what he's
    up to next hah!

    you really don't know what you're talking about jeremy! give it a rest...

    YOu're wrong. Dave does know what he's talking about because he's at
    ground zero. He's just not taking into account all of the facts. He's
    fallen for the deep state propaganda, what Trump calls the "fake
    news". I never believed the fake news, but now I do. It's real.

    in fact; please give us all a rest from the: daily trump gazette!


    This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From thang ornerythinchus@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, June 21, 2018 15:37:07
    From: thangolossus@gmail.com

    On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 18:19:55 +0100, slider <slider@anashram.com>

    On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 17:07:22 +0100, Jeremy H. Donovan ><jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com> wrote:

    That you don't like all the Trump talk
    is just one more good reason to keep
    doing it clear up until the 2018 midterm
    election. Count on it, jackass. LOL.

    Btw, I've been on 'vacation' perpetually.
    Almost every day of my life is better
    than ANY day of yours. :)

    ### - heh no one minds a bit of 'intelligent' trump talk jeremy haha...

    it's the totally inane ramblings of an apparently obsessive
    trumpy-fruitcake, literally 'spamming' this group day & night for the last
    2 years (and conceivably for the next 6 years to come & afterwards, what
    with the rather predictable months-long autopsy to boot that will
    inevitably follow lol...) that, i must say, is a somewhat rather daunting >prospect?? (6 more years! 6 more years! ohhh noooo!) :D

    you're making yourself a laughing stock jeremy!

    and it's rather painful to watch?

    'intelligent' reporting jeremy! - with the emphasis on: 'intelligent'

    discerning! selective! thoughtful even!

    i mean for christsakes... jeeze! :))))

    (do you realise you've bitten the head-off every here in the last 3 or 4 >weeks don't you? even chris?? - twice with him actually and he hadn't done >anything! - and that all you ever talk about now is trump and how stupid >everyone else is? so how's about an 'intelligent' change of topic >occasionally, is that too much to ask?)

    Dave is biased, that's his problem. Even if Trump is blessed by the
    saints themselves, he won't change his opinion. That makes him

    I detested Trump when he first came to power. I thought he would
    terrify the world with threats of nuclear war and so on. He didn't.
    He made peace out of a terrible powder keg in North Korea and he did
    so in a way that I couldn't even imagine Obama or HRC would have done.

    For that little effort, which removed a clear and present danger in
    Australia's backyard, I saw Trump in a different light. I changed my
    view of him.

    Then I started looking at the news and how it reported this triumph by
    Trump. It was fucking biased against Trump, trying to tear down this
    great accomplishment or at best, giving really grudging approval.

    I then started to see the entirety of what he has been saying about
    "fake news" in a different light. As in, he might be right.

    So, I am a reasonable person who can, and has, changed his opinion of
    a prima facie odious man based on his achievement and the facts,
    rather than my own biases. I think however that Dave is incapable of
    that, perhaps his opinions are rusted on due to age, who knows.

    This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

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  • From slider@1:229/2 to thangolossus@gmail.com on Thursday, June 21, 2018 14:35:22
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Thu, 21 Jun 2018 08:29:14 +0100, thang ornerythinchus <thangolossus@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 07:28:56 +0100, slider <slider@anashram.com>

    the daily trump wrotes...

    from a time when even the
    Republicans had a modicum of civility
    and reasonableness.

    ### - you're kidding right? modicum?? never that!

    is/was only ever a very thin... veneer!

    I thought Reagan
    was substanceless, but he was a saint
    compared to Trump,

    ### - what... that actor??

    lol the only thing he was good for ffs was reading his lines! :)

    That is fucking bullshit and the result of an inadequate education.
    Reagan and Gorbachev conspired together to end the Soviet Union and
    hence, Reagan won the cold war. And therefore, he prevented the extermination of mankind.

    He was far more clever than you, my council flat dwelling gambler
    friend, give him credit for. Read a bit about him. You would be

    ### - (laffing...) try an' keep it objective mate? this ain't about either
    you or moi, ok?

    he WAS an actor! they actually wanted john wayne? only there were 3 good reasons why john wasn't available/suitable, even though he would indeed
    have been a popular president...

    i.e., 1, he *wasn't* married to a white woman! 2, he did rather eccentric things like; getting up at the crack of dawn every morning, raising and saluting an american flag, and firing off a cannon! and other stuff like
    having artificial snow flown in and dropped on his house every christmas
    hah!, and thirdly; he had terminal cancer...

    good thing 'about' actors is though, is they can be very good at reading
    their, erm, lines see?

    can be... convincing!

    fucking reagan lol... plus, no matter WHAT the official press releases
    were, the soviet union was quite deliberately + ultimately brought down by
    a systematic flooding of their currency with perfect quality, US government-printed, fake 50 rouble notes! hah! suitcases of which were discovered near their border just as their whole economy came tumbling
    down and which had been going on for months! all the 'official' stuff is
    thus pure surface bs propaganda!

    and most Republicans
    now are insane, because they've been
    forced to support Trump,

    ### - no, they were (and are!) 'always' insane!

    More utter bullshit from the king of lowball education.

    It is not-so-common knowledge that the GOP began as a coalition of anti-slavery Conscience Whigs and Free Soil Democrats opposed to the Kansas–Nebraska Act, submitted to Congress by Stephen Douglas in
    January 1854. They were anti-slavery.

    Does that sound insance to you? Would you call Lincoln insane? It
    was the Democrats who were pro-slavery. The Republicans were the
    original anti-slavery party.

    ### - the whole fucking human 'race' is halfways round the twist thang!

    even lincoln had his doubts, that quote of his i posted revealing the
    hypocrisy of his dressed-up capitalist beliefs in the american way being
    the only ultimate way for all, and thus basically screw everyone & anyone
    else that gets in the way? that it's our way or the highway?? nearly all
    the current conflicts in the world coming down to precisely that!?


    always! completely! trump only revealing the 'extent' to which they're

    which involves endlessly grasping at straws, lies and rumors. Your
    party has lost its

    ### - politicians with integrity now? LOL

    You always cite Ghandi and Mandela? All of a sudden, they lack
    integrity? Or do you make a grand exception for them, but send all
    the other politicians to hell?

    You are incapable of rational, clear and polished thinking. Best hope
    for reincarnation, give it all another shot.

    ### - have 'explained' this to ya before and yet you conveniently forget
    every time??

    mandela wasn't a politician ffs! he was a freedom fighter! maggie thatcher
    even called him a terrorist along with chenney! and then a prisoner for 27 years before being literally catapulted into the presidency of south
    africa in order to save them all from total ruin?? first fucking thing he
    did when it all settled down, was to resign!

    ghandi too wasn't a politician either per se! at best he was a lawyer so
    the man 'could' reason at a high level and knew the law! and passive
    resistance was just his way of 'denying' those corrupted british
    politicians their absolute rule in india! in fact, he actually pulled-off
    a miracle just using that principle alone! the great british empire
    suddenly withdrew and never again sought empire! in fact, they lost all
    such interest in acquiring one! you could say they suffered a complete
    change of heart? the monster (england) bumped into some holy man in india
    and experienced an amazing (for them) change of heart! cool :) an annoyed churchill referring to him at one point as being: "that naked little
    fakir" (punning on the word 'fucker' heh) because he was creating so much inexplicable difficulty for them! :)

    don't include the 'exceptions' among the rats and you'll see/get it more clearly, one has to make that distinction or you're actually mixing apples
    & pears here...

    riiiight... how naive that is! :D

    apart from the occasional exception (e.g., obama, kennedy, + i'll give
    peanuts carter a squeeze here too; lefty's-all...) i wouldn't give ya's
    3-cents for the whole bunch of 'em!

    Obama attacked Libya and Somalia, failed to act on North Korea and got
    a fucking NOBEL for giving a lousy speech to Muslims in Cairo. How is
    he an exception?

    ### - obama (nor any president come to that) has full say (or sway) in any matter thang, upon taking office maybe 95% (or more) of everything they'll
    have to do, and continue to do that's already going on and has been set in motion, is already well out of their hands/spoken for in long lists of
    daily duties etc...

    imho (and observation) he actually got that prize for NOT starting ww3!
    ditto clinton! DIDN'T start ww3 even when invited to do so! (they tried to
    blow up those same towers in clinton's time didn't they?) but just as soon
    as the right-wing gets in what do they do? they quite deliberately starts
    a fucking war! why? because it's easier to 'tell' and/or 'order' people
    what to DO in times of war, that's why! it's their self-created means to
    start dictating to all and sundry! and trump is no different! first thing
    he DID was to bring the fucking world to the brink of annihilation ffs!
    (so no pressure then huh lol)

    You believe too much bullshit. Read between the lines...

    ### - is YOU who's incapable of reading between the lines thang! headline
    news is gospel to you! which you suck up verbatim! (as does jeremy too apparently!) believing every word these lying fuckers ever come-off with
    merely 'coz they's hitting just the right combination of deliberalte
    contrived + socially groomed emotive soundbites??

    and you are no exception.
    Still going on about Clinton. Jesus.
    You're falling for every cheap trick...

    ### - actually, you're the one falling for EVERY cheap trick in the
    and then some!

    so what's trumpy's *latest* highly-emotive *distraction* that he's quite
    deliberately gots ALL the idiots jumping up & down over today eh? poor
    little kids at the border??

    It's a real problem. Especially in California, I know, I stayed in
    Mountain View for a month 20 years ago and you could drive down the
    road and pick up an illegal Mexican immigrant for a day's cheap work
    around the house and then drop him off again at night.

    It's much worse now with the cartels and MS13 sending their agents
    into the US as refugees.

    ### - hah, as IF you (and jeremy too) actually gives even a shit about

    riiiiiiight... and because if it wasn't all in the news currently, both
    you AND he would likely step right over them even though they were
    actually starving to death right in fuckin' front of you's??

    you can't deal with even you own aboriginals problem at home without
    getting in a bunch over it, and suddenly: it's a problem in california??

    it's not a REAL problem thang, understand? it's been man-u-factured!
    scripted! and all these cunts watching this cheap lousy soap opera, are
    all sooo engaged in the play that thy're jumping up & down, ya know??

    there's some very REAL problems out there in the world thang and THAT
    ain't one of 'em!

    it's just something every fuckin' crazy on the planet can harmlessly RAVE
    over and it wont ever come to nothing/anything whatsoever! nada! and all
    the rest of it too, as they play to the media circus and all the jokers
    and the clowns start jumping up and down en-mass lol :)

    something more for you (and every one else) to be shouting your little
    head off about before you've even finishing raving about the last??

    lol he's got all you fanatical 'trump-watchers' jumping at every shadow

    so much so, all i have to do is to watch 'you' to know exactly what he's
    up to next hah!

    you really don't know what you're talking about jeremy! give it a

    YOu're wrong. Dave does know what he's talking about because he's at
    ground zero.

    ### - where the biggest turds are ya mean? (really laffing...) :)

    He's just not taking into account all of the facts.

    ### -to put it lightly! LOL :)))

    fallen for the deep state propaganda, what Trump calls the "fake
    news". I never believed the fake news, but now I do. It's real.

    ### - 'real fake news'??

    ahahahahaha! :) :) :)

    that's a good one thang! :)

    REAL fake news! hahaha...

    do ya ever hear yourself speak sometimes?


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  • From slider@1:229/2 to thangolossus@gmail.com on Saturday, June 23, 2018 12:21:22
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Thu, 21 Jun 2018 08:37:07 +0100, thang ornerythinchus <thangolossus@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 18:19:55 +0100, slider <slider@anashram.com>

    On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 17:07:22 +0100, Jeremy H. Donovan
    <jeremyhdonovan@gmail.com> wrote:

    That you don't like all the Trump talk
    is just one more good reason to keep
    doing it clear up until the 2018 midterm
    election. Count on it, jackass. LOL.

    Btw, I've been on 'vacation' perpetually.
    Almost every day of my life is better
    than ANY day of yours. :)

    ### - heh no one minds a bit of 'intelligent' trump talk jeremy haha...

    it's the totally inane ramblings of an apparently obsessive
    trumpy-fruitcake, literally 'spamming' this group day & night for the
    2 years (and conceivably for the next 6 years to come & afterwards, what
    with the rather predictable months-long autopsy to boot that will
    inevitably follow lol...) that, i must say, is a somewhat rather
    prospect?? (6 more years! 6 more years! ohhh noooo!) :D

    you're making yourself a laughing stock jeremy!

    and it's rather painful to watch?

    'intelligent' reporting jeremy! - with the emphasis on: 'intelligent'

    discerning! selective! thoughtful even!

    i mean for christsakes... jeeze! :))))

    (do you realise you've bitten the head-off every here in the last 3 or 4
    weeks don't you? even chris?? - twice with him actually and he hadn't
    anything! - and that all you ever talk about now is trump and how stupid
    everyone else is? so how's about an 'intelligent' change of topic
    occasionally, is that too much to ask?)

    Dave is biased, that's his problem. Even if Trump is blessed by the
    saints themselves, he won't change his opinion. That makes him

    ### - under pressure 'have' seen him hold it back a bit for a day or 2, so
    he 'can' if he wants to, thus not unreasonable, but simply & solely
    because (imho and observation...) he just doesn't want to!

    i.e., he could IF he wanted to, but doesn't wanna...

    I detested Trump when he first came to power. I thought he would
    terrify the world with threats of nuclear war and so on.

    ### - but he did exactly that! lol :)

    He didn't.

    ### - ohhhh yes he did! nuclear sirens, emergency text warnings and
    everything, going-off in places! and it's STILL not over! far from it! i
    think he's only getting started lol :)

    He made peace out of a terrible powder keg in North Korea and he did
    so in a way that I couldn't even imagine Obama or HRC would have done.

    ### - riiiight... bs HE directly 'created' that powder keg! and then
    appears like a saviour when he resolves it? mr primadonna??


    For that little effort, which removed a clear and present danger in Australia's backyard, I saw Trump in a different light. I changed my
    view of him.

    ### - sucker! (haha) he hasn't removed 'anything' yet!?

    do ya know just how many previous 'deals' with them have all ultimately
    fallen through ffs??

    all of 'em!

    Then I started looking at the news and how it reported this triumph by
    Trump. It was fucking biased against Trump, trying to tear down this
    great accomplishment or at best, giving really grudging approval.

    ### - that's his 'other' accomplishment! deliberately stirring-up just
    about every conceivable point of contention imaginable (has he started in
    on abortions yet? they usually do! must be saving that one for later

    I then started to see the entirety of what he has been saying about
    "fake news" in a different light. As in, he might be right.

    ### - of course he's right! anyone could have told ya that! news has been almost traditionally distorted since time immemorial! (it's called
    propaganda if nothing else?) he's not saying anything new, he's merely
    USING it to confuse every fucker out there! engaging them in some pile of
    shite or another by literally scatter-gunning the community (and the
    world) with controversial crap that's ultimately all only gonna end up as storms in several teacups!

    we're been... played!

    (well you're being played, i ain't being played heh + like any student of history, have seen it all before again & again!)

    So, I am a reasonable person who can, and has, changed his opinion of
    a prima facie odious man based on his achievement and the facts,
    rather than my own biases.

    ### - agreed, it's good to be able to change your pov if/when necessary,
    and is something that will very likely come in very handy indeed when you perforce have to change your mind back yet again haha (alright he's got everyone hypnotised now, but that can't last forever and then it'll come
    out, but likely only years down the road when it just doesn't fuckin'
    matter anymore and no one any longer gives a damn because by then they'll
    just be raving over something (or someone) else again!

    THAT's how it works!

    that's how it's always worked!

    I think however that Dave is incapable of
    that, perhaps his opinions are rusted on due to age, who knows.

    ### - nah, he's just, imho anyway, new to politics and is thus somewhat fanatical about it like all newbies tend to be in the initial stages of whatever conversion they've undergone...

    it gradually wears-off eventually though; box-loads of endless idealism to begin with, gradually becoming attenuated by wave after wave of disillusionment/disappointment that eventually brings some kinda
    balance/sanity to it all...

    aren't we all (or have been) just like that in something?


    for sanity?

    "Matters of great concern should be treated lightly."

    Master lttei commented, "Matters of small concern should be treated


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  • From Jeremy H. Denisovan@1:229/2 to slider on Saturday, June 23, 2018 16:42:21
    From: david.j.worrell@gmail.com

    On Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 4:21:26 AM UTC-7, slider wrote:

    (has he started in on abortions yet? they usually do!
    must be saving that one for later huh...)

    Oh, they've done more than start in.
    This article is from about a month ago.


    How anti-abortion forces learned to love Trump



    Thanks to Trump, the anti-abortion movement has notched victories on federal funding for Planned Parenthood, allowing businesses to opt out of contraception
    coverage in health plans and confirming conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
    The president as a result has amassed an army of loyalists who are eyeing November's midterm elections as an opportunity to ensure that Trump’s next Supreme Court pick — if he gets one — puts them a step closer toward undoing Roe v. Wade, the
    ruling that established abortion rights.

    Trump used SBA’s gala to tout his administration’s changes to the Title X family planning program that would effectively eliminate funding for abortion providers including Planned Parenthood — the longtime foe of the anti-abortion movement. And he
    called for electing anti-abortion Republicans this fall to further his agenda, including ensuring that any Supreme Court hopeful he nominates can win confirmation in the closely divided Senate.

    “Every day between now and November we must work together to elect more lawmakers who share our values … and proudly stand for life,” Trump said.

    He called out four Democratic senators who voted against a proposed 20-week abortion ban in January: Jon Tester of Montana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota,
    Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Debbie Stabenow of Michigan.

    They “all voted against the 20-week bill and in favor of late-term abortion. We are nine votes away from passing the 20-week abortion bill in the Senate. So
    we have to get them out of there,” Trump said.

    His administration’s latest policy changes to Title X will likely face a court challenge, and critics say they threaten physicians' freedom to discuss reproductive health options and provide the best care to the low-income women who rely on the program
    for contraception, not abortion.

    The Title X changes come on the heels of executive actions to undo an Obamacare
    requirement that most employers provide contraception in their employee health plans; the expansion of federal prohibitions on foreign aid to nongovernmental organizations
    that even mention abortion; the establishment of a federal office to review complaints from health care workers who have moral objections to performing some procedures; and deep cuts to the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program.

    Trump's pledge to appoint “pro-life” justices to the Supreme Court — one that no other Republican candidate had ever explicitly made — is motivating the anti-abortion movement to maintain Republican control of the Senate for the
    remainder of
    Trump’s presidency.

    Abortion supporters and foes both assume there are four Supreme Court votes to reverse Roe. The fifth and final vote would be at stake if Trump can appoint a replacement for one of the four liberal justices or for Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Reagan-
    appointee who has supported abortion rights decisions.

    Any pick would have to get through the closely divided Senate.


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