• =?UTF-8?Q?=28IV=C3=81N=29=3A_His_TREE_lied_over_the_Sinai=E2=80=99s_des

    From valarezo@1:229/2 to All on Monday, June 28, 2021 11:12:35
    From: valarezo7@hotmail.com

    Sábado, 26 de Junio, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

    (Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

    His TREE lied over the Sinai’s desert to sweeten bitter waters of Marah: you with loved ones and The EARTH entirely:

    The tree of life was lying in the Sinai's desert for hundreds of years, if not thousands, to be picked up by our heavenly Father and His children, because it lay over Sinai’s desert representing the multitudes from the families of the nations antique
    and modern that needed to be rescued from sin, for they had been thirsty and hungry for life through endless-ages. For our heavenly Father had been waiting for someone from the entire human race to be worthy to take the tree from the Sinai’s desert
    lying there for centuries into Canaan with the families of the nations dead in their sins, for failing to know His holy name fires and His baptism that can save them from death, sin and hell’s fire instantly.

    Really, our heavenly Father searched through the generations to see if anyone was ready to work along with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may pour His holy heart upon the earth, specially into Canaan, so He may finally bring back to
    life His children lost to Lucifer and his lies thus they may live again in paradise. However, our heavenly Father’s tree continued to lie on top of every grain of sand through the Sinai’s desert that represented a lost soul that was one of His
    children lost to Lucifer and his lies that Eve believed along with Adam that ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thus to give them life again.

    However, our heavenly Father refused to stop searching throughout the earth for someone willing to work with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so He may begin to do the salvation work necessary to have His children returning to paradise, so
    they may see life with Him again, for He longed to see them again perfect and holy as before. Really, our heavenly Father needed someone willing to go with Him along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to pick that tree lying in the Sinai’s
    desert, so He may continue to do the salvation work that needed to be accomplished throughout the Sinai’s desert, so He may finally save His children from Lucifer’s lies, curses, poverty, death and hell’s torment.

    Certainly, our heavenly Father needed someone to sit with Him at the Lord’s Table to eat with Him His bread and wine of life that is always served by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven’s glory for the angelical hosts, so they may remain perfect and holy
    to love, serve and worship His holy name fires over His altar with amazing richness. Besides that, our heavenly Father needed to feed His children His bread of life and the cup of wine from the Lord’s Table although they were already lying in hell’s
    torment for failing to know Him and His Son, but, if He can manage to feed them from His meal then they may see life again, and this time forever in His new earth.

    Nevertheless, for this to happen, then, He needed to start to feed them with someone that was willing to sit with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to eat His bread and wine that will fill His children with His sacred-flesh, the unbreakable
    bones and the atoning-blood that will remove sin from the world forever in one day in Canaan. Really, our heavenly Father needed to feed them from Himself as from His holy-seed that was going to be born from His glorified-body that has always known love,
    peace, prosperity, richness and endless happiness with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical host faithful to His holy name fires through eternity over Jerusalem’s holy cross at His home-sweet-home.

    Surely, our heavenly Father saw the entire Sinai’s desert could be filled with Himself for His children lying dead in the sandy desert by feeding them with His bread and wine from heaven’s glory, so He may grant them life again throughout the earth,
    but He needed someone worthy to sit with Him at the Lord’s Table, and He found Abraham at last. Nonetheless, our heavenly Father needed to sit at the Lord’s Table to eat from His bread and wine not in the Sinai’s desert where His children have been
    lying there for centuries, if not millenniums, instead, He needed to sit at the Lord’s Table with Abraham in Canaan thus He may feed the world with His own sacred-flesh and life finally abundantly in Canaan.

    Really, for our heavenly Father to turn the entire Sinai’s desert, as the kingdom of darkness is, into paradise with His tree lying over the land of the dead with His children there hopeless through the generations, then He could serve daily the Lord’
    s Table with bread and wine to every lost soul in hell’s torments thus to see life again soon forever into everlasting. However, for our heavenly Father to have this done throughout the Sinai’s desert, including the earth’s heart as the Valley of
    the dried bones in those days, then, He had to have not only Abraham eating with Him His meal, but also, He needed His own children born from Him in Canaan feeding life into the desert and the entire earth as well.

    Besides that, our heavenly Father needed to have His rock of salvation giving His children to drink from His water of life thus to quench their thirst throughout the Sinai’s desert but also through the families of the nations, so they may finally
    return to Him filled with His life eternal that defeats Satan, death and hell’s torment forever. Seriously, our heavenly Father not only needed the Sinai’s desert to become the Lord’s Table for the ancient and modern families of the nations already
    lying there lost forever because of their sins to have fail to know His holy name and water baptism, but also, He needed to fill it with His rock’s living-water for life to thrive forever in His new earth.

    Really, our heavenly Father needed to feed from Himself, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to every grain of sand lying in the Sinai’s desert that is hell’s torment for the ancient and modern families of the nations that needed to eat from His
    bread and wine served always at the Lord’s Table to see life again with Him soon through eternity. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed His children to see life again, but not the life received from Adam and Eve initially that ate from the forbidden
    fruit in paradise, defying His perfect will in heaven’s glory as Lucifer did along with one-third of the angels, instead see life with His own life that is His holy-seed given to you as His bread and wine.

    Nevertheless, our heavenly Father needed to feed from heaven’s glory His children born from His image and His living-soul that is the manna that He normally eats every day with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and with His loved ones throughout
    the earth as they love, serve and worship His holy name fires with perfect holiness over Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan. Certainly, this is from where our heavenly Father needed to feed every man, woman and child from ancient and modern families of
    the nations His bread and wine, because He brought the Lord’s Table to them throughout the Sinai’s desert, thus they may eat from His holy-seed to see life again in heaven’s glory forever blessed with their loved ones into everlasting.

    Therefore, it is important for you to become reborn from the water baptism by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error where you will thirst and starve to death for the sacred-
    flesh and the Holy Spirit to eat from His meal to see life enriched always, starting now. Surely, it was important that our heavenly Father called Moses to Mount Sinai granting him His holy name fires that Israel needed as well you and loved ones
    nowadays to become baptized in water to abandon the sinful-life to receive the virgin life eating His meal blessing His name for richness to be possible with you and everyone else always throughout the earth.

    Really, as you may take the bread and wine as you may eat from your dining table, then our heavenly Father is feeding you from His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, as His bread and wine descending still from heaven’s glory over the desert of your
    sins for you to see life enriched always, thus you will never thirst and starve again through life forever. Truly, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham abandoning relatives and friends for the land that He will show him to live with
    his family in Canaan, because He needed to sit with him at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine thus bringing the King Messiah from heaven’s glory with life eternal forever for everyone on earth finally.

    Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to grant unto Abraham His rock of salvation, because he needed three lamb sacrifices with their halves opposing each other along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, because He was sending
    His only beloved Son born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac thus for His life eternal to fill the earth with richness lastly. Really, this rock of salvation needed to be taken by Abraham’s children through the Sinai’s desert as citizens of Canaan
    enriched each day to conquer the earth’s heart each step towards Canaan inhabited by wicked nations practicing witchcraft, thus causing it to fail to fill the earth with milk and honey, your amazing-richness nowadays, therefore, He needed to liberate
    it with His Son’s virgin life.

    Historically, it was Adam’s innocence that lost paradise to Lucifer and his lies through the old serpent deceiving his wife Eve the virgin from paradise that our heavenly Father needed it (paradise) taken again by a virgin from Canaan the earthly
    paradise with His only Son born virgin, lived virgin, baptized virgin and died virgin defeating Satan, sin, death and hell to retake paradise finally. Thus, our heavenly Father needed to fill Canaan with His bread and wine as Abraham and his 318 adoptive
    children (bought with money from outsiders) sat at the Lord’s Table to eat with Him, but also, He needed to fill the Sinai’s desert descending into the Valley of the dried with His manna for life to thrive successfully throughout the earth’s heart

    For our heavenly Father needed to have His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb walking through the Sinai’s desert eating His manna from heaven’s glory and drinking from the rock of salvation, but also, He needed Isaac walking with them towards
    Canaan as the Angel of the Lord finally to defeat Satan, sin, death and hell’s torment with His glorified-body. For this is our heavenly Father’s glorified-body that through the water baptism by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God
    of Jacob you may receive it with eternal life doing His perfect will through your life defeating Satan, devils and death, thus enriching you with great richness that enriches the earth entirely for His coming kingdom of love for you.

    Therefore, our heavenly Father was determined to have His Son Jesus Christ born again as His only begotten Son from David’s virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit’s powers thus He may finally bless, enrich and empower every man, woman and child that was
    once lying in the Sinai’s desert as a lost sand grain to see life again in His new earth. Really, this is you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from earth lying in the Sinai’s desert into the millions of sand grains thirsty and hungry
    in need to be fed by our heavenly Father through His holy-seed, that is Isaac’s sacred-flesh, eating His bread and wine, the manna: granting life in Canaan filled with endless richness through eternity for you.

    Consequently, the eating of our heavenly Father’s meal over the Lord’s Table was important in Abraham’s days and through the Sinai’s desert, the Valley of the dried bones and in Canaan, but it is also important in our days to eat the manna from
    heaven’s glory anywhere thus to become enrich, finally enriching the earth entirely for His coming kingdom that loves you passionately always. Truly, by every man, woman and child eating from our heavenly Father’s bread and wine then you are
    replacing the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate in paradise that is in you causing you to sin, so you may live a wonderful life, where you will receive richness leading towards heaven’s glory to know only love, peace, prosperity and endless
    happiness through eternity.

    Definitely, everybody baptized in water by invoking our heavenly Father as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to eat the bread and wine that He has granted us thus to eat from His holy-body that is perfect glory and endless righteousness
    within us, then, we will live without sin thus to know the richness that belongs to us in Canaan. Understanding that, our heavenly Father had Abraham with his only son Isaac lying over the wood at Jerusalem’s holy cross, resting at Mount Moriah,
    because He needed to pour His holy heart’s perfect will that is the oath sworn to Isaac that you will receive to do His perfect will always throughout the earth until His kingdom of love for you may come finally.

    For these are the words that will not only our heavenly Father will speak to Abraham and to his children through generations but also the prophets, starting with Moses, that will be written in His book the Bible, so you may speak His every word with your
    mouth, because these are His words that bless human life throughout the earth, finally enriching it forever. That is to say, that once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, then, you are in His holy-seed that is Isaac’
    s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood emerging from His glorified-body to become your holy-body, replacing the sinful one thus you may speak His words for power to be with you always, destroying evil and doing good.

    [continued in next message]

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