• Baba Ram Dass

    From waltkowaski@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 15:15:10
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    i think what Richard Alpert was pointing out was not to get
    too much into the future over shit and not to get stuck in
    past bullshit. And it is very easy to do that. Especially
    when you want to be RIGHT. Both of you two love to be
    the 'right' one. example: "i'm right motherfucker"! "no
    i'm right fuckwad". Let's argue about nothing with 15
    responses here and blow alot of time pulling our puds.
    Hey remember energy? How much do you have to piss away
    over nothing? Heavy heavy BELIEF thinking you are right.
    Ya just might be wrong, you just might have come to the
    WRONG conclusion. I wouldn't hold on to being right about
    anything. EVERYTHING can change in moment's notice.
    Be ready to alter your decision, view, position, etc etc,
    adapt to now, not back then. Be here now knuckleheads. lol!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, May 31, 2018 01:14:31
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Wed, 30 May 2018 23:15:10 +0100, waltkowaski <allreadydun@gmail.com>

    i think what Richard Alpert was pointing out was not to get
    too much into the future over shit and not to get stuck in
    past bullshit.

    ### - lovely book, good story, absolutely nothing wrong with it!

    plus imho that's exactly what he was saying!

    stop being 'confused: just be here now! :)

    And it is very easy to do that. Especially
    when you want to be RIGHT. Both of you two love to be
    the 'right' one. example: "i'm right motherfucker"! "no
    i'm right fuckwad". Let's argue about nothing with 15
    responses here and blow alot of time pulling our puds.
    Hey remember energy? How much do you have to piss away
    over nothing? Heavy heavy BELIEF thinking you are right.
    Ya just might be wrong, you just might have come to the
    WRONG conclusion. I wouldn't hold on to being right about
    anything. EVERYTHING can change in moment's notice.
    Be ready to alter your decision, view, position, etc etc,
    adapt to now, not back then. Be here now knuckleheads. lol!

    ### - much better! stick to your guns + you tell 'em cowboy!

    don't take no shit from no knuckleheads hehehe :)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to david.j.worrell@gmail.com on Thursday, May 31, 2018 13:21:09
    From: slider@anashram.com

    ### - no jeremy, you're going out on a huge limb here quite unnecessarily, there's no need for all this except perhaps in your pedantic-type paranoid reasoning, as both chris & i are, ahem, fully grown up peeps who are
    perfectly able to laff & joke around on this so-well-known subject without getting into danger, ok? i mean duh! give it a fucking rest already! we're
    not talkin' Nietzsche here! :)

    i know you 'think' you mean well, but in truth *you're* the one who's all messed up with and by all this, not us! we're just horsing around having
    fun here throwing these concepts around, and i for one don't appreciate
    being jumped on and lectured each and every time when even just the very
    'idea' crops up?? piss off!

    imho, alpert was alright! and if he wants to describe his own personal experiences in india in hindu-type related terms then that's fine by me,
    having made some small study of inian history, their religions & beliefs myself, i think i know what he's talking about in the way he & they both
    mean it in that 'very flowery' 10,000+ year old language of theirs, facets
    of which there's absolutely nothing wrong with! they have 'their'
    long-evolved (& evolving) 'conceptualisations' and we have ours! to the
    point that the world is literally 'full' of such man-made things! wading waist-deep in them we are! (well, chris & i are actually surfing on 'em
    heh, but that's another story + your teabreak's nearly over lol...)

    truth is, every culture has its own stories right? its conceptualised
    ideas about what life, the universe & everything is supposed to be all
    about, right? - and 'believe' me (a figure of speak only heh) ours is just
    'as flowery' (if not as wacky) as theirs is! - 'coz the world of 'ideas'
    is NOT the same as the underlying real world reality!

    now what's so hard (or difficult) about that??

    the only 'real' problem, is that we're reduced to using 'words' (i.e. conceptualised ideas) to communicate with, so we have to know before we
    even start that ya can't take anything too literally! (this being the
    basis of my thing that all words are lies etc...) and because take things literally and ya ends up in wallyworld every time!

    so ok, at some point chris gots around to considering 'imagine no
    believing' + what would life be like under such circumstances... well
    isn't vinny actually doing something very similar right now, and writing
    out what he considers might just be key ideas that could possibly also
    liberate others in the way he now feels liberated? isn't he just also saying/suggesting that it's entirely feasible to just drop all that crap
    and be/live more in the now (belive versus believe? smile...)

    and if the fucking indians were talking 'bout all that too 10,000 years
    ago in that fancy fuckin' language of their, then so what? virtually
    'every' culture worldwide has some reference to this/aspects of this, and
    as such we have to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater
    when it comes to examining shit!

    have personally only really ever discovered just the ONE 'Truth' jeremy:
    that humanity has its head stuck up its arse and as a consequence only
    ever sees its own shit (heh) - only that doesn't absolutely have to be
    (nor remain) the case indefinitely... (nurse: the culo-expander please!

    plus it's not like you're even offering anything better! except maybe the eradication/extermination of Art, Poetry & Literature in the process
    merely because YOU don't understand it??

    and so now ya also wanna BURN the book 'Be Here Now' as well???

    feck off! - it's a lovely book! a most unusual book! a beautiful book! :)

    is actually a work of Art!

    (you're dumping on Art jeremy! that's how 'wrong/off' you are!)

    On Thu, 31 May 2018 06:41:29 +0100, Jeremy H. Denisovan <david.j.worrell@gmail.com> wrote:

    Look guys... you were both talking about having "no beliefs".
    But then you BOTH ended up defending this "be here now" *belief*.
    Apparently without noticing any contradiction?

    This is one reason I was concerned about beliefs. :)
    Many, many people are irrational as hell about their beliefs.

    And 'Baba Ram Dass' goes far beyond merely saying "be here now".
    His book is full of many, many other beliefs, really wild ones.
    Reminder, you were both claiming you wanted "no beliefs", right?

    For example, just a few pages into his book, the Baba says:
    "energy = love = awareness = light = wisdom = beauty =
    truth = purity... It's all the same."

    That's not only a basketful of beliefs, it's metaphorical gibberish.
    Ram Dass makes claims such as that if "you have left the gravitational
    field of time and space" then you can see "karma unfolding" in
    such a way in which "this life is only part of a mosaic".
    Here he professes his belief in karma and reincarnation.

    I will remind you once again, you were wondering what it would be
    like to get rid of "beliefs", and yet... just a little later you're
    both defending this "be here now" belief from Ram Dass, whose book
    is an endless series of metaphysical and religious beliefs. Weird.

    Getting "stuck" obsessing on *anything*, including the past, future,
    *or present*, isn't great. There are times when it's necessary to
    focus on the past, and times when it's good to focus on the future.

    For example, if you sit down to create a resume, or write your
    autobiography, or balance your checkbook, etc. you'll find it is
    necessary to focus on past actions, although you'll perform
    the activity itself in the present (again, there is no way
    to actually perform an activity other than in the present).

    And if you want to take a week-long trip somewhere, unless you
    carefully plan a route encompassing everything you want to see
    in an efficient way and make all needed reservations, I guarantee
    you'll have trouble that could have been avoided by taking time
    to focus on planning the future in an orderly fashion. Go ahead,
    try always just showing up in the "now" for anything you decide
    you want to do, without first focusing on the future long enough
    to get reservations, tickets, and/or detailed info about where
    you're going, and find out what happens, compared to how it goes
    with good planning.

    I know what happens because when I was young and foolish I tried
    many times to do things spontaneously in the moment - since it was
    my natural style. I got turned away from stuff I wanted to do
    several times because I hadn't prepared for the future situation.
    I'm still a big fan of leaving some space for spontaneous actions,
    but I also learned that it's effective and often quite necessary
    to spend some time focusing on the hypothetical future and
    planning for at least the general framework of what you'll need
    in advance.

    Remember the Boy Scout motto: be prepared. :) Your FOCUS
    when preparing is on what you expect to need in the future.
    That's different than just "being here now".

    There are actually few things one can do in the moment that
    do not simultaneously require at least some focus on the
    near future and/or the recent past.

    For example, playing a song. When a band counts off "1, 2, 3, 4"
    before the song, they do that in anticipation of a near-future
    moment when they'll all begin playing at the same time.
    The singers have to remember the lines in each verse, the players
    have to remember the chords, melodies, and beats (past memory)
    and they must all anticipate each near-future moment when they'll
    all break into the chorus or the middle eight at once (or all
    stop playing at once). And they figured all that out and practiced
    it in the past, prior to performing it in public. Thus, playing
    a song is a flow that requires remembering the past and executing
    in the present, while anticipating the near future.

    This isn't rocket science. We do not simply go through life only
    "being here now". One more example. I might plan to give Vicki's
    daughter a birthday gift on her birthday next week. To do that,
    I will first give some thought as to whether in the recent past
    I've heard her mention anything she wants, and if I recall
    anything then I'll plan to make a purchase to have it arrive
    in the near future, in time to give it to her next week.

    Are you getting it yet? Most things we do are like this.
    I could easily create dozens of similar examples.

    *Beliefs* like "be here now" sound good until you start thinking
    about them realistically. But if that belief is bogus, it doesn't
    mean all beliefs are bogus. Most beliefs are natural and logical,
    so much so that people often don't even notice them.


    Using Opera's mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/

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  • From Jeremy H. Denisovan@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 22:41:29
    From: david.j.worrell@gmail.com

    Look guys... you were both talking about having "no beliefs".
    But then you BOTH ended up defending this "be here now" *belief*.
    Apparently without noticing any contradiction?

    This is one reason I was concerned about beliefs. :)
    Many, many people are irrational as hell about their beliefs.

    And 'Baba Ram Dass' goes far beyond merely saying "be here now".
    His book is full of many, many other beliefs, really wild ones.
    Reminder, you were both claiming you wanted "no beliefs", right?

    For example, just a few pages into his book, the Baba says:
    "energy = love = awareness = light = wisdom = beauty =
    truth = purity... It's all the same."

    That's not only a basketful of beliefs, it's metaphorical gibberish.
    Ram Dass makes claims such as that if "you have left the gravitational
    field of time and space" then you can see "karma unfolding" in
    such a way in which "this life is only part of a mosaic".
    Here he professes his belief in karma and reincarnation.

    I will remind you once again, you were wondering what it would be
    like to get rid of "beliefs", and yet... just a little later you're
    both defending this "be here now" belief from Ram Dass, whose book
    is an endless series of metaphysical and religious beliefs. Weird.

    Getting "stuck" obsessing on *anything*, including the past, future,
    *or present*, isn't great. There are times when it's necessary to
    focus on the past, and times when it's good to focus on the future.

    For example, if you sit down to create a resume, or write your
    autobiography, or balance your checkbook, etc. you'll find it is
    necessary to focus on past actions, although you'll perform
    the activity itself in the present (again, there is no way
    to actually perform an activity other than in the present).

    And if you want to take a week-long trip somewhere, unless you
    carefully plan a route encompassing everything you want to see
    in an efficient way and make all needed reservations, I guarantee
    you'll have trouble that could have been avoided by taking time
    to focus on planning the future in an orderly fashion. Go ahead,
    try always just showing up in the "now" for anything you decide
    you want to do, without first focusing on the future long enough
    to get reservations, tickets, and/or detailed info about where
    you're going, and find out what happens, compared to how it goes
    with good planning.

    I know what happens because when I was young and foolish I tried
    many times to do things spontaneously in the moment - since it was
    my natural style. I got turned away from stuff I wanted to do
    several times because I hadn't prepared for the future situation.
    I'm still a big fan of leaving some space for spontaneous actions,
    but I also learned that it's effective and often quite necessary
    to spend some time focusing on the hypothetical future and
    planning for at least the general framework of what you'll need
    in advance.

    Remember the Boy Scout motto: be prepared. :) Your FOCUS
    when preparing is on what you expect to need in the future.
    That's different than just "being here now".

    There are actually few things one can do in the moment that
    do not simultaneously require at least some focus on the
    near future and/or the recent past.

    For example, playing a song. When a band counts off "1, 2, 3, 4"
    before the song, they do that in anticipation of a near-future
    moment when they'll all begin playing at the same time.
    The singers have to remember the lines in each verse, the players
    have to remember the chords, melodies, and beats (past memory)
    and they must all anticipate each near-future moment when they'll
    all break into the chorus or the middle eight at once (or all
    stop playing at once). And they figured all that out and practiced
    it in the past, prior to performing it in public. Thus, playing
    a song is a flow that requires remembering the past and executing
    in the present, while anticipating the near future.

    This isn't rocket science. We do not simply go through life only
    "being here now". One more example. I might plan to give Vicki's
    daughter a birthday gift on her birthday next week. To do that,
    I will first give some thought as to whether in the recent past
    I've heard her mention anything she wants, and if I recall
    anything then I'll plan to make a purchase to have it arrive
    in the near future, in time to give it to her next week.

    Are you getting it yet? Most things we do are like this.
    I could easily create dozens of similar examples.

    *Beliefs* like "be here now" sound good until you start thinking
    about them realistically. But if that belief is bogus, it doesn't
    mean all beliefs are bogus. Most beliefs are natural and logical,
    so much so that people often don't even notice them.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to david.j.worrell@gmail.com on Thursday, May 31, 2018 14:44:51
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Thu, 31 May 2018 06:41:29 +0100, Jeremy H. Denisovan <david.j.worrell@gmail.com> wrote:

    For example, playing a song. When a band counts off "1, 2, 3, 4"
    before the song, they do that in anticipation of a near-future
    moment when they'll all begin playing at the same time.
    The singers have to remember the lines in each verse, the players
    have to remember the chords, melodies, and beats (past memory)
    and they must all anticipate each near-future moment when they'll
    all break into the chorus or the middle eight at once (or all
    stop playing at once). And they figured all that out and practiced
    it in the past, prior to performing it in public. Thus, playing
    a song is a flow that requires remembering the past and executing
    in the present, while anticipating the near future.

    ### - this is a particularly good (and bad) example jeremy, because in
    truth i only really ever learned to 'play' music when the chord shapes, fingering & even the rhythms were, through long practice, forced 'below'
    the level of 'conscious' manipulation?

    ditto for learning to drive a car; if you had to consciously think of
    every tiny + precise movement you have to perforce make while driving
    (100's of tiny coordinated/polished movements) you'd be a beginner again
    and crash!

    we walk and we don't really know how we do it?

    ditto our very lives, and we don't examine it!

    we're conscious only of things like going to the shops to buy something
    and asleep to everything else!

    thus to 'be here now' refers to rousing from that slumber, from being an unthinking automaton caught in some societal rut they didn't even ask you
    if you wanted to be part of...

    WE DON'T HAVE TO DO IT! (was actually the essence of buddha's message

    and perforce life (and the experience of it) is very different after that!

    i.e., this isn't a matter of getting involved in more 'beliefs', but more
    a case of un-tangling ourselves from the ones we were already caught up in!

    'be here now' thus means/= drop all that! to stop indulging in a sensation
    of being in-control! of 'planning' shit! - you can't play music like
    that?! (nor even drive a car...)

    (cue the 'dance of life' perception etc, cue the world of Art...)

    no it isn't rocket science: if anything it's actually the *absence* of
    rocket science altogether!


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  • From waltkowaski@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, May 31, 2018 08:45:17
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    How could anyone ever take your posts seriously after that admission?
    Trump has already told thousands of lies, and that's exactly why
    I refuse to accept him as our country's rightful leader.

    romance with reality grasshopper?
    don't look now but he is the president.
    rightful? what he really did lose the election?
    there i've given you the title of your next book.

    A Romance with Reality by dancing Dave. :)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From waltkowaski@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, May 31, 2018 15:45:16
    From: allreadydun@gmail.com

    so what is a belief? where the hell does it come from?
    FROM what authority??
    It comes from thinking.
    You think the same thought over and over and
    then boom: you come to a conclusion (belief).
    Oh shit it must be true because little old me me
    thought it. By golly my mind is never wrong.
    Ha ha, if it was only that easy.
    No one can disprove there is a God.
    They all hide behind the thought that there
    is a God. The Bible told me so and so did all
    the tyrants of time throughout history. God damn it,
    it must be true. Would i lie to you honey? lol!
    When people lie they actually don't KNOW any better.
    They believe their own bullshit. Then (much latter)
    we find out what is real. If you live a life of sincerity
    it means that you have the courage to admit that you
    blew it sometimes so you have to admit you were wrong.
    So what? You're wrong or incorrect, ok stand in line
    over there and face the firing squad you piece of shit.
    Lighten up and get use to the fact that not every
    thought or belief you have is where it's at.
    We don't encourage people to admit they are wrong,
    this is why we have the congress and senate people
    we have today. I won't even go into Trumpski. Son of
    a bitch god only knows what he thinks. :)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From Jeremy H. Denisovan@1:229/2 to waltkowaski on Thursday, May 31, 2018 16:45:39
    From: david.j.worrell@gmail.com

    On Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 3:45:17 PM UTC-7, waltkowaski wrote:
    so what is a belief? where the hell does it come from?
    FROM what authority??
    It comes from thinking.
    You think the same thought over and over and
    then boom: you come to a conclusion (belief).
    Oh shit it must be true because little old me me
    thought it. By golly my mind is never wrong.
    Ha ha, if it was only that easy.
    No one can disprove there is a God.
    They all hide behind the thought that there
    is a God. The Bible told me so and so did all
    the tyrants of time throughout history. God damn it,
    it must be true. Would i lie to you honey? lol!
    When people lie they actually don't KNOW any better.
    They believe their own bullshit. Then (much latter)
    we find out what is real. If you live a life of sincerity
    it means that you have the courage to admit that you
    blew it sometimes so you have to admit you were wrong.
    So what? You're wrong or incorrect, ok stand in line
    over there and face the firing squad you piece of shit.

    Yeah, I call that an aspect of integrity.
    The flip side of it is that whenever you claim you're right,
    you back it up with a lot of good evidence that you are right.

    Lighten up and get use to the fact that not every
    thought or belief you have is where it's at.
    We don't encourage people to admit they are wrong,
    this is why we have the congress and senate people
    we have today. I won't even go into Trumpski. Son of
    a bitch god only knows what he thinks. :)

    Below is a minor example of the kind of thing that could appear
    in a book I might write on the subject of Belief:

    What believing in God Does To Your Brain: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/what-believing-in-god-does-to-your-brain-a6950956.html

    I won't elaborate on what I'd have to say about this, but it hints
    at one reason WHY humans are so prone to supernatural beliefs.
    I think there are several different factors that all combined to
    make it prominent in human development, and this result hints
    at one of them. Btw, this is also a perfect example of what you
    will NOT find in Vini's book. I'm not sure I can recall there
    being even a single reference or footnote anywhere in his book.
    If I completed a book, by contrast, about 1/3 of the tome - and
    yes it would be a 'tome' extremely long and complex - would
    consist of references, footnotes, and indexes. :)


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to david.j.worrell@gmail.com on Friday, June 01, 2018 05:58:09
    From: slider@anashram.com

    ### - i've nothing more to add jeremy, and 'coz you're not really taking
    it all in and/or interested (in Art) anyway, and are now basically just
    looking for someone to wipe your mouth out on... and i ain't gonna indulge

    the main thing being you've stopped pounding on matey and that's all i
    really cared about anyway...

    i do, however, think your obsession with trump IS really becoming
    ridiculous, especially now you're literally injecting the subject into
    each & every single post you reply to 'as-well'?? not to mention all those
    long rambling daily rants of yours you insist on subjecting us all to?
    (100' & 100's & 100's of 'em?? for 2 YEARS??? jeez...)

    i mean lol, talk about 'force-feeding' peeps shit?? where's anyone's
    'choice' in that!? :)

    imho it's an attempt at 'brainwashing' us on your part! pure & simples!

    else the record is just... stuck?

    either way it's pretty damn tedious!

    and ya need to get over it before ya drive yourself (and everyone else)

    On Thu, 31 May 2018 23:25:19 +0100, Jeremy H. Denisovan <david.j.worrell@gmail.com> wrote:

    On Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 10:14:24 AM UTC-7, slider wrote:
    On Thu, 31 May 2018 15:53:51 +0100, Jeremy H. Denisovan

    On Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 5:21:14 AM UTC-7, slider wrote:
    ### - no jeremy, you're going out on a huge limb here quite
    there's no need for all this except perhaps in your pedantic-type
    reasoning, as both chris & i are, ahem, fully grown up peeps who are
    perfectly able to laff & joke around on this so-well-known subject
    getting into danger, ok? i mean duh! give it a fucking rest already!
    not talkin' Nietzsche here!

    The fact that you contradicted yourselves every time you tried to
    on the subject (and refused to even listen to my attempts to dig
    into the real issues deeper) proves that this isn't "unnecessary".

    ### - oh don't be so daft heh... admittedly there is, however, a kinda
    contradictory/paradoxical element to Art if only because Art isn't
    something rational per se that can be duly defined & nailed down... and
    in fact the very criterion that 'makes' it Art! and which is something
    have to allow for whenever appraising it... Art is 'subjective' not
    I wasn't talking about 'Art'. That's just one of your smokescreens
    attempting to derail the real discourse. It's just as idiotic to try
    to equate 'art and religious belief' as it is to try to equate 'religious belief and science'. If that's what you're now trying to do now?
    No surprise. With you, there's "no error of reasoning unturned".

    i know you 'think' you mean well, but in truth *you're* the one who's
    messed up with and by all this, not us! we're just horsing around
    fun here throwing these concepts around, and i for one don't
    being jumped on and lectured each and every time when even just the
    'idea' crops up?? piss off!

    I don't think you even "meant well".

    You refused to contemplate the deeper concepts I wanted to discuss
    and now say "piss off, we were only horsing around". Yes, exactly,
    you were only horsing around with issues that are genuinely deep
    and embedded in virtually every aspect of life, and at first your
    only reaction was to try to "prove me wrong". (You've tried that
    a hundred times without ever succeeding, one would think you'd get
    tired of banging your own head).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/2)
  • From slider@1:229/2 to All on Saturday, June 02, 2018 05:10:08
    From: slider@anashram.org

    ### - omg! is there anything 'more revolting' that these 2 'snobs' with
    their noses firmly stuck up each other's arseholes brown-nosing each

    ewwwww! (shudder...)


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  • From slider@1:229/2 to thangolossus@gmail.com on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 01:03:34
    From: slider@anashram.com

    On Wed, 13 Jun 2018 00:23:31 +0100, thang ornerythinchus <thangolossus@gmail.com> wrote:

    Lonely echos from a council flat. Who cares...

    ### - you, enough apparently heh, to reply to 4 only to call me names?? :)

    plus, of the many subjects covered in all those posts that you 'could'
    have chosen/selected to reply to, you opted for only the most mundane
    things to get worked-up over?? (not a lotta intellect going on there then innit! lol)

    sorry, can't really be bothered dealing with such mundane shite thang...

    ya really gots to try and up your game sport? it's pitiful! there's no content??

    and 'coz merely shitting outta your mouth don't really cut it mate


    plus it's around now, i suppose, that we can expect your more usual, eyes rolled back in your head, monologue re the universe and the long telephone numbers involved you get so impressed with like it actually fucking
    'means' anything more than mere masturbation alone for all the good it'll
    ever do you or anyone come to that heh... mental masturbation to make
    yourself 'feel' better?? hahaha!

    side note: have you ever noticed how 'dumb' people almost 'never' get

    hahaha :D

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  • From thang ornerythinchus@1:229/2 to All on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 07:23:31
    From: thangolossus@gmail.com

    On Sat, 02 Jun 2018 05:10:08 +0100, slider <slider@anashram.org>

    ### - omg! is there anything 'more revolting' that these 2 'snobs' with
    their noses firmly stuck up each other's arseholes brown-nosing each

    ewwwww! (shudder...)

    Lonely echos from a council flat. Who cares...


    This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus

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  • From thang ornerythinchus@1:229/2 to All on Friday, June 15, 2018 18:22:37
    From: thangolossus@gmail.com

    On Wed, 13 Jun 2018 01:03:34 +0100, slider <slider@anashram.com>

    On Wed, 13 Jun 2018 00:23:31 +0100, thang ornerythinchus ><thangolossus@gmail.com> wrote:

    Lonely echos from a council flat. Who cares...

    ### - you, enough apparently heh, to reply to 4 only to call me names?? :)

    Why not? It means fuck all on the net, people taking their own lives
    because of some insult real or perceived on the NEt is too fantastic.
    It's just me insulting you after you insult me and so on ad infinitum.
    Just a lot of electrons whizzing around at semi-relativistic speeds
    making pictures in your mind and mine, which are not real.

    The only thing you have ever pissed me off about is your bullshit
    attitude to all those holiday makers shot out of the sky by some
    Russian barbarian, accidental or not. You need to face reality on
    that one, anything else you've pulsed at me has been like being hit by

    plus, of the many subjects covered in all those posts that you 'could'
    have chosen/selected to reply to, you opted for only the most mundane
    things to get worked-up over?? (not a lotta intellect going on there then >innit! lol)

    Nope I didn't choose. I'm busy doing things I like to do in my
    semi-retirement and choose to respond about once a week or so, which
    indicates my involvement in this NG. It's an aside for me but of
    nostalgic value and I don't mind the interactions either, otherwise I
    wouldn't be here.

    I'm basically taking the piss Slider. You of all people should
    recognise that.

    sorry, can't really be bothered dealing with such mundane shite thang...

    ya really gots to try and up your game sport? it's pitiful! there's no >content??

    and 'coz merely shitting outta your mouth don't really cut it mate

    Lol. Stop taking the piss re: MH17. Stop with the shit about GRU
    claims about a false flag or anything but the truth and reality, which
    is some fucking barbarian cunt who probably uses a toilet bowl as a
    washbasin pressed a button and doomed little kids from a first world
    country to a very premature, nasty death.

    I almost wish there WERE a hell so these cunts could fry, nice and


    plus it's around now, i suppose, that we can expect your more usual, eyes >rolled back in your head, monologue re the universe and the long telephone >numbers involved you get so impressed with like it actually fucking
    'means' anything more than mere masturbation alone for all the good it'll >ever do you or anyone come to that heh... mental masturbation to make >yourself 'feel' better?? hahaha!

    Read above. No monologue there I can see, just sharp relevant point
    about a fuckwit trying to troll with a limited intellect and a
    shitload of frustration.

    side note: have you ever noticed how 'dumb' people almost 'never' get

    No. More productive things to do with my ever-decreasing time.

    hahaha :D

    Hear the echos...

    “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

    Leonard Cohen

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