Thang thusly plagiarised:
How American woodland Indian tribes such as the Iroquois treated their
war captives:
"Captured warriors were often subject to preliminary torture during
the return journey of a war party. When the party arrived at the home
village, the prisoners were beaten by running the gauntlet into the
village. At a council, the warrior prisoners who survived these
initial torments were distributed to families who had recently lost
men in warfare. After these prisoners were ritually adopted and given
the name of the family’s dead member, they were usually tortured to
death over several days. The victim was expected to display great
fortitude during these torments—taunting his torturers and expressing contempt for their efforts. When the prisoner was dead, some parts of
his body were eaten (usually including his heart)."
Keeley, War Before Civilization, 84.
Note: Of the approximately 230 tribal groups that Keeley studied
throughout the world he found only 8 “that sometimes spared male adult captives for any reason” (213).
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