• Re: Still kickin' Brian? (2/4)

    From He Who Sees All@1:229/2 to All on Thursday, March 06, 2025 17:07:53
    [continued from previous message]

    you get the script even though it's a bit harder over there in

    Or, prove me wrong and upload a fucking pic with your nick next to it.
    I did it, Jeremy did it a while back (it's street legal where he is,
    mine was dealer stuff we only got medical a few years back)!

    i may indeed have a license for
    this currently but that doesn't mean i'm suddenly switching into
    activist-mode heh, have only tried this out of curiosity more than
    anything else, just to see if it's real or a scam, and have ignored all
    such adverts until now thinking to steer-clear of putting my name to
    anything illegal, i like to smoke it but i still respect the law enough
    not to walk down the street openly smoking it, or rubbing it in the
    of the local constabulary either, imho all that would be just taking the >>> piss and am not like that, nor am i one to abuse my privileges either... >>>
    e.g., and this is a true story that has always stuck with me from 30
    ago, someone i know was sitting on the grass in a large open public area >>> larger than a park, it was a lovely sunny summer's day and he had a book >>> and a sandwich and a very small amount of hash to smoke, no one's even
    sitting nearby... he drinks his tea, eats his sandwich and rolls a small >>> joint and is sitting there quietly enjoying himself and the weather,
    absorbed in his book... meanwhile, 2 policemen are creeping up on him
    behind and he doesn't even notice them until one of them leans down and
    says to him: is that cannabis you're smoking??

    you can imagine my friend's reaction, he looks around and looks up at
    these 2 coppers and because of his surprise he says, oh c'mon, i'm not
    bothering anyone here, am i? i'm just enjoying the weather and having a
    little smoke, i'm not troubling anyone, what is this??

    one of the cops goes-through his stash-tin, finds his little pea-sized
    of hash and says to him, so is that all you've got?? and then almost in
    whisper: so don't you think it would be better if you smoked that at
    'home' mate??

    whereon my friend caught their drift and immediately complied, packed up >>> his items in a rush(including his little bit of hash) got in his car and >>> fucked-off grateful for the break, and they didn't nick him or
    his gear or anything, except to give him that directive?

    and this story stuck with me see because it's right, my friend wasn't
    doing any harm but that's not really the point, it's not legal to do
    openly here yet and to do so is to be taking the piss, the clear
    implication being that they're not gonna bother you quietly doing that
    your own home or for such a small amount, they obviously realised
    what he was doing and why, and that he wasn't really doing any harm...
    just don't take the piss mate, alright?

    so no, i wont be posting any pics (yet) thang, not from the uk where
    still feel somewhat uneasy about these things, if/when they change the
    then everyone will be doing it but until then i'm not here to wind them
    or take the piss, i have no axe to grind or any feelings of resentment
    even though they did pinch me a few times for almost nada, am an
    thang, not an outlaw ;)

    on another note hehe... my new prescription has just arrived today a
    week early lol, 3 new types and a repeat order of the candy store, 40g
    all... the hindu kush (pure indica) am currently smoking is very good so >>> far, smile...

    Bullshit. Or post a pic. But I say, bullshit :)

    the sun has suddenly started shining through my window and everything's
    all glowy and calm :)

    as for the tubs they come in there's 2 sizes, a taller one and a short
    one, and are exactly the same as the one shown in that review video i
    posted before, plastic and vacuum packed, strongly sealed prolly along
    with a squirt of nitrogen or carbon dioxide for shelf-life/preservation
    it can take a while to begin reacting with the air again, but it's defo
    doin' summat! :D

    Nope, here 15g is 15g, same size tub, sealed with aluminium foil,
    small buds dried and grown in Canada. I don't look at reviews just
    grateful for the tubs delivered to my door. I have a card and a
    script carry both in my wallet.

    online reviews for this strain mention it can be trippy? i hope so coz i >>> rather like that effect, some people can get a bit paranoid/anxious
    if/when it gets too trippy but i actually like all that, it's nice to be >>> looking around at an altered world feeling like some kinda alien
    anthropologist visitor heh, and not many weeds can do that... thai
    grass/sticks being the only one consistently doing it, at least for
    moi, i
    mean yeah it was freaky the first few times, and very hard to remain
    composed kinda thng, but like most things you eventually get-used to it
    and the dread goes away...

    the trick being to deliberately look outward at what you're seeing
    of inward and how you're feeling; the more you can ignore the 'self' and >>> look-away from it the less it bothers you, and coz all that
    crap/side of things is only ever associated with the self...

    Bullshit again, straight from online reviews. Post a pic. What's the
    harm? If I'm wrong, I'll straight up apologise and we can get on with
    it comparing the quality and so on, but I just don't believe you mate,
    I don't. I smell a rat. And I don't know why, it seems compulsive
    with you...

    e.g., instead of focusing on how awful i felt (i've got some great
    about struggling with all that heh, with thai-grass particularly) i
    instead set out on an adventure, meaning the world appears to work in a
    different manner when you're in that altered state, even physics isn't
    exactly the same? so because of that whenever it got trippy i'd set out
    find/discover things, hidden things, unusual books, potentially magical
    items, anything with a mysterious feeling to it at the time...
    nonsense, i
    know, but some of the stuff i'd come back with from these 'excursions'
    actually even quite good on occasion, carlos castaneda's first book
    among them and that's always been a great story, and am possibly only
    talking to you now because of one of those trips-out into the unknown ;) >>>
    certain weeds can still trigger that experience... who knows, maybe
    joining this clinic is even what this is all about (i've been wondering
    why it's happening kinda thing) and any minute now am gonna hit the
    jackpot of an excursion lol :)

    well, one good J of this has indeed altered my perception, not massively >>> though, the best ones usually requiring only the one to know everything
    about it...

    For a seasoned smoker, a number or a pipe won't do much except make
    you stoned, more vivid music noise colours etc, better taste and a
    body stone, but that's about it. In truth, I'm not a big smoker
    anymore, it's prosaic. I'd rather have a cold beer.

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-DOS v1.05
    * Origin: you cannot sedate... all the things you hate (1:229/2)